Chapter 16

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Riley and Maya were seated in topanga's finishing there last bits of homework. Many people think they're crazy for doing homework on friday nights. But they have the entire weekend off while others are struggling with the homework combined with a horrible hangover. Riley glanced over to her blonde best friend sitting next to next to her. She was writing down some answers for her Spanish homework. Which was a peace of cake for Maya. Riley bitnher lip nervous. She wanted to tell Maya about her plans with Lucas. But she was affraid of her reaction. Was she gonna think it's too soon? That they were too young? Lucas was eighteen, Riley was gonna be in a few months. Riley bit her lip insecure and eventually turned to Maya. "Lucas and I are taking a big step in our relationship" Riley anounced. Maya snapped her head up. "He didn't ask you to marry you right?" She asked cocking an eyebrow. Riley chuckled and shook her head. She dropped her pen and sat back in the brown chair. "No, we planned on doing.......'it' tonight" Riley confessed. Maya widened her eyes. "You? You and Lucas are know!" Maya said surprised. Riley nodded. "Wow, I didn't expect that from you" Maya said putting her papers down. "Why?" Riley asked confused. "Well first of all: you're Riley, the most innocent person I know. Second off all: I always assumed you'd wait until marriage" Maya shook her shoulders while looking straight at her best friend. Riley fiddled on her necklace she got from Lucas. "I know I said that once but....Im ready and I wouldn't want it with anyone else but him" Riley said smiling looking down at the silver heart around her neck. "Then I'm happy for you" Maya said nudging her best friend, Riley giggled and hugged the short blonde. "Now let's finish this so you can go sleep with your boyfriend" Riley laughed and nodded agreeing before taking her homework in her hands again.

"Hey Zay?" Lucas asked. The darker boy looked up from his phone. It was just the two of them since the rest of their friends were out. All doijgnsomething else. But Lucas always felt like he had a closer bond with Zay since they both grew up in Texas. They've bin friends since kindergarten. Yet he still hasn't told him about Riley. "Did you ever have sex?" Lucas asked curious. Zay started laughing. "Yeah that's a good one" Zay shook his head chalking and focusing on the game. Lucas took the remote and paused it. He putted down his remote and took away Zays. "I'm serious" Lucas said looking straight at Zay. "no...why?" Zay asked. "How would you want to experience you first time?" Lucas counted asking. "Dude why do you sound like a sex Ed teacher?" Zay asked frowning confused. Lucas rolled his eyes. "Could you just....tell me" he asked again, Zay sighed and sat straighter. "Ok, I'd take it slow, not too rough. Make sure I know what the girl wants, take it easy cause it hurts for girls and overall enjoy it" Lucas smiled. "Wow that's....that's great Zay thanks" Lucas patted Zays back and started the game again. But soon Zay paused it again. "Why are you asking this all?" Zay asked still confused. "Oh just....for a friend. Someone you don't know" Lucas lied. He hated lying to Zay but it was to protect his relationship with Riley. Cause when it came to secrets: Zay was the worst in keeping them. "We'll tell you "friend"" Zay said putting up airquotes. "To make sure he really loves the girl and is sure. The first time is something you're gonna remember forever" There was an awkward sicken after that. Lucas look down at his feet and bit the inside of his cheek. Trying so hard not to tell the truth. Eventually he was the first to restart the game and trie dot keep the evening as smooth as possible.

Once Zay had left he texted Riley that he was alone home. Parents were in Chicago, sister in collage. He sends the cook, butler and maid home early so they wouldn't tell. After fifteen minutes the bell rang. With full speed he ran to the door and pulled it open. "Quick, come in befor anyone sees you" Lucas said pulling his girlfriend inside. "Nice house you've got" Riley said looking around. "Thanks, a little big for when I'm alone. But I've got you now" he said smirking. Riley turned around and he saw that she had a big smile on. "Drinks?" Lucas asked. Riley nodded and while Lucas got drinks she installed herself on the couch. "Alcohol or not?" Lucas yelled from the kitchen. Riley thought about it. She's had a drink before. Champagne on bussines parties are her thing. She loves the sparkly feeling. "Depends" she yelled back. Seconds later Lucas came out with two glasses of champagne. "Because you love it so much" he said. Riley giggled and he handed her a glass. "Fancy" she said. She had dressed up in a pretty pastel dress. He was in his nice pants with white shirt. "You look beautiful" Lucas said. "thank you, you look handsome yourself" she complimented him. Lucas nodded thankful and putted his glass down. "I talked to Maya tonight" Riley said. "You talk to Maya every night" Lucas said. Riley chuckled and shook her head. "No about tonight" Lucas nodded. "Good, it proves you're comfortable with it" Riley smiled and scooted closer. "I love you, do I mention that enough?" Lucas asked. Riley blushed and nodded. "Every day. And I love you" she answered. Lucas smiled satisfied and they both leaned in. Their lips connected and they wrapped their arms around each other. The kiss soon deepened and soon Lucas started planting kissed on Riley's neck u till he found her sweet spot again. Riley moaned soft and tilted her head back. She ran her fingers through Lucas his hair. "You haven't shown me your bedroom yet" she whispered. Lucas kissed his way back up and finally pecked her lips. "Let's go them shall we" before Riley could answer he lifted her off the couch. She giggled and wrapped her legs around him. They continued their make out session while Lucas carefully carried her upstairs.

Riley collapsed onto Lucas and fell down next to him. Both breathing heavily and sweating they laid there for a few minutes. "Wow" Was the first thing to come out of Lucas his mouth. "That" Riley added. Lucas chuckled and wrapped his arms around Riley's bare body. "It felt so amazing, having you that close" Lucas whispered soft. Riley smiled and stroke her thumb across his cheek. "I'm glad you are my first" She whispered back looking straight into his eyes. Lucas smiled and planted a soft kiss on Riley's lips. He pulled her closer and after they pulled away she burried her head in the croack of his neck. "I'm glad you were my first too" Lucas whispered. He kissed Riley's head and they laid down until they eventually fell asleep.

A/N: so I hope you like it, I found out I lost this chapter when I wanted to update this chapter so I had to rewrite it. It suck when I suddenly loose chapters. In other news you guys choose for a sequel on one of my finished books so I'm gonna let you choose between a sequel for 'mistakes' or 'Lost & Found'. I also have descriptions:

Reality > sequel to Mistakes
Eveything is going well for Riley. She's happily married, has a beautiful little girl, a steady job just like her husband. She feels like the happiest woman alive. Until Riley's worst nightmare comes true. Something happens with Alina that makes Riley shut everyone out including Lucas. She lives in fear and sadness to loose her little girl. Meanwhile Lucas tries to keep himself strong while he searches for help for his family. On top of that: Maya and Farkle are fighting and their relationship is threatening to break. What was once a happy time, will now be replaced by reality.

Past & Future > sequel to Lost & Found
Riley and Lucas welcome their little bundle of joy to the world. They are as happy as ever but being a parent brings a lot of stress. On top of that they still have to take their finals to get their degree. After that Lucas still has to do his major. But the worst is yet to come. When Lucas his uncle comes out of jail he wants to protect his new family from him. What he de doesn't know is that his uncle used to be a gang member that kept Riley locked up. Lucas would do anything to protect his daughter and wife. Even if it means giving up on his dream and going back to being a cop. Because of this all, Riley tries to forget about her past and think about the future. But it's not that simple when they're a lot of weight on her shoulders.

These are what I came up with. If you've got some other ideas or requests send them through message or in the comments. Now I want to say this:
What the hell happened America? I thought Trump running for president was a joke but him actually winning? Tell me if you voted or could vote: who would you vote for?

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