Chapter 7

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Another week passed by and art class was next on Riley's schedule. She had bin avoiding Lucas all week. But she couldn't get the kiss out of her head. Dammit why was he so darn irresistible. She took a deep breath before walking into class. "Oh Riley, great that you're here already" the teacher said. She asked Riley to her desk. "Lucas handed me your project earlier since it was pretty big. And I have to say: I'm impressed. You two make very good partners. Too bad things didn't work out." Riley frowned. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well...Lucas gave me a tape. Where you twowere fighting in the paint. Now I have to say it was like I was watching a music video, you two looked so amazing and in love. And the kiss in the end just blew me off. Definitely when I remember the situation of your family's. You two are like Romeo and Juliette" the teacher clapped her hands exited. "I'm exited to see more ms. Matthews" she pointed towards Riley's seat so she could go sit down. Totally caught of guard, Riley walked to her sea t and saw Lucas was already writing something down. She sat downwind turned to him. "You gave her a tape?" She whispered. "Yeah, that was kind of the plan right?" He asked. "Do you know our kiss is on that tape?" Riley asked. Lucas his eyes widened. "I thought I cut it out" Riley shook her head. "Ms. Tanner just confronted me with it" the teacher clapped her hands demanding silence. "Ok class. Thanks to a certain project I received I have a new assignment ready. You guys are gonna draw down your feelings. Put down what you're feeling. That could be anger" she started walking around the class. "Happiness, fear..." She stopped at riley and Lucas their desks to speak without looking in eyes. "Or love" Riley and Lucas avoided each other's gazes. The teacher turned away and walked towards the board. "This is an assignment without your partner." She looked around the class. "Ok, you can begin"

"Ok, brushes down. Leave your painting to dry, I'll take it home later today" everyone did what the teacher told them when the bell rang. Riley slipped everything in her bag and wanted to run out. But Lucas blocked her way out. "Here" he slipped a little note in her hand. Riley frowned and he ran off before anyone could see them. Riley opened the note:

Meet me at your spot, tonight at ten.

"What'd you got there?" Maya asked. Riley quickly crumbled the paper and shoved it in her jacket pocket. "Oh nothing, just a number from some guy. But I'm not interested" Riley lied. Maya hooked their arms. "Ok, two more hours to go before we can get out of this hell hole" Maya said. Riley forced a smile and Maya dragged her along. Riley looked behind her and saw Lucas glancing at her. He gave her a smile and before she could smile back Maya pulled Riley around the corner.

"So in 1812..." Riley dozed off in class. She couldn't stop thinking about what Lucas would possibly want to see her. She could feel his eyes burning on her back. The teacher kept rambling about the war of 1812. As much as she wanted to concentrate, she just couldn't do it. She couldn't hel herself but glance over to Lucas. He immediately tore his eyes away from her and looked at the front of the class. Riley quickly looked away as well. Finally the last bell rang and every student jumped up and ran outside. She gathered her books and walked out of the class as last. She had a few hours before she had to meet up with Lucas. She met up with Maya and they decided to get some coffee at Topanga's. "So I saw your uncle a few days ago" Riley hummed a response. "Riles, you're not happy? He actually talked to me!" Maya said exited. "Yeah yeah, that's good" Riley said. They walked into Topanga's. "I thought you'd be happier for me" Maya asked crossing her arms. "Sorry peaches, I'm just a little tired" Riley said, they sat down in their regular seats and ordered from Maya's mom. "So what did he say?" Riley asked. "He would love to hang out sometime! But he didn't give me his number. Is that a bad sign?" Maya asked. "Oh no, Josh is very forgetting. Here" Riley wrote down a series of numbers and gave it to Maya. "Call him" she said. "But what if he thinks I'm desperate?" Maya asked. "Just ask him if he's seen your.....wallet. Tell him you've lost it!" Riley said. "Ok" Maya dialed the number and stood up to talk in private.
Riley sat back while waiting and wondered some more about her meet up with Lucas that night. But was it a date? Or does he need to tell her something. Probably to back off. Maybe change partners. Maya jumped into the seat next to Riley. "Uncle boing wants to hang out tomorrow, how about you stay over tonight and prepare me" Maya suggested. Riley's eyes widened. "No!" She said a little too convincing. Maya frowned. "I mean, I can't. I promised my mom I'd... Do some..stuff for her" Riley lied. "Can't you pay someone to do it?" Maya asked. "Nope, I have to do it. Sorry" Riley lied through her teeth. She quickly took a sip from her coffee to prevent her from spilling the truth. No one could know she and Lucas were meeting up.

Lucas was sitting at his dining table, eating the delicious food their cook made. "You've bin silent honey, is there something wrong?" His mother asked. Lucas looked up. " I'm....just gonna miss my sister" Lucas hugged Emily who was sitting next to him. She cringed. "Yeah, somethings up with him" she said while pushing him off. "What? All these years you ask me to be nice and now that I am too think somethings wrong?" Lucas said offended. "Yeah I do, so spill it" his sister said crossing her arms. "There's nothing wrong, now if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna go over to Farkles house." Lucas stood up and walked out of the dining room. His mother followed him. "Lucas honey, if there's something wrong you can always tell me" she tried to comfort him. He slipped on his jacket and took his keys. "Mom trust me, nothing so wrong. I'm just a little tired" Lucas lied. "Ok, be home on time ok?" She kissed her son on the cheek and Lucas left.

A/N: New part! I posted two AU's on tumblr and I'm planning on posting more soon! If you have requests on there you can always ask. I hope you enjoyed this part, more coming later this week.

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