89. Pleased + 99. Embarrassment (Felix)

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You sat on your chair, intently watching your favourite television show, only to be broken out of your trance by your phone ringing. Your hand picked up your phone and glanced at the I.D number.

Isaac Gates +x (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Without another thought, you clicked the green button in elation.

"Isaac- I mean Felix! Great to hear from you-" You went to continue but stopped when you heard gunshots, grunts and screams. "Felix, are you...fighting?" It took a few seconds but you finally received your response.

"Yes and I am kicking this guy's ass!"

"W-What? Felix that's-that's dangerous! You shouldn't be doing that."

"Babe, don't worry about it, I am fucking awesome, there's no way...no way these guys could even scratch me." You worried at his pause but knew that no matter what you did, he wouldn't stop.

"Ugh, Felix." You sighed. "So...how's your mission going?"

"Great, it's so fucking easy, I swear to god these soldiers just keep getting worse. I could- wait a second. Locus is saying something." There was a long pause before Felix talked again. "Locus these guys can't even beat me when I'm talking to my girlfriend, what makes you think that they can beat me while I'm using one hand?"

"FELIX! You're fighting with one hand? WHY? WHY? WHY? Ugh, why?"

"You know you love me."

"Hey (Y/N)." You ignored the screams in the background.

"Yes Felix?"

"I'll trade you dick pics for nudes."

"W-W-What? F-F-FELIX!"

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