Stop trying to kill me!!!

Start from the beginning

"I need to introduce myself to the newbie."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't."

"Yes I freaking do and unless you want your little toys to still compliment on your pretty little face, I would recommand you shutting up or there might not be a face to talk about, so help me God." I hissed and glared at him. His eyes widened and he hurridly nodded and backed off. I smirked, smoothing down his shirt I grabbed and walked off like a boss. I stopped by the newbie's booth, smiling sweetly as I slid into the opposite seat from her. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised and looked at me bored.

"Can I help you?"

"Not really. I just wanted to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Tara... I don't really know my last name at the moment." I offered her my hand. She hesitantly took it.

"Blaze Arusadawn." I smiled widely.

"Cool! So why are you here?" She rolled her eyes.

"My parents moved me and my family here because they thought it would be a 'terrific experiance for us kids!' Yay!" She faked enthusiasm. I laughed.

"Sucks for you. I get to do whatever I want."

"Lucky. So if you could do whatever you want, answer this. Why are you here?" I frowned.

"I... honestly don't know. I came here for my adoptive family but they kicked me out. I'm eighteen so I am legally able to take care of myself. Nothing is really holding me here, is there?"

"Actually Rebekah will kill in a entirely grusome manner if you even think of ditching. Hello darling. My name is Kol Mikaelson." Kol interrupted my thoughts and slid in beside me. I scowled as he kissed the back of her hand.

"Boyfriend?" She asked me with an amused look as she took her hand back. I gagged and Kol frowned with a disgusted look.

"Him? And me? Oh, I think I'm going to be sick!" I felt severly ill at the thought of Kara. Or would it be Tol?

"Please, she is way to insane for me. Plus she's spoken for."

"Say what?" That's news to me! He smirked at me and turned to Blaze.

"We're more like frenemies I believe is the term people use. If I had my way, I would've been able to torture her in many, many humilating ways."

"Love you too man. I'm staying at his house with his sister after one of his brothers offered me a place to crash. It's rather weird to explain." I smiled awkwardly at her. She nodded slowly.

"So which brother are you dating? Or is it the sister?" My mouth fell open and Kol burst out laughing.

"Oh my god. I'm not dating anyone!" I rushed out with my face slowly turning into a tomato. Talijah/Elara would be really weird. Tabekah/Rebera is just... not happening. Taralaus/Taranik/Taurus/Klatara/Tikky/Taus/Nikara/Santara (santa and I)/Klara is just a weird thought. And what is weirder is all the names I came up for me and Klaus. Uh...

"Than who's the one that is spoken for you?"

"I don't know. It's news to my ears." I shrugged as we both turned to the nonchalant pyscho. He smirked and ruffled my hair.

"So naíve." I scowled and shoved his hand back to him.

"Hands off buddy. So who are you with?" Her smile faded a little and her blue eyes fixated on me.

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