Food Fight

935 27 3

WARNING: unedited because I'm lazy oops. Sorry if there are typos
I plop down on the couch next to your boyfriend Jacob. I lay my head on his chest while he strokes his fingers through my hair.
"I'm bored," I look up at him. "Same." He looks at me back.
After a few moments, I gasp.
"I have an idea," I get up and take Jacob's hand. I lead him to the kitchen and take out stuff to bake a cake. I set the stuff on the table and look at Jacob.
He raises an eyebrow. "LETS BAKE A CAKE," I say too energetically.
//half an hour later//
"Jacob can you fetch me the eggs," I ask Jacob from across the counter. "Sure thing, baby."
Jacob walks to the fridge and all of a sudden I feel something hard hit my back. It drips down my back.
I turn slowly and angrily to Jacob to see him holding in his laughter with a carton of eggs.
I looked at him with the angriest look I could possibly make. I didn't say a word but just turned around and kept mixing the batter. Jacob comes around and puts his hand on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "Are you okay baby girl? I'm sorry I did that it was stupid, I won't-"
As he was apologizing, I turned and poured the batter on his head. He's shocked at first but then just cleans the batter in his eyes. He smirks.
"Can I have a hug?"
I laugh a little and back away. "No I'm good," I continue to back away.
"Why," Jacob crept closer, "I love you." He reaches out and I run around the house. Jacob chased after me leaving footprints of batter everywhere.
I get back to the kitchen and slip on batter. I fall with a loud thump on the floor and suddenly feel Jacob trip over me and land on my back. We laugh uncontrollably.
We then hear footsteps coming in the kitchen. We look up to see my mom, jaw dropped, looking all over the kitchen.

"What the heck happened here...."

For @Asanda_EvanStan  ❤️❤️
Thanks for the requests! Requests are still open so comment down below¡
I'm sooo sorry for the slow update I just have been busy and I'm having problems with the other species so it's stressing me out.
26k ahhhhhhhh
✌🏻️💖, Marisol

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