"Let's just hope they...." I said motioning to all the kids. "Don't think like that because there is too many of them to be bailing out of jail." I said laughing.

"So..... how's Enzo doing and I'm not talking about the flu, I'm talking about the other thing........" Devin said quietly.

"He's acting as if everything is coo, he's just been getting ready for this surgery. But I keep thinking about  what's going to happen if he gets the surgery and the cancer comes back.......... then there's Tia. Like I get that she wants to help but every time she comes around I feel like there's an ulterior motive. Do you think I'm being crazy?" I asked looking at Devin.

"Nah..... I've met Tia and there's definitely some ulterior motive. I mean there's being helpful and then there's what she's doing, who the fuck wears butty shorts in the middle of winter? But Enzo isn't worried about her so you have nothing to worry about." Devin said, I sat there thinking about everything he said when Liberty bust through the door with two big bags in her hands. "Umm what's that?" Devin asked.

"Candy for my babies." Liberty said and I knew it was time to go.

"Aight bro I love you but I'm not about to stick around for this......" I said quickly walking out the house because I knew those kids were about to be bouncing off the walls. When I got home Lorenzo was up walking around, he still looked sick but a whole lot better than when I left.

"Baby I think your mom tried to poison me...... I can't feel my tongue." He said and I started laughing my mom's Sickness Soup should be classified as a dangerous chemical and outlawed in most states, but I'll be damned if I've never felt better after eating some. "What does she put in that shyt?" Lorenzo asked.

"Shrimp, Chicken, some vegetables and a bunch different spices...... and a Carolina Reaper the hottest pepper in the world." I said shaking my head. "I bet you're feeling better though....... at least until you have to go the bathroom." I said laughing at his expression.

"Let's go upstairs we can watch 'The Notebook' I'm still a little drowsy, but I couldn't sleep without you next to me." Lorenzo said trying to kiss me but I backed up.

"I love you but you're contagious and I don't wanna be sick on Christmas." I said but he looked so hurt that I caved and gave him a quick peak on the lips. "If I get sick I'm fucking you up." I said seriously.

"When I get better I'm fucking you........" Lorenzo said smiling. "Oh before I forget I need a huge favor. I need you to pick up Cardo and Dro from the airport in the morning, I would do it but....." Lorenzo started fake coughing and looking at me. "I'm sick."

"Boo you whore." I said laughing.

"That's it we're watching 'Mean Girls' instead." Lorenzo said pulling me to the couch. I laid on his chest and we spent the rest of the days watching movies, everything was peaceful in our lives for the most part I just prayed it stayed that way...............................................


I felt like a bitch for letting those nigga run me out of my hometown, but I would go to the ends of the Earth if it meant being with Nico

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I felt like a bitch for letting those nigga run me out of my hometown, but I would go to the ends of the Earth if it meant being with Nico. As I loaded up the rest of the car, a man approached me and asked my name when I told him he handed me an envelope and walked off.


If you're reading this then something went horribly wrong and I'm dead. I have only two regrets the first being that Marcus didn't know just how much I truly loved him and the second being that I couldn't hurt Khalil..... but you can finish my work, I granted you your freedom so as one last favor I want you to hurt Khalil where it hurts most...... not Marcus or his kids because I know that would devastate Marcus and I couldn't do that to him. But there is one person other that Khalil loves more than himself, someone you know very well thanks to Nico....... if you do this for me then everything I owned goes to you, I have a friend that will ensure it's done. I'm sorry for dragging you into this but I was desperate. Signed Julius.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how he meant and I'd gladly do it...... but it would have to wait, I wanted them to get comfortable and forget about me before I made my move.

"Hey you ready to go?" Nico asked walking out to the car.

"Of course baby?" I said kissing him and putting the letter in my jacket. I wasn't going to let this beef die but if being in jail taught me nothing else, it taught me patience and I couldn't wait until the day I could finally kill Devin Cunningham.................................................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now