Energy: Q&A Part 1

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Purple Ninja: Hello fellow readers!! Welcome to the question and answer segment of ENERGY!!

[Audience: *cheers and applauses*]

Purple Ninja: Alrighty! Should we bring out the cast?!

[Audience: *cheers*]

Purple Ninja: Haha alright let's...BRING THEM OUT!!

[Cast comes out and audience cheers]

Purple Ninja: Welcome one, welcome all! Haha wow small cast!

Lloyd: Well the mission was classified from everyone else and so is my relationship with Alex so pretty much.

Purple Ninja: True, true. So! Do you guys know how this works? If not, welllll there's 20 questions but! We'll start with 8! Sound good?

Cast: Sure!

Purple Ninja: Cool! Alright first one is from tmntfangirl5 and she says, I ask this in everyone buuuuuut, Lloyd and Alex, do you plan on having kids? And if so, what Gender? If not, why?

Lloyd: K-kids??

Alex: Um... It's kind of soon to think about that, but...

Lloyd: I agree.

Alex: Yeah. I'd like kids. Gender doesn't matter. I don't want them to grow up under gender expectations.

Lloyd: Yeah i agree with Alex on that too. :)

Purple Ninja: Wait till they become teenagers XD but thanks for the question tmntfangirl5 ! Next up is for you both again and she asks, Do the ninja still know about you two till now?

Lloyd: I...wanna keep us a secret from them. For now at least. It's weird.

Alex: I'm alright with it. I'm used to low key relationships anyways.

Purple Ninja: Well don't worry, I made son arrangements and they won't be seeing this interview!

Lloyd: *relaxes* that's a relief. I mean it's not that I don't trust them, I do, but I'm not ready.

Purple Ninja: Nothings wrong with that Lloyd :) when you good, you good xD so! Next question? This one is for Alex! He says, If there's any mission you would have wanted to join Lloyd and the ninja on, which one would it be?

Alex: I would've liked to be there with the whole Serpentine issue was going on. I have helpful tools for them, and I also think I would've liked to pick on Lloyd when he was small. *smirks*

Lloyd: Hey!! Where's the fun in that!! *folds arms*

Alex: what! Sometimes messing with kids is fun. Especially you! You're cute when you get annoyed.

Lloyd: B-but I-I ugh. *pouts*

Purple Ninja: haha you guys are so cute! Next question is for you two again, this fan says, I REALLY SHIP YOU GUYS!! SO! I wanna know if there's any date plans coming up!!! :DDD

Lloyd: *chuckles* Alex wants to be in charge of date plans coming up.

Alex: Yup! Date night? Well.. this weekend we were planning on going out for dinner, but now we're thinking about a home movie night with snuggles. And kisses. Lots of kisses.

Lloyd: *grins* Hershey Kisses *kisses Alex*

[Audience: AWW!]

Alex and Lloyd: *laugh*

Purple Ninja: ASDFGHJKL STAPH YALL TOO CUTE!! Haha next question is for Lloyd! If you would pick any kind of candy to give to Alex, anything special, what would you give her?!

Lloyd: Chocolate :D

Purple Ninja: Yall like chocolate a lot huh? Haha okay next one is for Alex! Alex, how long are your missions normally?

Alex: My missions usually last a few days. The longest was a week and a half. I prefer to complete them with an in and out fashion.

Lloyd: Try a month

Alex: Stop being a show off

Lloyd: *sticks out tongue*

Alex: *rolls eyes*

Purple Ninja: Ahaha alrighty then! Next question for Alex again! So, Alex, things aren't weird for you and Jason?

Alex: No, we're still friends. He's like a brother to me almost. *smiles at him*

Jason: Yup :)

Purple Ninja: Coolio! The next question is the last one for now but any of you two can answer it, this fan says, The comic book part was ADORABLE!!! If Alex could be any manga character who would it be?!

Alex: If I was a manga character, I feel like I'd be Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail. She's strong and dependable, and I like to think that I am too.

Lloyd: Oh yeaahhh!! You would be like Ezra! She's one of my favorite characters,'re my favorite.

[Audience: AWW]

Alex: really...trying to be cute?

Lloyd: I try *shrugs*

Alex: Yeah you do XD XD

Lloyd: Aha you act like her sometimes too.

Purple Ninja: Hate to break up the moment guys but I gotta pull on a commercial break. We'll be right back folks!

[Audience applauses]

Commercial Break:

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