Energy: Alternative Breakup Scene

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A/n: sup guys! :) so this is just an alternative breakup scene for the energy book if you thought that the breakup with Jason was sorta...harsh xD soooo yeah! This is what happens if Jason broke up with Alex! :3 I only wrote the breakup scene not the rest of the chapter so it should just fit. But yeah guys! Comment which one you think is better! :D

You were in your samurai Z cave working on a new mech, also trying to figure out what was going on in your mind with the whole Jason and Lloyd thing. Your dad already
came down to give you advice but now all you needed was to heed it.

Ugh but who to choose! You sighed and put the blow torch down and take the welding mask off. This was a really hard decision. You just didn't like to break hearts. It's not who you were. You first thought about Jason. He had been for you through everything. He really cared about you. "Alex?" "Yeah Jason?" "While you were on your mission, I watched from the screen, and I was scared. Scared for you. It takes guts to tell someone you're scared, but I really was, you almost got killed and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you left."

You felt heat rise up to your cheeks as you heard his words. You reach for his hand and hold it in yours. "I was scared too, scared I'd never make it back, but here I am! And I wouldn't have made it without you guys. So thanks, for being there for me." You say with a smile. Jason smiles back, "Well no problem, I care about you." He says and you blush harder. Jason chuckles seeing your face turning crimson red, he gets up from his swing and helps you stand up. "Awe! I liked the swings!" You said and he sticks his tongue out teasingly. He really was a great guy. Always made you smile.

But of course, he always proved to you his love for you. You giggle and rest your head on his chest since you two were really close. "Do you hear that?" He asks you. You don't hear anything at first but then you hear a pounding in his chest. You smile and look up at him, "Your heart?" You guess and he smiles and nods.

"Just being here with you makes it beat, but you know what makes it beat faster?" "What?" "When we do this." He said then connects his lips to yours. He kissed you sweet yet soft. He then let go and you smile as you lean your head on his chest again to heart his heart thumping faster than earlier. You two stand there in the sweet moment until Jason let's go and runs off on the playground. "A side!!! We gotta go on this one Alex!" He cheers as he goes up the tall slide. You laugh and catch up to him again.

You had flashbacks about Jason, thinking about how you felt about him. You then thought about Lloyd. You smiled as you closed your eyes and thought about everything. His smile, his green eyes, his blonde hair and his deep voice. Maybe while you were with Jason all this time, your thought of Lloyd would never escape your mind.

As Lloyd carried you in silence you start to feel bad for snapping at him. "I'm Sorry." You said and he gave you a small smile. "I know you are. But it's fine, you were in pain, you said the first thing that popped in your head." He says and you were surprised at his response but it was true. You couldn't help but smile, Lloyd really was different from every other guy. He was surprising yet amazing to you somehow.

"Cool! Looks like I found a bench!" He says and carefully sits you down. You wince has he helps prop your legs on the bench. Lloyd then pulls a roll of gauze from his pocket and begins tending to your ankle. You watch as he carefully wraps it around your ankle. You then started to feel heat rise up to your cheeks as you watch Lloyd. You weren't starting to feel different about him...were you?

You open your eyes, realizing you had a flashback. So, you've thought about Lloyd before. You close your eyes again, hoping for another lost flashback with more answers. "Lloyd! My ankle is broken and half my gadgets and weapons are used up right now! There's no way I can do this on my own now." "Are you hearing yourself right now! You're Samurai Z! The best samurai in the land! You can do anything!" "I'm....not Samurai Z...I'm not Samurai Z." You say with a tear sliding down your face.

Lloyd pauses for a minute, "Who are you then?" He asks you. "I-I'm just....Me." Lloyd gives you a smile, "Then be the best you, you can be." He says and then his video gets static. "Hey! No phone calls in here!!" You heard Leiko say as she took the watch from Lloyd and made sure the camera was facing him, so you could watch Lloyd get his powers start draining. "NO! LLOYD!! I NEED YOU!! NOOOOOOO!!" You yell with agony as tears slid down your face as the Green Ninja was getting...weaker.

You opened your eyes again, remembering how terrible you felt seeing Lloyd getting his powers taken. Maybe you cared about him so much that maybe you might just love him too. All these thoughts and heart palpitations just made your head and chest hurt. Just then your phone rang. You pick it up and see that the caller ID was Jason's. No butterflies. "Hey Jas." You greet him.

"Alex I...need to talk to you..could I come over?" He said sounding pretty unhappy. "Uh sure, I'm in the cave." "Alright. See you there." He says before hanging up. You wondered what could be wrong. You decided to continue welding and at least try to get the foot of the mech going. 15 minutes later and the doors to the cave open. Jason walked in and you smiled at him and put your welding tools down to give him a hug.

"Hey!" You greet him and give him a hug. He doesn't hug back and that's when you sense it's probably about you. You let go, "What's wrong?" You looked at his face and it looks like he had been crying because his eyes were a little red from tears. "W-we...can't continue on like this.." He said and you raise your brow in confusion. "Continue what on?" "Us..our relationship...not like this.." Your heart drops to your stomach.

"You love Lloyd! And he loves you back!! I can't be in a relationship if I'm not being loved like I used to!!" He says with tears falling down his face. "No!! I don't love him I swear! J-Jason please.." You say with tears falling down your face. "Don't lie to yourself Alex! I know you do! And there's nothing you can do about it now." "N-no Jason please! It isn't Lloyd's fault-" "I agree. It's not his fault.."

You begin to sob and you embrace Jason tightly. This couldn't be happening. You hated drama and this one was just the worse. "Jason.." You said in a whisper. "Alex..I-it's okay. Your heart wants someone...someone else. You shouldn't ignore it, follow it. My heart...wants to your friend instead."

You let go of him and shake your head no. "I-i can't..right now. I-i need more time to figure all this out." You say with a sniff. Jason nods and wipes his tears. "Good luck with Lloyd..but you'll know where I'll be." He says as he hugs himself and walks out of the cave. You run to the couch and hug your pillow as you just cry. You could use Jessie right about now.

You grab your phone and call her. It rings a few times before she picks up. You try to calm down so you could say something but it was hard. "Let me guess..first breakup?" She said. "Mhm.." "Already on my way." She says then hangs up. Eventually she arrives to the cave and runs to you and gives you a warm hug on the couch. You cry on her shoulder and she rubs your back.

"H-he broke up..W-with me..B-because he thinks that...I love Lloyd! He..he couldn't be in a relationship with M-me like that...S-so he..he wants to be friends...B-but I told him I-i can't...right now!! It suckssss!!" You say Inbetween sobs. "Just give it some time lex. What's the rush on choosing a boy? Just give or take a few weeks without them." Jessie says handing you a tissue. You blow your nose and continue crying.

Just then, coincidentally! The doors to the cave opened. You were still crying in an embrace with Jessie so you couldn't see who it was. But you heard who it was, "There you two are! Alex's dad said you two were down here!" Lloyd Garmadon himself. You cried harder. "What's wrong with Alex?!" He asks concerned. "Lloyd!! Not now!" Jessie says. "But what's-" "Lloyd!! I'll explain later! Just leave." "Alright.." He says with a sigh then leaves.

This was all too much. It took you 2 weeks to recover but after those weeks of no boys. You realized that Jason was right, everyone was. You did like Lloyd. So, you decided to talk to him. You just hoped that your heart was right.

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