Earth: Cole Gets Overprotective

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You were on your way to the school so you could help out your partner Ricky on a dance he's having trouble with. You were actually still surprised as to why he asked for your help because he was better then you when it came to dancing! You decided to help him out anyways because he helped you big time at the showcase and you wanted to return the favor.

You entered the dance studio and saw Ricky stretching. He stopped and smiled when he saw you enter. "There you are Chloe! Thanks again for helping me out." He says and you smile and put your duffle down. "No problem Rick! I owe you one anyways. So! What dance you need help with?" You say and he nervously scratches the back of his neck. "It's a uh another Spanish dance, it's the uh Flamenco." Your eyes widen in surprise.

"But Rick! You're better at Spanish dance class then I am! I don't think I can help you on this." "You can do it! I've seen you on showcase night, you were incredible! I don't think there's anyone else in the class that could help me out but I know you can!" He says in honesty but you still felt doubt.

"Well where's Señora Maria?! Can't she help you!?" "She can't make it today but I have to get started with something! And besides! We're partners right? We're kinda already in this together." He explains and you frown.

"Oh....oh alright. You helped me out and I'm gonna help you out." You say and he smiles widely. "Thank you so much Chloe! We'll have tons of fun I promise!" He says and you chuckle and then you two begin to practice. About a half hour later you two decide two decided to end it for the day and practice again tomorrow. "I kinda see why you're having trouble on it, your parts are pretty tricky and so are mine of course. But maybe if we do it step by step we should be able to get it in no time!" You tell him and he smiles.

"Thanks again Chloe. I knew you could help me! I definitely owe you one." "Now slow down! We're barely even at the halfway point of the dance so don't thank me yet! And you already owed me one! I can't thank you enough for the help you did at the showcase!" "Well then how about I thank you by buying you some chamomile tea." He says and you get surprised.

He wasn't asking you out...was he? "No thanks Rick you don't really have to do that." "Please Chloe! I seriously owe you one for all of this and it is the least I can do. You don't have to worry about paying! The place is right across the street from campus!" He pleads. You think for a minute and decide to only go as friends. "Oh alright. I guess I kind of am craving some tea." You say with a smile and he cheers.

You both grab your duffle bags and head across the street to a tea café. When you two entered the café he told you to grab a seat and he'll stand in line. You agreed and found an open table to sit. While waiting you played around with the charms on your charm bracelet and smiled at each one. Eventually Ricky came back with two camomile teas and he handed you your cup.

"Thanks!" You say and take a sip. "So, what are you planning on doing after you're done with Marty." Ricky asks and you think for a minute. "I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll try to get into art or something." You said and Ricky seems impressed. "You draw?" "Yeah!" "What do you like to draw?" "Horses, dragons, and hybrids! I brought my sketchbook actually, i could show you some of my drawings if you want." "Yeah! I wanna see!"

You reach into your duffle bag and pull out your sketchbook that you bring with you everywhere and give it to Ricky. You happily show him all your drawings and he is impressed at each one. Once you were done showing him you returned your sketchbook back inside your bag. "You are freaking talented." He says and you chuckle.

As you had a conversation with Ricky while drinking your tea, little did you notice that Cole and Jay walked on in the café and got in line. "We made a pretty awesome team fighting off those criminals! Huh Cole!" Jay says happily and Cole nods and smiles at his fellow ninja.

Elemental Love Series: The Bonus Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें