Lightning: Q&A Part 1

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Dareth: Hey everybody! And welcome to the Question and Answer segment of Lightning!

[Crowd cheers]

Dareth: I'm your host today since the author is having her character here! But give a round of applause for everyone who was in the book!

[Crowd claps and cheers as cast walks out and sits on the couches]

Dareth: Hey guys! Wow Everyone's here! Jay, Marcy, Tyler and even Mikaela!

Marcy: Hey everyone!!

Jay: can't believe we finally have a Q&A!!

Dareth: Better believe it! There's 20 questions but I'm gonna ask the first 6!Alright first question! That I dareth you! To answer, Marcy! This person asks, if your dad owns a record label and your mom is a singer, how rich are you exactly?!

Marcy: Dang! There y'all go again with them millionaire questions!

Tyler: Pft, right!

Dareth: So your parents are millionaires?

Marcy: Does it matter? I'm still a normal girl! And we still got a normal family lifestyle! Sure, we live in a mansion with 27 rooms, own 5 cars, have a jacuzzi, pool, and live in one of the expensive neighborhoods in Ninjago! But all of that doesn't matter! :)

Jay: Yeah! And I- you have 27 rooms and no butler?!

Marcy: ugh We don't need one. We have chores just like everyone else does.

Dareth: well! That answers that question! Next one is for Jay! It says, Jay, you two sound cute together! Any other date places you want to take Marcy?

Jay: Welllll..

Marcy: *giggles*

Jay: video game arcade, the beach when it gets warmer, coffee shop, fall carnival annndddd whatever else sounds fun!

Marcy: totally the video game arcade next! :D *pecks Jay's lips*

[Crowd cheers]

Dareth: Nice choices Jay! Alright, next one says, you two seem to like to sing duets a lot! ever think about making an album together?

Marcy: haha yeah well...

Jay: That information is classified as for now! Next question!

Dareth: Haha alright! So, marriage and kids?

Marcy: Well when the time comes *winks at Jay*

Dareth: totally gonna be best man for the wedding too!

Jay: Well that's uh-

Dareth: Alright and last question before our commercial break! Marcy! Someone asks, how are you able to cope with such busyness in your schedule! You have school, training as a ninja, and even recording songs!

Marcy: Well I just plan out a good schedule and follow it as best I can!

Dareth: Alright! And there you have it the first 6! We'll be back for more after our commercial break!

[Crowd cheers and applauses]

[Commercial Break:


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