Energy: Alex's Backstory

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"So...what's it like being a samurai?" Lloyd asks as you both take a break from walking in the forest. "Not as easy as it sounds but once you know what you're doing it's simple really." You explained, fiddling with your special Samurai Smart watch. "Cool! So what was it like growing up?" He asks and you look up to the sky and go in a flashback.

When you were young, it was you, your dad and your mom at the time. You loved your dad very much but your mom, not so much. She was an irresponsible parent and she wasn't very nice to you either. At the age of 5 your father finally divorced with her and it became just you and him. When you were the age of 12 your father decided to tell you the real truth of his job.

"But don't you work as a police officer?" You asked confused. He smiled at you and shook his head no. "Alex, I'm a samurai. And you're old enough now to know that." He says and you're surprised. "Why couldn't you tell me before?" "I do some dangerous work sometimes and you were too young too understand that. I told you police officer because our jobs are somewhat similar! We protect people, but I just have more weapons...and skills." He says with a chuckle.

"Can I be a samurai too?!" You asked feeling excited. "I don't know, it's a tough job and you might get hurt." "Oh please dad!! I'll be the best samurai there ever was!" You begged then gave him your famous puppy dog face. He thought for a minute then gave you a smile. "Oh alright. But when you become a teenager I'll teach you all those cool fighting stuff!" He says and you cheer. "But for now, I'll teach you the valuable virtues of a samurai. Like self-discipline, sense of duty and-" you began to laugh and he stopped talking.

"You said duty!" You said and laughed. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Maturity levels are very low, we'll work on that!" He said. He decided to start your samurai training when you were at the age of 14 because he still thought you were a bit too young when you were 13. But at the ages of 12 and 13 you learned the many virtues of a samurai like humility, obedience, self-control, strength, and tons more. And as you learned, you became more mature and serious.

When you were 14 that's when you began your training as a samurai. You'd train early in the mornings before you'd go to school, and you'd train after school as well. Your father showed you his secret samurai headquarters and it was really cool and huge! It was underground and it had tons of weapons, vehicles, mechs, everything you imagined.

As you trained your dad got pretty busy lately, and sometimes he wouldn't really show up for your trainings. One day, at the age of 17, you asked him a question that changed your life a little. "Dad?" You asked. "Yes, Alex?" "Are there...other samurai's out there, like us?" You asked. Your dad looked at you and smiled, "Alex, I think it's time I take you to the training grounds." He says. You get both excited and confused, "What's the training grounds?" You asked him.

The next day, your dad took you to a place where samurais in training, like you, would go. It was sort of like a school for teenage samurais, you felt like you could fit right on in. That day you met your friend. The Sensei was teaching you all sword fighting and he paired you all up with a partner. "Some arm strength you've got there! Sure you don't have a robotic arm?" She says and swings her sword but you block her move.

"Nope! My dad just taught me pretty good." You said and swung your sword towards her and she blocks your move. "Your father is a samurai too?" She asks. "Yeah, yours too?" "You betcha! Woah!" She said then falls to the ground on her back and you put your sword in front of her. "I win!" You say and she chuckles. "You cheated somehow. Nice work!" She says and you help her up. "I'm Jessie! Daughter of Samurai Landers!" She says and shakes your hand.

"Alex, Daughter of Samurai Z!" You said and shook her hand back. "Cool! I think my father worked with your father one day! What's the Z stand for?" "We don't know, he just thinks it sounds cool." "Well it does! Haha! So you're following his path?" "Yup! Been a dream ever since I was a tween." You said with a chuckle. "Well you make a great samurai! Not me haha." She says and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "You could be a great samurai! All you need is some practice that's all!" You tell her with a smile.

"Nah that's alright. My father is letting me try out this stuff, but what I'm really good at would be a computer! One day I helped my father and out on a mission at our base! He said I was a natural!" She says. "Well if you feel more comfortable behind missions then maybe that's what you should do! And maybe who knows? You could be helping me out on my missions one day." You tell her and give her a wink.

"Yeah. Maybe I will." She says with a smile. "Oh by the way not to be asking too much but...why exactly do you talk like that?" You ask her and she chuckles. "I'm half brit, mate! Runs in my family on my mother's side. Half my vocab will be British, the other half will be probably regular." She says and laughs.

Ever since that day you two were the best of friends. When you were 18 Jessie decided that you should get a love life, so she set you up on a little date. "No no no! I refuse to go out with someone that I've never met before!" You protested as she did your hair. "Well you'll meet him now! C'mon love! He's bloody hot! And he's absolutely perfect for you!" Jess said but you still wouldn't budge.

Eventually when it was time for the date, you had to admit, maybe Jess was right. His name was Jason and he was a really nice guy, and yeah, maybe a little hot. He was just your type and Jess was actually right about him. He made you smile and get all happy inside and you two were dating ever since.

When you were 20 you were officially a samurai and your father retired from the samurai life and you took his place. You finally went on missions just as you had always dreamed of doing! Your father and Jessie would stay at base and contact you through comms unit but you loved being a samurai. You were actually so good that you were the hero in some of the villages! Or as what Jessie would call it being popular.

But of course, you could never be that popular and that heroic. The ninja would always be everyone's hero and you were just someone that everyone's heard of. You didn't really care anyways, it was about protecting ninjago, not about who's more heroic then you. But one thing's for sure, you'd always work alone and you always wanted it to keep it that way.

"Well you're pretty lucky, I spent most of my childhood in a boarding school for bad boys with an evil dad and a mother who never visited me." Lloyd said and you get surprised. "Really? Then training for being a green ninja must've been awhile." "Nope it only took like one month." "What?! Wait Lloyd how old are you?!" Lloyd does a nervous laugh and scratches the back of his neck. "Uh...maybe Thirteen...or Twelve..." "You've got to be joking." "I guess it's time for my back story huh?" Lloyd asks and you fold your arms and nod.

A/N: YAY!! WHOS READY FOR ENERGY!!??!?! *everyone screams and fangirls* YAY! BECAUSE ITS COMING VERY SOON!! HAHA! This book is for my friend Silvermoon10123 Yup! This is her book! And it's also for my friend LloydBearGarmadon who is a freaking big fan of my books lol and as I mentioned in the lightning book in one of the author's notes, she will be playing Jessie, Alex's friend :D So give those two a follow if you haven't already! :D
To be honest I did change like 2 paragraphs of this so if your a new reader just thought I put that out there and if you're Like and old reader then you can kind of tell what I changed. :) and from reading stays updates I put out there, it has been decided that I should changed the original plot a bit, but I will not give those reasons lol.
This is a Samurai X Ninja love story (ah the clichéness lol but my way is gonna be different ;)) but you guys will see in time :) But in the meantime! Leave a vote and comment what you think might happen in the book :D

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