Fire: Meeting Skylor

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"Kai..." You start, feeling your stomach growl. "Yeah?" "I'm hungry." Kai looks at you with a chuckle. "But it's not even dinner yet! Wasn't lunch enough for you?" "Haha well all we had were sandwiches but I want some real food! I don't want to wait for dinner!" "Ha, alright fine. I'll treat you out for something. Wherever you wanna eat!" Kai says with a smile and folds his arms and closes his eyes, listening to your suggestion.

"Well let's try something new! I haven't been to Mr. Chen's Noodle House in over a year! And I've heard they've changed it up a bit!" "WHAT?!" Kai says startled and falls to the floor. You raise an eyebrow in confusion, "I said we should eat at Mr. Chen's Noodle House! I know the history between you ninja and him but it should be alright to go back right!" Kai gets back up still astounded by your choice. "No. Absolutely not. We cannot go back there! No way!" He immediately disagrees and furrows his brows.

"Why not! What's so bad that we can't go there?!" You ask him, folding your arms. Kai freezes in his spot, trying to come up with a quick, good excuse. "Uh well, t-the food has food poisoning! Yeah! Don't want you to get sick you know!" He says, his expression softening. You keep your arms folded but raise a brow, defining your expression. "Oh really? How'd you hear about it?" You ask him.

"It was on the news yesterday obviously!" You growl under your breath, why was Kai lying to you?! "Kai. You better not be lying to me! I know you too well! You know you can tell me anything." You tell him, not wanting to lash out on him yet. Kai sighs, you were really good when it came to knowing what he's hiding. He didn't wanna tell you that his ex girlfriend Skylor works there and he didn't want both of you meeting each other and start a fight.

He knew the strength of Skylor and your strength too, if the two of you fought there would be no stopping you. Guess he couldn't win this one. "Fine. Let's just go anyways. They probably got rid of the food poisoning." He tells you and walks you to the front door. A couple minutes later you both arrived at Mr. Chen's Noodle House. When you two entered you could smell the delicious food being cooked in the center of the restaurant.

"Hello! Welcome to Mr. Chen's Noodle House! How many for a table?" The waiter at the station asks you two. "Table for two." Kai tells the waiter. The waiter grabs two menus then leads you both over to a open table. You two sit down across from each other and start reading the menus. "Someone will be right back to take your orders!" The guy says then leaves. "See Kai! We were welcomed in! What's so wrong about that." You tell him, not looking up from your menu.

"It's not's not that at all.." He says feeling pretty nervous. You look up from your menu and see Kai frantically looking around, like he was searching for someone. "What are you doing?" You ask him and he stops looking around and faces you again. He gives a nervous laugh and scratches the back of his neck. "Oh haha I just was looking at uh all the food being cooked. Oh no...she's here.." Kai says but the last part was whispered under his breath.

"Who's here?! Kai! What's wrong with you right now! You keep acting weird!" You say getting frustrated a little. "I-I'm not acting we-" Kai denies then stops when a girl with red hair up in a pony tail, in a orange Gi wearing an apron, holding a pad and pen with a smile on her face, comes over. "Hey guys! You two have anything to order- Kai? Is that you?" She says as Kai now has his hood over his head and his head down.

"Kai! What are you doing?!" You whisper to him getting frustrated with him. The waitress folds her arms and shakes her head. "Hiding from me again I see." She says and that's when you start getting a little over protective. As soon as Kai hears those words he gives up the act and looks back up and takes off his hood. "I am not hiding from anyone! I was just, checking my phone from under the table! And I happen to have my hood on which is really thick so I couldn't hear you!" Kai defends.

"Kai Flamey Smith!! One more lie outta you! Grr, what's going on!? You two know each other!? I want answers now!!" You say pissed. "Yeah Kai, what's going on?" The girl asks, now tapping her foot. Kai looks between you and her and let's out a sigh. "Fine! Alright! I just didn't want you two to meet each other because I didn't want you two fighting over me okay! There! Truth!" "Us fight?! I don't even know her!" You say and the girl nods in agreement.

"I know two get pretty angry, and if you two found out what you are to me then you both would probably start a fight about who's better and all..." Kai says now feeling guilty. "Kai, we're not gonna fight. I like meeting new people! You know that! Just, have some trust." The girl says and you nod in agreement this time. Kai sighs again, seeing as she has a point and maybe he's just been overeating again.

"Saprina, this is my Ex girlfriend skylor, and Skylor, this is my girlfriend Saprina." He finally introduces. Skylor gives you a warm smile and you can't help but smile back. She gives you a friendly handshake and you smile even wider. "I wish I could have met you sooner! I could have really given you some tips on how to deal with him when he's like this." Skylor says and you chuckle. "Yeah! I'd love that! I really don't see why Kai was overeating, you seem like a chill person!" You tell her and she chuckles.

"You too! How about I let this one on the house! Your whole meal! On me!" "Really?!" "Sure! Least I can do for my friends." She says with a wink then scribbles something on a pad of paper and hands it to you. It was her phone number! "Haha wow friends already! Thanks Skylor!" "No problem Saprina! You got a Kai problem you can come to me!" She says and you both laugh. Kai's mouth was wide open in shock the whole time.

"A quick intro on how we met, my dad, Chen, had a tournament of elements held for elemental masters, just so he could take their powers and turn his followers and him into Anacondrai to take over Ninjago. The ninja were there and I met Kai! We sorta had a small crush on each other but that's pretty much how we met. And now I own the family business of the restaurant!" She explains and you smile.

"Oh wow, I had no idea you were Chen's daughter. Kai left you out of the story..." You say and then you both just glare at Kai. Kai closes his mouth and gulps. "W-what!" He says and you roll your eyes and look back at Skylor. "Well I have to check on the other tables but I'll definitely be back to take your orders! And Kai, behave okay." Skylor says with a smile then leaves you two alone again.

"Now, would you consider that fighting?" You ask Kai and he gives a nervous laugh. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Maybe I'll lessen my assumption skills.." "Yeah, that'd be the first place to start." You say with a smile and hold his hand over the table.

A/n: Sup guys! Lol finally! Saprina meets skylor! Bout time don't ya think ;)
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