Lightning: Chelsea's Side of Things

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"Watch where you're going loser! Hahahahaha!!!" Chelsea laughed as she made marcy trip again. As she strutted away with her other friends, on the outside she felt pretty good about herself and proud!

But on the inside there was a war. "Girls!" She snapped and stopped walking. They looked at her confused. "I'm going to the campus garden. Don't. Follow. Me. Understand!" She says and they nod and quickly walk away.

Chelsea flipped her hair and strutted away to the campus garden. Some times when she just needed to clear her head she'd sit on a bench by the garden and just drown the world out with her thoughts.

As she sat down she heard the sounds of the fountain across from her and the sounds of geese in the sky, flying away for the winter. Most of the flowers weren't in bloom but she'd still come here. She sighed and went into a deep flashback.

When the news of her uncle Clouse had been banished to the cursed realm, her family had grown with envy of the ninja and only wanted revenge. Since her uncle was dead now, his powers moved onto his brother, which was her dad. Chelsea loved her parents, with her father's magic she got everything she wanted.

New clothes, new shoes, a brand new car, everything she wanted! But then things changed. Her father was killed for causing a crime. She lived with a long line of villains, so she grew up thinking, get what you want no matter the cause.

When her father died. His powers moved onto her when she reached high school. It was just her and her mother but with her mother's training, she felt powerful! With Chelsea's powers she got all the friends, all the boys, all the forged grades, everything that made her life easy!

Her mother was getting tired of seeing the ninja fighting the bad so she told her daughter one thing. "Destroy the ninja. Do everything you can." She ordered her daughter and Chelsea obeyed every rule.

One day, her mother told her that the girl she hated was an elemental master of the voice! "That's your big chance to destroy them Chelsea! Do not fail." Her mother says and Chelsea smirked. "Oh she'll pay...they all will." She told her mother. Everyday she watched Marcy.

From training, to when she was at home. With the help of her magic mirror she was able to see everything! And was able to get all the information she needed. She found out that Marcy had a crush on Jay. She did a long evil laugh, she found it amusing of how that would never happen.

Jay was the connection on how she would destroy them all. She watched him carefully, Everyday. Formulating plans here and there. She was Surpised when she saw that Jay did have feelings for Marcy and was trying to get to her! So many possibilities appeared in her head!

Could she ruin this or let it happen. She decided to let it happen and then ruin them later. But when she watched them on their first date, laughing and talking to each other, Chelsea could help but feel jealous. She couldn't find a love like that, all her love was based on magic.

Marcy found her first love...all by herself. She didn't need a spell or a potion or anything like that. Seeing that made Chelsea feel very jealous. And she knew, with jealousy comes envy and with envy comes with revenge. She'd get Marcy, one way or another. She started to make things happen in Marcy's house, things come to life, to scare her for the day when Chelsea would be face to face with her, Dark Magic vs. Voice.

When she saw that Jay was going to be disguised at school, that's when she knew it was time. Time to get her family's revenge on the ninja. She would end this battle, once and for all. But she also knew she didn't have to do this. She had a choice in life, she could have chosen good over evil but she didn't have much of a choice.

Chelsea snuck over to the monastery at night and went into Nya's room. She started enchanting her while she was asleep. "Eb ym teppup, wollof sdnammoc! Teg mih ot teg kcab htiw uoy niaga. Od ton liaf." She said the spell as dark purple magic appeared in her hands and she blasted it on Nya.

When she was finished she did a small evil laugh then left the monastery. She knew her mother was going to be proud of her but secretly on the inside, she felt pretty bad, but then again, bad was good.

Chelsea broke from her little flashback and thoughts and smirked, she felt a whole lot better now. She will win this time. And everyone would pay for what they had done to her father and uncle. She'd get revenge and she was sure of it. She got up and went back into the school. She strutted down the hallway and everyone caught a glimpse of her. She had a proud smirk, she'd be over all of these thoughts about being good soon.

She was going to be as evil as possible. She saw Marcy in the hallway talking to her friend Mikaela right next to a locker. Chelsea said a spell quietly. "Nepo rood, tih reh ecaf." She said and the locker door right next to Marcy's face opened up and slammed her in the face. "SHOOT WHAT THE HECK?!" She yelled in pain as she covered her face. Chelsea laughed, she was so good at being bad, and she was certain there was nothing that could change that.

A/N: CHELSEA'S THE VILLAIN!! :O :O #PlotTwist haha that's why I added her to Marcy's backstory! She would be important to the plot later on :)
Alrighty as for her spells, it's basically just commands but said backwards, to sound like a spell.
The first spell was: Teg mih ot teg kcab htiw uoy niaga. Od ton liaf.
You'd read it forwards like this: Get Him to get back with you again. Do not fail

The second one opened up the locker door so it was like this: Nepo rood, tih reh ecaf
Since its backwards, you'd read it forwards like this: Open door, hit her face.

Yup! It's basically just commands said backwards! I got that idea from a DC superhero (I think or maybe villain) and her name Zatanna. She does magic too and the way she does her spells is basically commands said backwards. So Chelsea will kinda be based off her lol XD :)
And a little but based off Mal from Disney's Descendants :D hence the song in this short chapter, Rotten to the Core by Sofia Carson which you guys can play while reading it lol XD (srry it's pitched lol)
Anywho! Pic at top is of Chelsea in her little villain outfit XD I used some pretty dark filters to make it a bit more...dramatic ;)
In case you were all wondering XD
Anyways! About the spells, in every chapter she uses it I'll put the translation in the author's note of that chapter :D so your welcome lol XD
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