Earth: Chloe's Backstory

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"So, tell me about yourself Chloe." Cole says. You look down at the bandages on your arm and smile, as you go into a deep flashback...
Growing up, your mother and father never fought. You all were a happy loving family. "C'mon guys! It's family game night!!" Your dad calls from the living room. You cheer and run down the steps "Please be CandyLand! Please be CandyLand!" You wish. Your mom chuckles and smiles. "It's CandyLand!" She says and you cheer. You were around the age of 8.

Around 10 your parents enrolled you into the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts. "But why do I have to go!! Can't I just go to a normal school!" You ask them. Your mom smiles at you. "Chloe! You have a lot of talent! And with this school you'll have a great future!" She says. "But I can't dance! Or sing! Or act!" "You'll learn honey! Now have fun!" Your dad says with a smile. You adjust the strap on your backpack and walk into the building.

Eventually, you did find a friend. Her name was Rielly. "C'mon Chlo! We're gonna be late for Mrs. Furtado's ballet class!" She says. You adjust your ballet shoes and chuckle. "I'm coming I'm coming!" You say. She had been your bestest friend for years. Until you were 16, your life started to....change. Rielly had to move. "No! Stay!!! No one can replace you Rielly." You say as she loads her package into the moving truck. "And no one can replace you Chloe..." She says with a smile.

Her parents close up the truck and tell her it's time to go. "I'll miss you so much...." You say as the tears fall down your face. She starts to cry to and she hugs you tight. "I'll call, text, video chat, do whatever it takes to get in touch with you everyday!" She said. You let go and wipe your tears. "Promise to never forget me?" "I promise." She says with a smile. The car horn beeps signaling for her to go. "Bye Chlo!" She says as she runs to the car. "Bye Ri!" You wave.

She never did keep her promise. A month later she never called or got in touch with you back. Now that your friend was gone you never really made any friends after that. When you were 18 your family started to change. Your mother and father were starting to never get along like they used to. Family game nights stopped and dinners were quiet.

You were alone, and you got depressed at one point. Wondering what did you do in your life do deserve this and you were on the verge of giving up. But you found hope, when you started riding a horse named Heather. The owner saw that you two had a connection and he let you keep her.

You decided to keep the things that make you happy give you hope. You smiled and ran to the Hair Salon and got yourself a maroon streak in your hair. Not only did it look cool but also to remind you of today.

"So? What's your past like?" Cole asks again and you break from the flashback and smile at him. "Well, not sure where to start." You say with a smile then you tell him about yourself. Deciding to leave out the hair streak part for another day.

A/N: You guys enjoying the V.I.P. Lounge?! XD Ik the backstory is short lol YO! DJ HIT THAT OVERTURE REMIX! (song at top XD) OMG GUYS! THEY ADDED PIZZA TO THE FOOD TABLE!! *All run to food table* (I'm getting weird Ik XD #DealWithIt #ImOneOfTheFunAuthors #AintNobodyGotSwagLikeMe XD XD)

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