Ice: Kirstin's Backstory

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You stood on the bounty, looking down at Ninjago below. You couldn't help but feel nostalgic as you stared at the city through the clouds and went into a flashback.
You grew up as an only child, with a loving mother and father. You had a stronger bond with your father. He worked in a tech company owned by a man named, Cyrus Borg. Your father was a very peculiar man, but you and your mother loved him anyways.

Some days he would be very serious and his hugs felt like...hugging metal. Some days when he would come home from work, he would be exhausted. You could literally see steam coming from him, as if he was a machine whose gears worked too hard. On those days he wouldn't come out of his room for at least two hours. He was very peculiar but your mother knew, at the age of 5, you wouldn't understand yet.

He still loved you as a daughter despite what he went through. You remembered at age 10, your greatest memory of you and your parents as a complete family before...the accident at 14. At age 10, one day your family went on a picnic, a couple of miles away from your village. Your mother was flying a kite with you while your father went off real quick to look for something he wanted to show you. Your kite fell to the ground again. "Why is it so hard to fly a kite! Why does it keep falling?" You ask her.

"Try again. Get a running start then, let the wind guide your kite and it'll fly." Your mother says. You nod then run, with the kite trailing behind you. You then felt the wind as you ran and then you stopped running and felt the wind lift the kite up into the air. "It worked!" You said happily. She smiled at you and nodded, proud of you. While you were flying your kite, your father came back with a grin on his face. "Kirstin! I found it." He says to you. You cheer and drop the kite and give your father a hug.

"You two go on! I'll get the picnic ready." Your mom says and you both nod, then turn around and begin walking. "What did you want to show me father?!" You ask him as you hold his hand, feeling giddy. "You will see when we get there." He says smiling at you.

You couldn't help but notice a shiny silver slit in his arm. "Father, what happened to your arm?" You ask. His smile disappears and his eyes widen. "Oh that, I just so happened to accidentally get a scratch on my arm from a tree branch on the way back. I'm okay kirsty." He says with a reassuring smile.

"Why is there shiny silver there?" "Uh, well! I'll have to explain that another time because, we are here." He says and you gasp at the sight before you. "Woah." You said as your dad lead you inside the grove of cherry blossom trees. "These, are Ninjago's Sakura trees. The only cherry blossoms in Ninjago that stay in bloom no matter the season or the weather." Your father explains as you both walk along the grove.

"They're beautiful." You said with a smile. The wind gently moved through the trees leaves making the pink and white petals swiftly fall off the trees. Your father brought you under a big cherry blossom with pink petals. "Do you know why, these trees never stop blossoming?" He asks you. You think for a minute then shrug. "They're always at peace here. They are nurtured, by nature. So they always grow and bloom."

"I thought it was because they received enough sunlight and water to make glucose through photosynthesis for itself so it can survive." You said and your father laughs. "Yes, yes kirsty, that too!" Just then a cherry blossom flower falls from the tree and your father carefully catches it in his hands. He smiles and shows it to you. "Kirstin, you are just like a cherry blossom." You poke at the flower's petals. "How?" "Well, these trees symbolize, beauty, bravery, hard work, and wisdom." He said and put the flower in your hair.

"You display all these traits! Never stop blossoming. Okay kirsty?" You nod and give him a hug. "Okay father." You said with a smile. Just then your mother comes to you two with the picnic basket.

Elemental Love Series: The Bonus Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें