Fire: Saprina's Backstory

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As You sat under the willow tree waiting for Kai to come, you had a sudden thought to think about your past....
You had a loving family, you had a mother, a father, and a little sister that you loved dearly. You were at the age of 13 when your mother told you that you was a descendant of the Elemental Master of Potions. "Saprina honey, it's time you continue the path that I had." She tells you.

"I think that's pretty cool I really ready to become a....a ninja??" You say to her. She smiles and puts her hand on your shoulder. "Saprina, you're a teenager now! You're ready to start your training. You're smart, strong, and you never give up! That's what being a ninja is about sweetie! I know you can do it! So....are you ready?" She says then hands you her satchel.

You think for a minute then take it. "I'm ready!" You say with a smile. She hugs you, "I'm so proud of you! I think it's time you meet Tadashi." "Who's Tadashi?" You ask. From that moment, you met Sensei Tadashi. From your mom, you learned how to make potions, how to use them, and the secret of the satchel.

From your Sensei you learned how to fight, and some valuable virtues. "Ugh! I give up! I'll never learn Spinjitzu!" You say and sit down on the floor, hugging your knees. Sensei Tadashi looks at you and smiles, "If you give up, then why did you hold on to trying hard?" He asks you. You think for a minute then get up. "Alright, I'll keep trying." You say as you get into fighting stance.

Around 15 you officially mastered the art of being a Ninja of Potions and a Master of Spinjitzu. Also around 15, you found a guy, named Cameron. He was your first love. Because of him, he opened up a whole different world to you. "Ready?" He asks you as he leads you somewhere. You had a blindfold on so you couldn't see where he was taking you.

"Haha of course!" You say. "Okay!" He says as he takes off your blindfold. You gasp as you see that your near the edge of a cliff and it had was a perfect view of Ninjago city below you. "Wow! I-i never knew it could look like that!" You say in surprise.

"That's only the beginning. Now look up." He says as he puts his arms around your waist. You look up and gasp again when you saw the beautiful night sky. "Woah! It's like a million diamonds!" "Just like the ones in your eyes." He says to you. You blush and kiss him.

Not only did you have a boyfriend, you also had a best friend, named Sierra. You were walking in your village one day and you heard a scream and a cry for help. You ran to where the sound was and saw a crook having a choke hold around a girl. You put your ninja mask on.

"Hey! Hasn't your mother ever told you not to mess with a girl!" You tell him. He drops her and cracks his knuckles with a smirk. "And what are you gonna do about it?" He asks you. You get in a fighting stance, "Take you to jail that's what!" He charges at you and you flip him.

When he falls to the ground he quickly gets back up and tries to go in for a punch. You block the punch then kick him in the stomach making him hit his back against the back of a wall. He's unconscious and you help the girl stand up.

"Woah! You're pretty awesome! Thanks for saving me." She says with a smile. You take your ninja mask off and smile, "It's what I do now, you're welcome!" "I'm Sierra! I owe you one." "Saprina, and No! No, it's okay!" "No, how about I owe you my friendship." She smiles and gives you her hand.

You think for a minute then shake her hand. "Okay, friendship." You say and smile. When you were 16 you met a new villain, and nemesis, named Zander. You were walking home when you heard an evil laugh and smelt smoke.

You ran to where the smoke was coming from and you saw it was from your house! You drank a Fire Resistance Potion then ran inside the burning building. You searched through the flames and debris. You saw your father, in the kitchen, he was on the ground coughing. "D-don't worry about M-me Saprina! S-save your Mother and S-sister." He says then passes out.

Tears form in your eyes and you look around the house some more. You saw your mother with her arms around your sister Casey. You ran to them and got them to stand up. "S-saprina, I-it's time you go on your journey alone...Tadashi, W-will take care of Y-you." Your mother says then falls to the ground.

Your tears flow harder, "I-i can't make it sis! I-i'm sorry for annoying you all these years! I-i love you sis! We love you." Casey says as she gives you a final hug before passing out in your arms. You put her down then cry hard. Just then you heard an evil laugh again and you turn around to see a man in a cape with elemental acids in both of his hands. He evilly smirked at you.

"Hello Saprina! Zander's the name, Acid's the game! Your mother and I used to be....close." "YOU! YOU DID THIS!?!" You yelled grabbing a stun potion in your satchel. "Well I could have just acid this place up! But, what kind of villain would I be if I wouldn't be....Diabolical about it." You threw the stun potion at him and he dodged it.

"So I see you're just a rookie! Ahahaha, when I'm done with you! You won't be one anymore!" Zander said and threw acid balls at you. You dodged it and threw a shrinking potion at him. He had a acid shield up and blocked your potion. Just then Zander got hit in the back and you saw it was Sensei Tadashi! "Saprina! You are not ready for this fight! Come quick! We must get out of here!" Tadashi says as he grabs your wrist and gets you out of your burning house.

The firefighters and ambulance arrived as you two were getting out. "Sensei! I have to fight him! He killed my family! He destroyed my home!!" You say through tears. Tadashi embraces you in a hug and you continue to cry. "Do not worry, I shall train you, and the monastery will be your new home."

When you were 18, Sensei Tadashi was diagnosed with cancer. You stayed by him on his deathbed for his final minutes. "Y-you were all I h-had..." You say as tears start falling from your eyes. Sensei Tadashi smiled at you, "I will be with spirit Saprina. I-I know....I had many more teach you, like unlocking Y-your true potential....unlocking an elemental dragon...A-and M-more...but I....I have faith will learn these in time...." He slowly tells you.

"Is there another Sensei that can teach me these things? But of course no Sensei can replace you." "M-my great....friend....Sensei Wu....if ever him....he will"

Sensei Tadashi died later that day, but his teachings always lived on. You stayed a ninja. You called over Sierra and Cameron that day to keep you company. As you three embarrassed in a hug, little did you know both of them were looking at each other, smiling. That year was also the year you found out that Cameron was cheating on you and Sierra was a fake friend. What a past it had been.

"Saprina?" Kai asks. You break from your thoughts and smile at him, he just arrived. He sits down across from you. "You were in deep thought, you okay?" You smile and nod. "Our future is gonna be a good one right?" Kai then smiles and holds your hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "I'd like to think so." You smile at his words.

A/N: Some backstory huh lol hope you guys are enjoying the party! XD maybe I should have called this the bonus feature party book XD XD idk lol up next! Chloe's backstory :)

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