Earth: Chloe Gets Sick

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"ACHOO!" You sneezed. You reached for the tissue box but it was empty! You groaned and slowly got up and went to get some more. This was your 4th tissue box. Yup you were sick, and you weren't happy about it.

Once you got some tissues you cleared your nose of everything nasty and walked back to the couch. You hated being sick. You couldn't do anything but watch tv, have soup, and maybe read a book.

Sure you didn't have to go to work or school but you still hated being sick. You slouched on the couch and grabbed the remote and flipped through channels on the tv. Just then you got a call from Cole! You slowly reached for your phone and picked it up. "Hello?" You answered sickly. "Chloe?! Is that you??" Cole asks confused. You chuckled then coughed, "I sound so sick that my own boyfriend doesn't even....doesn't even....Ah-Ah-ACHOO!! Understand me ugh." You said then blowed your nose.

"Aww...Ooh! I'll be right over!" He says happily. "No Cole, you'll get sick I don't want that to happen." You say and sniffed. "I'd rather get sick then have you not have any fun on your sick day! I'm coming over and that's final!" He says and you roll your eyes before coughing again. "Fine...I'm too sick to argue with have the spare key, just come in." You tell him. "Okay, I'll be right there! Bye chlo!" He says then hangs up.

You put your phone down and blow your nose again. You honestly felt disgusting and you couldn't let Cole see you like this! And seriously?! Cole thought you can't have any fun on sick days?! You so could have fun! That's when you smirked when an idea came to mind. You heard a knock on your door and the lock being unlocked. You grabbed your phone and pretended you were on the phone with your doctor. You made sure your face was full of fear and Surpise.

The door opened and a happy Cole walked in. "Hey chlo!" He greets you and closes the door behind him. "Uh huh...ohhh ok...I many months again??....oh, oh my god okay...well thank you Doctor Richards...mhmm...okay I'll take it easy...alright bye." You say then 'hang up' Cole put some stuff down on the coffee table and looked at you. "Y-you okay?" He asked you, his expression turning from happy to concerned, just as you had planned.

"I got off the phone with my doctor..." You start. "Yeah?! And?! What'd he say??" Cole asks getting more worried for you. "I-i know why I'm sick now..." "Why?! Why are you sick??" "Cole..." You looked up at him. "I'm...I'm-" "Spit it out chlo!" "I'm pregnant Cole..." You say.

"Y-your-...I got you-....I'm a-....I-i think I need to..." Cole says then faints. You burst out in laughter and had a coughing fit. You helped Cole get up and sat him in the couch. "You okay coley poley?" You ask him. Cole opens his eyes slowly and then blinks a couple times.

"I can't believe you fell for that! Haha and you said I can't have fun when I'm...when I'm...Ah-Ah-ACHOO!! Sick ugh." You say and grab some tissues and clear your nose. "Wait! It was just a prank!? Y-your not pregnant??" Cole asks and you chuckle and throw the tissue in the trash bin. "Haha of course no-AHH! IT'S KICKING!" You yell and clutch your stomach. Cole runs around the living room panicking trying to figure out what's going on, what to do.

You stopped acting and bursted out in laughter again. "Cole! I'm just messing with you! Relax!!" You say and he stops panicking and relaxes. "Seriously Chloe!?" "Haha yes! You said I needed to have fun so I did!" Cole sighs and chuckles. " got me pretty good haha." He says, taking a seat next to you on the couch. You look at the big bag on the coffee table and look through it. "What's all this stuff?" You ask and Cole smiles.

"Movies for us to watch, some board games, couple boxes of tissues, hand sanitizer-" "Woah woah woah! That's a lot of stuff Cole! You didn't need to bring all this!" "I insist! Now lay down." He says as he adjusts the pillows you were laying on earlier and you lay down.

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