Fire: Beach Day

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You were very excited for today. Sensei Wu let you all have a vacation from saving Ninjago and doing ninja business. Nya and Jay suggested you all go to the beach! You put a light blue crop top and a pair of ripped jean shorts over top of your bikini and put your hair up in a messy bun.

"GUYS HURRY UP! THE SUN ISN'T GONNA BE UP ALL DAY!!!" You heard Jay yell from the hall way. You chuckle then slide on a pair of sandals. You put on your sunglasses and check one more time in the mirror before heading out. "I'm ready!!" You say with a smile.

"You can meet with Nya downstairs. While I try to get EVERYONE TO HURRY UP!!!" You chuckle at Jay then head downstairs. You gasp when you see Nya and she smiles at you. "You look amazing!!" You say as you look at her red sundress, floppy hat and her really cute beach bag. She chuckles, "You look cute!!" You roll your eyes then smile. "OKAY EVERYONE DOWN! I'M TIRED OF WAITING! GO! GO! GO! GO!" Jay yells as he pushes the boys downstairs.

"JAY SLOW DOWN!" Cole yells. "AHHHHH!!!!" They all yell as they tumble down the steps and land on top of each other in a pile at the bottom of the steps. You and Nya facepalm and help them get up. "Jay! I know you're excited about the beach but isn't this all a bit too much!?" Nya says. "Too much is never enough! Now c'mon guys!! We'll take our dragons there!" Jay says as he drags Nya out of the monastery. "Jayyy!!! I can't summon a dragon!!" Nya says as Jay drags her out. Everyone groans and follows behind Jay.

You chuckle and link your arm with Kai. "Well someone's looking a little hot today." He says with a smirk. You blush and close the door behind you. With Nya on jay's dragon, you all summoned your dragons and flew to the beach. You all cheered when you made it to the warm sand and the ocean waves. Cole, Jay, Zane and Lloyd took they're shirts off and ran to the water. You, Nya, and Kai set up all your beach towels, umbrellas and beach chairs. "You're not gonna swim?" You ask Kai as you sit down on your towel and put on sunscreen.

Kai puts his shades on and lays down on his towel, "Nah, not really into the mood for swimming." He says with a smile. You roll your eyes and hand him a bottle of sunscreen. "Well if you're gonna get a tan then at least put some sunscreen on." He takes the bottle and sits up, "Whyyy??"

"Kai! You're gonna get a sunburn! Then your skin is gonna be red!!" "Well I am the red ninja anyways!" "Well yeah! But you don't actually have to be the color red!!" "You should listen to your girlfriend Kai." Nya says with a wink. Kai rolls his eyes and applies some sunscreen.

You chuckle then grab your book from your beach bag and read it. Around the afternoon the four ninja came back from the water and onto the sand. "Nya and I are gonna get something for you guys to eat! You guys have anything in mind?" Jay says as he dries himself with a towel. "Hotdogs!!" Kai says. "No! Corndogs are better!" Lloyd disagrees.

"I believe the traditional Mexican tacos is an ideal vacation food." Zane suggests. "Tacos?! Booorriinnggg we need to have chicken wings!!" Cole said. They all bickered about what food you should all have for lunch. "ENOUGH! Guys! We'll all starve if we all can't agree on something!" You say making everyone quiet.

"Saprina's right you guys. Why not we all just settle for something simple that we all like." Nya says. "You guys haven't heard My idea for what we can eat!" Jay says with a wide smile. "Fine, whatcha got bluebell?" Cole says. "The traditional all Italian pizza!" You all got silent for a bit before nodding and agreeing with Jay. "Alright! Pizza it is! With a couple smoothies too?" Nya says. You widely smile and nod your head. "Yes! Smoothies!!" You say. "Alrighty! We'll be right back!" Then Jay and Nya went to the boardwalk.

You reached into your beach bag and got three bottles of sunscreen and handed one to the other four. "Thanks Saprina." Lloyd says. "Gee...sunscreen...thanks..." Cole says "My Titanium body does not burn from the sun. Sadly I do not require sunscreen, but thank you anyways." Zane said. "Alrighty! How about while waiting for them to come back we....Bury Kai in the sand!" You say as you grab a small shovel and evilly grin at him. "Oh no no no! I am not! Allowing myself to be under a pile of sand!!" Kai says backing away.

Elemental Love Series: The Bonus BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora