Camila could see Lauren blushing a bit as she observed the green eyed girl next to her.

“Absolutely Beautiful.” Camila whispered.

“Yeah, they sure are.” Lauren followed, this time staring out the window.

“I wasn’t talking about the city lights.” Camila said as she continued to stare at the older girl next to her.

Lauren slowly turned to face the younger brunette. They both locked eyes, dark brown staring intensely into dark green eyes; they didn’t have to say a word. Their eyes conveyed all that needed to be said. With that, Lauren slowly leaned down to kiss the shorter brunette. Camila’s arms made their way around Lauren’s neck as Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila’s waist. Camila stepped into the kiss as she stood on her tippy toes. The kiss was gentle and soft, filled with so much passion that they both had been keeping inside. Their lips finally broke away from each other and both were breathing heavily. Their foreheads touched as they continued to gaze into each other’s eyes and their grip on each other not loosening for one second as both took in what just happened. 

“Wow.” Camila let out slowly.

Lauren just smiled as she continued to look down into hypnotic brown eyes. “Wow is right.”

Camila pulled Lauren in for another passionate kiss. 

++End of Flashback++

Lauren glanced at the clock: 2:15am.

You have got to be kidding me, I just wanna sleep!


Lauren finally gave up on sleep and decided to get up to get some water. She made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a cold glass when she heard a faint sound coming from the living room. She walked towards the living room that had sliding doors to the balcony, which was slightly open.

“Camz?” Lauren whispered to herself as she made her way towards the slightly opened sliding door.

Is she’s cold out and she’s in a t-shirt!


“Camz.” Lauren whispered, but this time loud enough for Camila to hear. The younger girl continued to stare at the reflection of the moon on the ocean surface as if she didn’t hear Lauren whisper her name.

Lauren approached her from behind and wrapped her arms around the shorter brunette.

“Camila, it’s cold. What are you doing out here, its 2:30am?” She said concerned as she rubbed Camila’s cold arms up and down in an attempt to warm her up. Lauren tightened her grip and rested her chin on Camila’s shoulder. “Camz, talk to me, what’s going on in that head of yours huh?”

Camila turned around and rested her head on Lauren’s chest. Camila closed her eyes as she took in Lauren’s warmth. They stayed that way for a few minutes in silence. Lauren pulled away just far enough to cup Camila’s face and lift the shorter girl’s face to look into her glistening brown eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Lauren said stroking her cheek taking in every inch of beauty and vulnerability in front of her. “Whatever it is, it’s okay.”

6 years…I can’t believe it’s been 6 years and she’s still the only one that can comfort me with one look.

“I…” Camila said softly staring up into green eyes. “I’ve been a little overwhelmed and I’m nervous about tonight. I’ve never made a record like this before. It makes me an open book.”

“It’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes.” Lauren said with sincerity in her voice as she cupped Camila’s face. “That’s something I’ve always loved about you…how much you can convey through your music. It’s about time the world knows it too and if you get nervous you can just look at me; I’ll be there cheering you on.” Lauren said with a smile.

Yeah, staring into your beautiful green eyes will REALLY help in that situation.


Camila couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I’m sure that would help.” She said sarcastically with a small smile.

Lauren just smiled knowing exactly what Camila meant by that comment. “Come on, let’s get you inside and tucked in. You have a big day tomorrow Miss Cabello.” She said as she gave her a wink.

They both headed back inside the house and walked up the stairs as they both reached the top they stopped and looked at each other.

“Thanks Lo…for understanding me.” Camila said trying her best to avoid eye contact. Green eyes at 3am would be the death of her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to contain herself any longer and that’s exactly what she’s been doing this whole time.

Lauren stepped closer and wrapped her arms around Camila holding her tightly as she kissed the top of her head. “You don’t need to thank me for that, but you’re welcome.” She whispered softly.

I could stay in her arms forever; I don’t want her to let go.


After a few more seconds Lauren finally let go. “Good night Camz, see you in the morning.”

Camila just smiled in response as she turned to walk towards her room. Lauren watched her long enough to reach the door to her room. She continued to stare at the brown-eyed girl as she opened the door.

Camila stopped to look down the hall at Lauren who was still watching her. “Good night Lo.” She mouthed as she entered her room.

Lauren flopped on her bed and fell asleep instantaneously. 

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now