The cold. Connor/MurphyxReader

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You got them vitamins and other things that would help them, deciding you were going to have to be staying for a while since you refused to leave them like this, you where not going to be living in a dumb, so, when they both had fallen asleep you decided you had free time to clean.

"Are ya kiddin' me?" You heard Murphy's voice with a bit of a laugh after a while.

"Your place is a mess and I an obviously gonna have to stay here so, no, I am not kidding." You say with a couple full garbage bags and only half way done.

"How did you sleep?" You asked, giving him a quick enough glance to catch him smirking slightly.

"Good I guess..." He says.

"How was your cleaning so far?" He asked sarcastically.

"Brilliant." You say just as sarcastically and give him a small smirk before continuing to clean.

You could feel eyes on you when your back was turned, you kept catching him looking at you through the corner of your eye and you couldn't help but smile to yourself mentally.

Connor woke up a while after, you where currently done picking up trash and had moved on to scrubbing the place down.

"Are ya kiddin'?" You heard Connor say in a slight whisper to his brother.

You could hear them both sigh ever so slightly.

You where a very clean person, it bothered you when you where in a dump.

"Y/n come sit down for a bit will ya?" You heard Connor.

"Nope" You say. It wasn't up for debate, they knew this, they once tried to convince you for over an hour, it didn't work though.

You finished cleaning about another hour later, damn did the place look good......well at least way better than it ever had.

In order for you to make it look really good you would have to paint the whole place, put newer flooring in, replace the toilet and shower and their beds and blankets etc.

"anndddd" You say more to yourself. "Done" You finish scrubbing the last stain off the wall.

"Will ya sit now?" Connor proceeded to ask and you gave a small sigh.

"Alright but only for a minute, you guys need medicine and water." You tell them sternly.

You sat down in-between the beds and held either ones hands they had slumped off the bed for you, both of them on their sides to face you.

"Thank you, really y/n." Murphy said and you smile at him.

You sat and talked with them for a minute before getting up and helping them sit up.

You came back moments later with honey and water.

"Drink and eat this stuff, and I am making you guys tea that'll help." You say.

"I don't actually think I have ever fuckin' had tea..." Connor says thoughtfully

"You'll hate the kind I am making, but I can put some whisky in it if you'd prefer." You say and Connor nodded and took the stuff you gave them without a single face, though, Murphy made up for his.

"Do we really gotta take this shit again?" Murphy complained slightly.

"Do you wanna feel better?" You asked innocently and he kind of nodded instinctually.

"Then yes, you will be taking whatever I feel is necessary for your unhygienic ass." You say in the same innocent tone and give him a quick kiss on his forehead with a sweet smile. You left for the kitchen, Murphy, without another word, swallowed both the things, feeling slightly uncomfortable by the innocence in your voice with the words you decided to use.

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