Chapter Fourteen-Just Checking Wifey

Start from the beginning

"How is she?" I asked.

"Alright I think. You know I thought she would be all wrapped around Zach's finger, but she's not really. She acts how she did any other time I've seen her."

"And how many times is that?"

"Not many... There was that time where I came over to your place last year and she was staying here for some reason."

"Yeah... That was 'cause Louis and Eleanor went to visit Eleanor's mum."

"Why didn't Tellie go?"

"She didn't feel comfortable with the idea of being at her dads girlfriends mums house. Trust me I didn't blame her for that, I find it really awkward whenever I have to go to any of Liam's family's houses."

"Wouldn't know," Cam shrugged. "Hey question, since you and Zach hate each other am I your best friend?"

I laughed at Cam's mocking voice.

"Totes Cam, wifey for lifey lets take shirtless selfies." I joined in.

"If that's what you want," Cam replied putting his hands to the bottom of his shirt.

"Cam. No." I said shaking my hand.

"I'm proud of my six pack okay-and your sister likes it."

"My sisters like three."

"Yeah and we went swimming in your pool last weekend and she loved 'em. When your sisters older can I da-"

"That's not funny. No."

"Just checking. Wifey."


Dear Diary

I haven't wrote for ages. But basically dad found my blades, all but one. I keep it in my pocket every day and wait til night to go in the bathroom and cut.

I think one of thems infected...

Dad flat out told me he's making me do therapy coz I won't talk to anyone about stuff that happens at school.

I actually am kinda growing on the idea. Dad won't be pressuring me to tell him as much and maybe he'll forget about it like he forgets everything else

Like telling me about him going on tour and making me come. I'm actually happy about that maybe getting away from the work for a couple of months will help...

Today me and Tay are going out with Zach and Jay. Im honestly really scared. More so coz dad thinks I'm just going out with Tay...

Jessie's moving back to London... :'( :'( Idk if ill be able to handle seeing her again not after the incident


I shoved my diary under my pillow before grabbing my phone and leaving the room. My stomach was churning at the idea of dad finding out I was going to be with Zach.

"Tellie! Tayla's here!"


I jogged down the staircase tugging at my All Time Low shirt as I did.

"Hey Tay," I said as I jumped of the last step.

"Hey Tells, my mums outside waiting for us so..." She muttered.

"Dad I'm going!"

I didn't wait for a reply. I just followed Tayla out the door my phone and house keys in my hand.

"So, it's you, me, Zach and Zach's friends." Tayla asked as we walked towards her mums car.

"Yep." I replied. "Whatever you do make sure my dad never finds out Zach was there."


"Long story..."

It all seemed so weird, walking through shops with Zach, Jay and Tayla. I was the shortest one there and if I wasn't wearing makeup I probably would've looked ten compared to them all. Occasionally Jay would joke about me and Tayla going into Victoria's Secret and Tayla would always say Victoria had no secret.

I honestly didn't care about Jay or Tay. I was focused on Zach the whole time. Zachary oh so sexy Pierce.

"Question." Zach started his eyes on me. "Whats up with you and Payne?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, he likes you a lot but you like what rejected him?"

"I'm not into him."

I stared into Zach's eyes as we stood on the street. Rain was starting to fall as we stood in the open outdoors not even caring what Jay and Tayla were bickering about behind us.

"Who are you into...?" He whispered softly.

"Who are you into...?" I asked back my eyes not leaving him.

"Maybe this will give you a clue."

Zach tilted his head down his lips brushing against mine. My heart was pounding in my chest as I leaned my head up not exactly sure of what to do next.

"Oh my god Chanel! Come on Tellie!"

Tayla grabbed my hand pulling me away from Zach and motioning to the store down the street.

"Tay." I hissed under my breath my heart still pounding.

"He was about to kiss you what was I supposed to do?" She shot back as we walked down the street Zach and Jay behind us.

"Oh I don't know maybe let him."

"There was a couple of people taking photos of you. Your doomed if they go on the Internet what happened to don't let your dad find out your with Zach?"

"Why can't your dad know I'm here?" Zach asked making me snap my head around.

"Long story short, he spoke to Corey's stepdad and now hates you." I replied as Tayla lead us into the shop next to top man.

"Ugh, damn Payne." Jay hissed.

"He's literally a Payne in the ass." Zach added.

Tayla furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, are we talking about Corey or Liam?"

"Corey." We all chorused.

"I like Corey..." Tayla admitted. "He's nice."

"That's an overstatement." Jay muttered, from the corner of my eye I could see him taking things from the shelves of the store and shoving them into his back pack which was in his hands dangling in front of his legs.

"We should go..." I muttered more so to Tayla then the boys."

"Yeah." She agreed. The look on her face just made me know she saw what I did. And the fear glistened in her eyes as I quickly pushed a head of Zach Tayla by my side.

The moment Jay went to leave the store alarms started ringing loudly. Blaring even. And from then on I couldn't seem to understand. The store clerk was over in an instant. I only got one sentence that he said. And that was.

"I'm calling the cops."

That was enough to scars me shitless







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