"I wouldn't try anything sweetheart." A voice suddenly whispered in my ear. I jolted, scared by the sudden appearance of the person and wondering when the hell he got behind me. I tried to turn around to see who this mysterious figure was but I couldn't move my head. I kept on trying to move, frustrated at the restraints around my hands and body. Suddenly, I felt something cold pressed against my neck, making me shiver at the touch. "Ah, ah, ah," He whispered. "What did I say?" His tone was harsh and almost cold in a way. I then realized what he was holding against me - a gun.

Trying to keep my calm, I heaved a sigh, showing the man how I felt about this situation. He laughed in my ear. "Aww, is our little detective frustrated?" He hissed. Just show yourself already asshole, I thought. When I tried to move once more, he pushed the gun harder against my neck, making me wince in pain. It was at this moment that Onew started to wake up. I stared at him in fear, as he awoke to find what situation we were in. His eyes fluttered open and after getting adjusted to the room, I saw his eyes widen when they met mine.

"Y/N!!" He yelled, trying his hardest to get out of the ropes he fought against. I stared at him, not knowing what to do in this situation as I couldn't speak or move to calm him down. "What the HELL do you want?!" He screamed, most likely directed to the shadow he could make out behind me.

"What do I want?" He retorted. "I want you scum to get off my back. I have been running for weeks because of the likes of you two. Who knew kidnapping a rich daddy's girl would make my life so difficult." He sighed, seeming more amused than anything at the current situation. "I want you to stop killing my men. I want you to stop following me. I want you both dead. THAT'S what I want." He finished, pushing the gun deeper into the crevice of my neck, making tears start to flood at my eyes.

Onew, realizing what was happening, he tried to divert the man's attention away from me and towards him. "Who are you?!" He asked, as we had no idea who the culprit was this whole time. We only knew that he had a lot of followers - most of which we had already locked up or killed.

"Who am I?" He repeated, seeming to enjoy this game. He then stepped out from behind me, still holding the gun to me, and revealed himself to us. Both Onew and I were in shock.

"J-Jonghyun?" Onew whispered, shaking his head. "No, no no. But you are-"

"The head of police? What a shitty job. Pays me to deal with people's crap day in and out to get no appreciation. No recognition. It's a waste of my time." He answered, leaving us both speechless.

"But why? Why steal CEO Minho's daughter?" Onew continued. Jonghyun laughed at the question taking a minute before answering the question.

"Because of her rich daddy. I was going to blackmail him for money. Obviously he would do anything to get his daughter back so I thought that this was my chance. My chance to get out of this hell hole of a town and get a do-over. No more cops, no more drama, just...freedom. But then you two-" He said, pointing to us with his other hand, shaking it angrily. "You two just had to chase me down. Back me into a corner and make me reveal myself. And I think you can guess what that means." He suggested, placing his finger on the trigger. "You both have to die." He leaned in closer to me. "And I think I am going to kill you first, sweetheart." I glanced over to see him grin wickedly.

Who knew the man I looked up to for the last two years would be the one to betray me. The one to end my life. I remember when I started out as a cop, he would help me complete my cases and assist me when I needed it. But this person here in front of me? This was not the Chief Jonghyun I once knew. This man is a monster. The gun suddenly clicked loudly, making my heart race as the gun was only one small push away from a bullet fly straight into me.

"W-Wait!!" Onew yelled, catching me off guard. "Don't kill Y/N." He pleaded, sounding defeated as he looked me in the eyes. "Kill me instead and let her go. Please" My eyes widened at his answer. I quickly shook my head and started to tear up again, letting the few tears fall at the thought of my partner dying right in front of me as I could do nothing. Jonghyun laughed.

"Well I was going to kill you anyways but...I mean if you want to go first. It might be more fun to have her watch you die than the other way around, detective." He removed the gun from my neck and left my side. He slowly walked over to Onew's side and stood by him. I started to scream. I was terrified. There was no way in hell that I was going to let my partner do this. I kept on moving in my chair, trying my hardest to break free as I watched Jonghyun place the gun to Onew's head. I yelled, the tears rapidly falling as I watched Onew smile at me as if trying to show me that this was the right thing.

"Any last words?" Jonghyun asked, as he glanced between the two of us, his hand tightly gripped on the gun as he pushed it into Onew's head.

"Y/N," He whispered, making my heart ache. I kept on crying, believing that this was not real. That this was not happening. This is a dream, I kept on telling myself. Any moment now I will wake back up and Onew and I will be back in the office joking around, giving each other crap, right? Right? But I knew better. I kept on trying to scream, angry that I was powerless and I couldn't even say anything to him. "Everything is going to be... o-okay." He whimpered as he started to cry as well. "Just know that...You are the best partner a guy could ask for and I c-couldn't imagine my years as a cop without you." This made my cry harder, as I sobbed into my gag. Jonghyun started to grow impatient. "Stay strong and...I love you Y/N. I always have and always will." And as he finished the worst happened.

The sound echoed in the room as I screamed violently in pain at the sight. I sobbed even harder and was a mess of emotions. I watched Onew's head fall and his body become lifeless as the bullet entered into his brain. Tears blurring my vision I could see nothing in front of me.

"I wondered when the hell he was going to finish. Now..." He said, walking towards me. "Let's get this over with okay?" He suggested, wiping off the blood on his gun to bring up towards me. It was then that I accepted death. However, just when he was about to pull the trigger, we both heard gunshots from outside and screams. My heart started to accelerate in fear. "Shit." I heard Jonghyun whisper as he ran his head through his hair. Suddenly, the gunshots came closer behind me and that was when Jonghyun lowered his gun and stepped closer to me.

"This isn't over." This was the last thing he said to me before he ran away, going through a door on the other side of the warehouse. As soon as he left, I heard a door slam open behind me and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad sign. Footsteps approached, sounding like at least ten different pairs.

"Over here!" Someone said. I then saw familiar faces appear into my vision and was shocked to find other cops from my department here. Another detective, Taemin, started to untie me as his partner, Key kept on telling me everything was alright now and that I was safe. But everything was far from that. I saw a few other of the men run towards Onew and as the rest scattered around the place to find Jonghyun. I stared at Onew and continued to cry as I couldn't look away. As soon as I was untied, I got up immediately and started to run towards him when Key stopped me.

"Don't." He whispered, trying to calm me down.

"M-Move." I whispered, pushing him out of the way. He immediately pulled me into his arms and prevented me from moving. "M-Move!" I yelled, my voice growing weaker by the minute. I kept on hitting his chest in anger and tried to get out of his hold when I started to slow down. Realizing that Onew was completely gone, I froze and cried into Key's arms. As I did this, the rest of the cops carried Onew out of the warehouse and tried to rush him to a hospital.

But I knew it was too late. They were too late. I was too late. It's my fault. I sobbed into Key's arms and vowed then and there that Jonghyun would pay for what he did. I was going to find him and make sure that he couldn't take any more people's lives - from anyone, from me. He was right. This was far from over. This was just the beginning.

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