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Your POV:

     "Hey? Y/N are you awake?" I opened my eyes to see Ross looking away from me. "Ross?" "Um... Look down." I looked down and remembered what we had down last night. I quickly covered my naked body and got dressed.When I was done getting dressed I walked out into the kitchen and began to make food. When I got the milk out to pour it in my cereal I felt like I was about to throw up. I quickly ran to the hallway bathroom and locked the door. I stayed in there for about 3 minutes and walked out feeling very ill. I walked over to Ross' room and told him that I wasn't feeling too well so he told me to stay home with him today. He helped me make a quick vlog so we could tell all of my subscribers what was wrong and why there wouldn't be any videos for a couple days. We finish the vlog and i went to sleep. 

     For the rest of the day I felt perfectly fine, but I could't figure out why I felt that way this morning.


     I woke up and I had the same feeling it wasn't as bad this time, but I still couldn't figure out what it was. I decided that I would go to the doctors office and ask them what was wrong, but I didn't want to spend money if nothing was wrong with me, so I would go next week. 

     For the whole week I was in misery every morning some days I would head to work when Ross didn't know and I would come late and leave before lunch. I could get away with that the whole week, but I still went to the doctor's Friday afternoon. I asked them what was wrong so after 30 minutes I walked out with the news that I was going to be a mother. I was very confused. I didn't want to tell Ross because we weren't even dating and I didn't want him to leave me for good. I also wasn't sure if I was a virgin when me and Ross made love.

     The next day I went up to Alesa and told her the good news/sorta. 

You- "Alesa... I have a question I need to ask you..."

Alesa- "Yea! What is it?"

You- "Is it OK if it's a personal question."

(Long story short she told you what it meant to lose your virginity and you were wrong... You could be giving birth to Max's child in 9 months.)

You- "WHAT!?!?"

Alesa- "Yeah... Why did you ask me that? What happened?"

You- "I went to the doctor's office and they told me that I was pregnant. I didn't know who's it was because I din't know.. yeah."

Alesa- "YOU'RE PREGNANT!?!?!?"

You- "And...?"

Alesa- "AND YOU JUST NOW TELL ME?!?!?!??"

     Alesa went on and on about pregnancy and how everything gets bigger and how hard it is sometimes. I got REALLY scared. What am I supposed to do? I don't even know who is the father of my child... If it's Max then... I ... can't? tell him... I was so very confused on what I should do. I can't tell Ross if the child is Max's. UGGHH  What was I superposed to do now?

Ross' POV:

     Y/N... I know what's wrong with her, but... What happens if she goes back to Max over it?

Plot twist...Ross knows...What will Happen...Who do you think she will end up with?... Leave it in the comment section below and I will definitely take your thoughts into consideration! I love you all baby Cakes! And Good-Bye for now!

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