You Just Got Severed...

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     It was the next day and I was completely over the thing what happened yesterday until my door bell rang. I got up off of the couch and opened the door. It was Max. I thought he was here to apologize, but I was completely wrong. He handed me a paper and said, "This is what you should be sorry for." I looked at the paper and closed the door. He screamed so I could him through the door and said, "The date is on the paper. I was in complete shock. I handed the paper to Ross and he got angry. 

     Max was suing me for custody  of Jason. 

     I wanted to punch in the face. Not only for suing me over Jason, but the fact that he only wanted Jason. If they were both his kids, then why would he only want one.


     We both walked in and did exactly what we were told to do. The judge asked Max why he wanted Jason and he said, "HE IS MY CHILD." He looked at me and the judge said, "Well if Jason is yours then tell me why you don't want Troy?" I wanted to kill he when he said, "I don't care about him." The judge looked at me and knew exactly what I was thinking because he said, "Let's not get upset here." I looked at him and calmed myself down. Ross and my boys saw what happened and I didn't want them to come, but Ross argued that he go and we couldn't find a babysitter in time. "Ok... So Max you are fighting for your son Jason, right?" "Yes sir" The judge looked at me and asked, "May I see Jason?" I turned around and saw Ross carrying Jason up to the front of the room. "He is very cute. He obviously get his looks from his mom, but Y/n why don't you want Max to have Jason?" "When we were dating, your honor, Max was very violent and he was not a caring man. As you can see today. I do not want my son to grow up in a harsh environment."


     "Okay. I have no choice, with the evidence I was giving, but to say that Y/N gets full custody of Jason and Troy. I will not say 'Don't let Max see them' because that's your choice." I was so excited when he said those words that I walked over to Ross and hugged him with all my might. I picked up Jason and kissed him on the forehead. I set him down at looked in the direction of max. He was so mad it was insane. He speed walked out of the building with the world's angriest emotion. I picked up one of the car seats and Ross picked up the other one. We walked out of the building and put the kids in the car. We got into the car and Ross began to drive home. I was SO excited and every single part of me was showing it. Before we got home Alesa asked me to come over. She seemed very urgent and very sad. When we got to their place there was a cop car and Alesa was crying into Adam's arms, but I didn't see Mason. I ran to her and asked her what was wrong. I looked her her and Adam said, "Alesa was here with Mason, she turned her back for one second and when she turned around the door was wide open and Mason was gone. She looked everywhere while talking to the police and they can't find him." He was really teary-eyed and I didn't know how to help.

     Ross walked over with Jason and Troy. I noticed he had both of them so i took one from him. I walked over to the cops and asked them if something like this had happened before. He looked at me and nodded. I looked at him and he said, "A man/woman has been going around stealing kids around 1 year old. We find them around 3 weeks after they have been taken. They are dropped off at a fireplace and returned to the family once they are fully taken care of." "Why are you telling us this? Did you tell Alesa and Adam?" "No we didn't tell them, but I'm telling you so that you know what not to do." I began to walk away. I walked over to Alesa and asked her to come inside with me. We walked into the house and I sat Jason down. I hugged her and she began to cry harder then before.


     I ended up staying the night at Alesa and Adam's house.

To Be Continued...

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