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(There are some brutal scenes in this chapter, sorry)
(Do not go be mean to MithZan for anything you read! He is not mean like this.)


I thought about it. After hearing everything he just told me. I couldn't help but wonder. Ross and I decided that we would do whatever he had planned tomorrow. I need to rest and think everything over. I was never mad. We were both young and stupid, but it still hurt. It was hard to think about but I had to.



"Why are you telling me all of this now?"

"I knew I would have to tell you someday, but I hoped I never had to. It was something that you needed to know. I didn't want you to live with me if you didn't know the truth."

***Time Skip***

It was the morning and I felt sick. I was tired and didn't want to get out of bed. Ross insisted on sleeping on the floor even though I told him I didn't care. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I lifted up my shirt just enough to see my rib cage. It had been so long after everything with Max, but I couldn't ignore them. The scars. Everything Max had done to me. I remember the words he spilled from his mouth that made me stay up crying. I remember him hitting me and me falling. I was weak. He did things to me that I didn't want him to know. He's the reason that my mother thought Jason was his. I never said ok to what he did to me. I was asleep and I didn't remember it. I remember waking up and seeing things. Maybe he didn't, but how could I not assume he did. The scars faded, but never healed. I remember every tear. how come I remember everything bad, but never the good things I life?

Why did I mess up so bad?!

"Ross?" Tears were forming in my eyes as I ran out of the bathroom. It was like I awoke from a ad dream. It was horrible. "Ross?!"

I ran around trying to find him. The tears in my eyes fogged my vision. I couldn't breathe. I tried to find him for so long and then I just stopped. I couldn't go on any longer. Only moments later I hear the door open and then shut. I hear foot steps. Fast ones. I felt arms wrap around me and the tears slowly begin to fade away. I felt safe.

"Babe?!" He walked in front of me and held me again, "What's wrong?"

"I can't unfeel! I can't forget! The words! The pain! Everything..."

He held me tighter. this wasn't the first tie this happened. I did this a couple times during my pregnancy. Except I was asleep when I saw everything. I was wide awake, and my mind was exploring lost memories.

"It's ok! Shh... Calm down. I am here for you..."

He brushed my hair out of my face and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bed. He set me down softly and pulled the covers over me. He walked to the other side of the bed and got in with me.

"Ross. I don't care how you felt as a kid. You wanted to date someone. Or maybe you didn't want what we had. I don't care!" I grabbed hi and pulled myself into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my head and neck so I couldn't fall out of his grip. "I just care that you are here now! I dated someone else I forgot the happiest moments of my life for ever! I was in a scary place. It was eve scarier when I didn't know how to leave. You were my light"


"No! let me finish. you saved me! You saved me from the worst thing that happened to me. You didn't cause it. Me and my stupid actions. That's why we're here as you try to get me to stop crying!"

We stayed there not talking for god knows how long. I never wanted time to continue. The next day we decided to go home and just staycation until my mother had enough with the kids. We vlogged a little. We each made an update video to say why we would be posting vlogs.



"Are you sure that you're okay with going home?"

"Of course!"

"Why?" I refused to look at him, "You paid a lot of money for this didn't you?"

"Hey!" He got up and sat down right next to me. "I would spend 1 million dollars to make you happy. Even if you wanted to go home, I would leave the money and take you home."

We had finished packing and Ross walked back over and kissed the top of my head.

Ross' P.O.V.

I would do anything for her. I know after what she said that she doesn't care, but maybe I should. Maybe I'm not as perfect as I lead on. I have to talk to her. I got up and walked over. Before sitting down I softly kissed the top of her head.



"Are you sure that your ok?"

"No... I'm not sure, but once we get back I'll be able to figure a couple things out. I promise."

"Listen... if you didn't like what I did, you don't have to say you don't care just because of Jason and Troy. Just know that I will always love you and I will ALWAYS take care of them."

She looked up at me as if she was trying to find light in my eyes. I looked straight back at her as to tell her I was there. She pushed herself closer to me and sat there. Puckered lips and eyes closed. Soon her face tinted with a dark red color. I leaned over and kissed her. She giggled. Man I love that giggle. She stood up and kissed me. I got up and then turned her around. I wrapped my arms slowly around her waist and peeked my head through her hair. She giggled as I kissed her neck.

It was time for bed so I picked her up and walked her over. She always feel asleep in my arms as I did this, but I didn't care. I put her through enough and this was nice. She would wrap herself around my neck before she fell asleep.

To be continued...

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