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Your P.O.V.

I had fallen asleep, but my mind was still racing. Going through past memories. The day I met Ross...

A strange kid was walking through the halls. Alone and going the other way. He had light brown, semi-curly hair, black rimmed glasses and brown eyes. He was wearing a gamer t-shirt and tan colored shorts. I was walking to recess when I saw him. Tim-Tim was all the way ahead of me so I could say I got held up. I walked over pushing through kids. He was holding a book. I couldn't see the title or the cover. Maybe it was just a notebook? As we exited the crowd I noticed that he had been wearing black converse. I tapped him on the shoulder and threw my hands behind my back. 'Hi!' 'Hello?' I remember seeing him really confused. 'Is this the first time someone said hi to you?' I smiled, but I was really confused. 'No' he laughed, 'the teachers have said "hi"

Our first kiss...

I got downstairs and I began to pour me a glass of water. When two hands cuddled around me and a head popped around me face. 'Hello!' I knew if I screamed I would get in trouble so I turned. It was Ross. I laughed and grabbed my cup of water. I went over to the fire place and tried to get my phone. I wasn't able to because I was too small. Ross comes over and offers to help me. I couldn't get a chair so I said sure. I finally got my phone and as I went upstairs so did he. He followed me to my room, but I didn't stop him. He stopped in my doorway and made a weird face. I giggled and motioned for him to sit down. He closed the door and sat down. we talked for a couple of minutes. When he saw me writing he asked to read them. I allowed him to and we sat there. Reading and talking until about 3 o'clock in the morning. The sun was barely rising and I realized that I felt this weird thing towards Ross. I squeezed my hand. I feel a hand on my thigh. It was weird, because I kinda didn't want the hand to disappear. I curiously and hopelessly searched the room with my eyes. I don't know what I was looking for, but I was looking. I finally lay my eyes on Ross' and he plants it on me. It was weird, but I liked the sensation feeling of it.

The years it took me to get over him...

Age 11:
I stayed in my room for days. I sat on my bed. I always made sure that there was a glass of water and my phone on the page of my story he was reading. My eyes were red and puffy.
Age 12:
I ate my problems. They were still there, but I ate them. I gained over 100 pounds. Soon my schoolwork began to fall through. I knew everything, but I refused to do tests and homework. My mom told me my true scores and then changed them, because I was capable, but I didn't want to. She saw my pain and wouldn't want me to go through anymore.
Age 13:
I stopped caring. I wore the same clothes for months at a time. I locked myself in rooms of the house. I tried to kill myself 5 times that year.
Age 14:
I refused to socialize. My mother hated this, but she left me be.
Age 15:
I stopped writing every single one of my writing. I began writing down everyplace we kissed. When it happened and why I liked it so much.
Age 16:
At this age I was probably 500 pounds or more. I started to wear clothes that reminded me of him. I wore a hat over my face to cover my eyes.
Age 17:
I threw away everything I didn't want. My bedroom became bare and there was nothing but a bed. I wasn't allowed to throw that away. I started to lose weight. Not by exercising though. I would starve myself to become pretty, because I wanted to look pretty if Ross ever came back. I died my hair.
Age 18:
I was going through everything I said I wouldn't growing up. I never hung out with Tim-Tim. He hated me after what he heard about me and Ross. I began to write again. And I was eating, but I began to smoke. Then I met...

How I met Max...

It was my birthday party and Tim invited his friend and her brother, Max. I had no emotions at all at that time. I looked like a walking corpse. He walked into the building and looked around. I was looking at the ground crying. He walked over and looked at me. 'Um... are you Y/N?' 'Yes...' 'Happy Birthday!' He was so peppy that it hurt my eyes. I looked up and saw him smiling. It reminded me so much of Ross'.

How he asked me out...

It had been months after we met and we were at my house. 'Why do you only have a bed?' 'Because I do! It doesn't matter anymore! He'll NEVER come back!!!' 'You know what? Let's go to the movies!' 'No!' 'But I really like you' he was blushing and looking down at the floor. After I while I said sure and we went. Then again. And again. It was like a daily thing. And then we started dating.

The dreams that always had Ross in them.

Where I would walk out and he would too. He would suddenly tell me he loved me and I would say it back.
Or when I would see him and tell him then he would pick me up and kiss me.
Or even when we were married and had 3 kids and a dog. I would always wake up smiling.

I was only ever happy when I was with him. And how can I be mad at him?! He did the same thing I did when I agreed to date Max and not wait in my room and wait for him.

To be continued...

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