Where is Y/N?!

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Ross' P.O.V:

I still remember her smile...

"Did you put the boys in their cribs?"

"Yea? Why?"

"They aren't in there anymore." She laughed. I couldn't help, but to stare at her smile. It was beautiful. Everything about her was PERFECT!

I couldn't lose her...

God?! Why am I so stupid?! How was I supposed to know, right?! NO! That is no excuse! I shouldn't have let him get away with her.

"How are you holding up?" Y/N's mom walked up to the door and just stood there. "You aren't running past me this time."

I tried to smile. To laugh, but I couldn't. My life, love, everything was just taken away from me and I can't think straight. I remember how she looked last night...

Her skin was light and ~oh~ so smooth. It felt like almost like baby's skin. Her finger nails had red nail polish on them and white poke dots on them. Her bathing suit wrapped around her and hugged her skin. It looks so gosh darn comfortable on her... Her lips were perfect. The bottom lip almost looked like it was trying to compliment the top lip. She walked in with confidence. It could make anybody jealous just by looking at her. She looked happy no matter what might have came her way... She makes my life better than anything else. I was so happy to have her in my life. I wouldn't know what to do without her...

I couldn't lose her... Not anytime soon...

I walked downstairs and looked around for my parents. I couldn't find them. I walked into the kitchen and saw Y/N's mother cooking breakfast...

"Oh! Dear! how are you? I was making pancakes for you and the boys... If you want me to leave I can." I looked at the floor and ran to her. Wrapping my arms around her I began to cry... "Ross?"

"You look just like her..." I looked at her. The airs and eyes... "Everything reminds me of her. I'm breaking down..."

"Ross..." She lifted my head to look at her directly. "You shouldn't completely fall apart without her... I'm her mother and I shouldn't be saying this, but you are like a son to me, and you need to take care of your sons. I don't want anyone else getting hurt..."

I looked at her and was about to say something, but I stopped myself. She turned and flipped to pancakes. I could hear the boys waking up through the monitor. I didn't say anything, I just walked away to the stairs. I wiped my tears away as I slowly walked, Maybe even crawled, up the stairs. I got to the boys' room and slowly opened the door. As I saw them a smile spread across my face. Maybe just because Y/N was taken away from me, didn't mean I had lost my everything...

"Hi boys!" I ran over and got onto one knee. I saw them stare at me. No smiles, no laughter, no happiness... "Boys?"

I looked around the room and saw the boys' blankets. they were in the dirty clothes hamper and their toys were in the trash cans. They must have gotten out and done this... I walked over to Troy's crib. he seemed like he had gotten lost in my eyes and a single tear slid down his check. I picked him up and set him on the floor. I slowly approached Jason. He was barely one... He saw the whole thing...

"Jason?" He didn't look at me. He looked at his hands and then his hair. "Jason? What's wrong?!" He started trying to pull his hair out. I picked him up and put his hands at his side, but he was pulling at his hair and wouldn't stop... "Jason?!"

Y/N's mother rushed in and looked at me worried. "What's happening?" I turned around to show her Jason. "Oh my goodness! What is he doing? there isn't anything wrong with his hair!"

It took me a second. I couldn't wait a second. I didn't to check something before my son completely ruined his life thanks to someone else.

"Ross?! Where are you going?!" She stopped me at the doorway and I handed her Jason.

"Listen..." I put my hand on her shoulder. "Either somebody with red hair took her, or... She was bleeding and it matches his hair." I only knew two red haired people and I hoped that it was bleeding, but I didn't want Y/N to be hurt either.

I ran through-out the entire house looking for blood. Nothing. No blood anywhere. Jason feels his hair reminds him of the person who took his mom. I am angry now. I WILL find Y/N!

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