Finding True Love

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(There are some mature scenes in this chapter sorry.)

Your POV:

I walked out of my temporary room and sat down on the couch. Ross walked in and held my hand. I turned bright red and he took me to his room. He sat me on his bed and said "Y/N I love you..." He looked at me until i said "I love you too." He kissed me so passionately that I knew I wanted to be with him forever.

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!" It was all a dream... Ugghh! I walked out of my temporary room and sat on the couch except this time I was awake. I got dressed and walked to Ross' room. He stared at me and I said "I need a ride." " Oh... OK. Yeah. Let me get dressed and I'll drive you."

I wanted to tell Ross that I liked him, but I couldn't. I mean I could have easily walked to work. I can't keep hiding this, but I don't want Ross to find out and it be awkward. Ross began to walk out of the house and I could feel my face heat up.

Ross' POV:

I walked out of the house to see Y/N already in my car and ready to go. I walked closer to see her face bright red. I thought that she looked absolutely adorable. I got into the car to see her looking down at her phone with a hoodie covering her face. I wanted to say something, but what? I drove her to the offices and she kissed me before I left. I blushed when it happened.

When I got home I recorded 2 videos and began to edit the first one. At lunch time I got in my car and drove to the offices. When I got there Sky was talking to Y/N. I wonder what they are talking about ... I looked over and saw Alesa walk over with Mason and Y/N looked so cute when she held him in her arms. She noticed my car was parked and began to walk over to me. I rolled down my window and said "Hello!" She looked at me with a bright smile and said "Bonjour Madame Ross!" I thought that she was so cute when she spoke french. She sat down next to me and said "je t'aime!" I looked at her. She just said I love you! What!?!? She actually loves me?!?!

Your POV:

"je t'aime" I just told Ross that I love him! Does he love me back. I looked at him and he smiled. "I love you too, Y/N!" We got closer and closer until we were one centimeter apart. He closed the space between us and kissed me. I could feel fireworks. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't want him to stop. This tiny kiss turned into a long make-out session. We were kissing for about 10 minutes. (There will be some mature scenes now)


Ross took off my shirt. He unbuckled my bra and began taking off my underwear. At this time I had taken off his shirt and was taking off his pants. What am I doing. I have never done this before. I'm still a virgin! I began to worry that Ross would notice, but I kept going along with this. He laid me down on his bed when I suddenly felt a pain in my lower area. I winced in the pain. He stopped whatever it was that he was doing and looked at me. I closed my eyes and didn't say anything. Ross asked "Are you OK?" What was I supposed to say? I didn't even know what he was doing. I left my eyes closed. He began to do this to me again, but over and over again. I let out a small moan and quickly covered my mouth. Ross stopped again and I could feel him lay next to me. He whispered into my ear "I.. I didn't... I'm sorry." I realized what it was that he was doing to me so I kissed him on the cheek and we began to do it again except this time I didn't feel any pain and I didn't want to cover my mouth when I moaned.

To Be Continued...

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