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3rd person POV:

     It has 6 months and Ross has completely moved in. You guys are officially dating and you can't wait for the babies. You and Ross have already made a room for them with blue walls. You got blue cribs and blankets. You went shopping for almost everything that is blue.


     It has been 6 months and I'm so excited for my two little boys. Ross and I have got everything we were told to get and everything we thought we would need. 

     I wanted to go see what Alesa was up to so I walked to Adam and Alesa's place. I knocked on the door and she opened it with Mason in her arms. She greeted me and welcomed me inside.  I sat down on the couch and looked at Alesa as she set Mason on the floor to play with his toys.She sat down next to me and began to talk. "So... How have you been?" I looked at her and said, "Well... I have had a baby in my stomach for 9 months, so... I guess I could be better." We began to laugh When all of a sudden my stomach began to hurt and I told Alesa. We both stood up and we knew what was wrong. My water broke and I was going into labor. Alesa called Adam and told him she was going to the hospital. I texted Ross what was happening and We went to the car. I sat down and Alesa put Mason in his car seat.


     We got to the hospital and we only waited for about 5 minutes. When I was welcomed to the room Ross got there and so did Adam. Adam stayed with Mason and Alesa in the waiting room and Ross came with me. We went into the room I laid down on the bed.


"AHH"I was screaming. It hurt so much. Alesa never told me any thing about this. I was squeezing Ross' hand and I knew I was hurting him because he was wincing in pain. After what felt like I had been through hell the nurse walked in holding a baby boy. She walked out and came back only seconds later with another baby. She let me hold both of them. They looked so beautiful. The closer I looked I realized that one of them had red hair. The other one had brown hair. I knew that Ross noticed this too, but he didn't say anything. I looked at him and I let him hold one. The nurse came back into my view and asked that she takes the babies back. I nodded my head yes and handed her the brown haired baby. Next I handed her the red haired baby. She smiled and walked out. When she left it was somewhere around 11:30 and I was SO tired. I pasted out.


     I woke up to see Ross sitting at my side. The door opened and his eyes opened almost instantly. The nurse came and said, "You are aloud to leave, but we need to do some more tests on the babies to make sure they are ok to leave with you. By around noon the nurse came in and said that we could go get Troy and Jason and we can go home. I got dressed into my regular clothes and went to pick them up. Ross had thankful brought the car seats so we put them in there and went home. 

     When we got home I saw Alesa, Adam, Red, Barney, Tim, Corey, Emily, everyone else from the offices, and Max.I looked at Max and then I looked at Ross. Ross looked a little worried because Max might have realized that Jason had red hair. He would have known what happened because both me and Ross have brown hair. We finally got out and everyone was so excited to see us. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I didn't want everyone to stay outside so I let them all inside. When I got in I took Jason and Troy out. I had covered their hair so that no one would notice and I let everyone hold them. 


     Not to long after we got home everyone had to leave, but Max was the last one. Before he left he asked to see Jason again. I let him hold Jason when out of no where he said, "Why did you cover their hair?" Before I could take him back Max took off the hat I had Jason wearing. I looked at him and let me have Jason back. He looked at me and walked to his car. I ran to him as quickly as possible and said, "I'm so sorry you had to..." Max turned around and said, "You don't have to be sorry for that. You will just have to be sorry for what happens next."I saw smile and I got a little scared. He turned back towards his car and drove away. I walked back into the house and set Jason in his crib. I walked over to Ross and began to cry into his shoulder. He asked me what was wrong and I told him everything.

To Be Continued...

YourPalRossXReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora