My head hurts...

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(There will be some mature scenes in this chapter, sorry)

Your P.O.V:

I woke up in a dark space. there was a bed and a window. I was tied to a chair.The window was covered by iron bars. The door was shut and probably locked. My head hurts and I can't figure out why... What happened last night? Or tonight... What day is it? Soon I heard a noise. The door was unlocking...

"Oh! Such a pity!" I had heard that voice before, but couldn't think of who it belonged to. "He picked you of all the girls?! God You're such a ugly too!"

He wore a black robe that shielded his face. The light glittered before it fully turned on. I looked around the room hoping something could help me to get out of this place.

"Oh come on!" He approached me, "You really think you'll be able to get out?!"

"Why am I here?" I closed my eyes because the light hurt them. "What do you want with me?"

He laughed and put his hand on my check, "I don't want anything from you!" He slapped me and my cold, tired body fell with the chair to the hard, stone, freezing floor. "HE! picked you! You're going to hold his child and I will personally kill you when you release him."

I opened my eyes and saw a knife at my throat.

"You're going to hold his child-" What is he talking about? "when you release him." WAIT?!

"Are you saying you want me to hold his mysterious guys child?!" I stared into the darkness where his face should have been. "Like?! He's going to impregnate me?!"

"Well-" A tear slid down my now burning check. "Sure, but You won't really be the mother, OK? you'll be dead, remember?"

He placed his hand under my chin and curled his fingers around my face, as much as he could. I started crying even more when suddenly the sound of a door slamming open was heard. I stopped crying and tried to back up, and out of his grip.

"Excuse me!" He shoved the man out of the way and looked at me. "God! You were so hard to take, do you know that? And that annoying little brat! Where did you put him again? Max must be worried sick looking for his child!"

"What?!" My blood was boiling. "Max isn't a father to Jason or Troy! I took a test too! Max has the same blood as Jason, but wait! I took another test and Max isn't the father!"

"Oh-" He smiled. I could barely see his teeth. He covered the rest of his body. "That's fine."

He walked out of the room and the first man left with him. What was going to happen to me? I didn't know who was doing this or why they picked me. I guess I'm glad they picked me at the same time. Of course I miss my boys but at least if they were so set on grabbing me, it will take awhile for him to impregnate me. They won't try to take anyone else. I don't want anyone to be hurt. I should be able to get out of here before anything happens though.

***Time Skip***

I wasn't ready for what was going to happen today me. I didn't want to be ready. I wasn't even sure how I was supposed to be ready for any of this.

Tonight is the first night in so long that I'm away from the people closest to me. And those I care about have to be worried like hell. I hope that Jason is ok... I won't be ok until I make sure that Jason was found and found alive, I might add.

Right now it's dark outside. I don't know what time it is, but I could see the moon outside of the window. I hear the door unlocking again and my stomach starts turning. Turning really hard and really fast. I try to get free, but can't. I do everything in my power to get free, but then the door opens. I close my eyes and stopped moving.

"Oh dear..." He lifted my head up and put his other hand on my thigh. "I guess you're just gonna be my doll? I really thought you'd fight me on this. More hands appear randomly and blind fold me. I try to open my eyes and see only a shade of dark blue.

(There will be some mature scenes now)

I get hands all over my body. My clothes slowly beginning to disappear. I could t breathe.

"Let me go!" To of the hands put something that felt like cloth in my mouth to gag me.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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