Parental Test

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***After Work***

Your P.O.V.

The work I had today was finally over so I decided to stop by Alesa and Adam's house. I was gonna ask about what happened so I could understand a little better. I wanted to stop by my house to change though, because I was going to check on Troy and Jason and then take them to the doctors.

It had been a couple months and they were turning 1 in a couple days. On July 17th they will be 1!! I'm so excited, and I felt that on their birthday I should tell Max if one of them is his or not.

I walked into the house and Ross was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey!" I turned off the TV. "I'm gonna change and then head to Alesa and Adam's house. I'm gonna head to my moms after that."

"Oh!" He turned to me, "Can I come with you to take the test?"

"Do you not remember what I said?" I looked at him, "You can come, but you can't hear the results. I'm deciding who knows about the twins' results. Even if you are my fiancé."

"Ok! But I can still come though, right? I have nothing better to do..."

I laughed, "Of course!"

I walked into our room and changed into my most comfortable pants and a lose fitting light blue shirt. I let my hair down and slightly brushed it. The curls hung low and then sprung out. I slid on a pair of flip flops and walked out.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go Ross!"

We walked out and into his car. We agreed on buying me a car, but that would be after their party. We drove to Adam's and Ross stayed in the car as I went in. I had a long chat with Alesa. She said that when she was ready she would tell everyone, but it was mostly because they were pressured to be this perfect couple all the time. I know that feeling.

"Ok!" I had been inside for about 30 minutes, "We can go now! Thank you for waiting!"

"Finally!" He laughed as I got into the car. "Let's go!"

As we drove to my mothers, we talked and laughed. I loved talking to him. He cooled my nerves. Before we started dating I watched his videos and they always helped. Now being here with him and having him always being there, I was never tense. I couldn't wait until we were actually married and not just engaged.

***Time Skip***

"Hi boys!" Troy and Jason turned their heads and saw me and Ross. "Mommy and Daddy are taking you home!"

They were so excited. They couldn't really talk yet, but their smiles were huge and their eyes showed happiness. I walked over and picked up Troy. I kissed him on the head as Ross picked up Jason and hugged him.

With Troy in my arms and I turned to my mother. "So! We're taking them to the doctors for the test today..."

"Oh dear! I hope it all goes well! I wouldn't want anything. Bad to happen. Just remember, she put her hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to tell anyone what the doctor tells you. Nobody, but you-! Needs to know."

"I know mom! I'm not even allowing Ross inside the room when he or she tells me." I held Troy closer to me. "I am going to tell everyone - if I chose! - at their birthday party!"

"That's great honey!"

After about an hour it was time to go. We didn't want to lose our appointment. We got into the car after we buckled Troy and Jason. He laid his left hand on the steering wheel, while his right was laid on my thigh. I smiled and looked at the boys for most of the ride.

***Time Skip***

"Ok! So, are you ready to hear the results?" The doctor looked at me and I looked at Ross.

"Yeah," I opened the door, "Ross would like to leave first."

"Ok!" Ross left and he continued. "Troy," He pointed at Troy who was sitting closest to the wall on the bed, "has blood type AB. Jason," He pointed at Jason who was sitting on the doctor's chair, "is blood type A."

"Ok?" I looked at him. "Continue."

"You have blood type A and by Ross's files, Ross has blood type-... Also Max's files show he is blood type-"

***Time Skip***

"So! Is Max a father?"

"I told you this Ross! If I want to tell everyone, then I'll tell them on the twins' birthday!"

"Ok! Ok!" He parked the car and got out. "I'll get Troy."

"Ok." I got out and shut my door. I opened Jason's door and unbuckled him. "Let's go inside!"

Troy and Ross were at the door opening it.

"Aww" Jason's hands flew out towards Ross as he turned around. "That's so sweet!"

"Yea!" Ross threw his arms out towards me and Jason and I got down on my knees. I stood Jason up as Ross got down too. "Come here!"

Tears flew down my cheeks as Jason threw his arms back and ran to Ross. I guess Ross just makes everyone happy... Troy crawled out and stood up. He clapped his hands together and walked unbalanced to me. I kneed down and caught him before he fell. We all smiled as we walked into the house.

"Let's go to take a nap now. It's already 3:15!"

"Nap-time!" Ross looked at Jason and threw his open hand into the air. "Nap-time!"

Soon Troy and Jason were throwing their hands into the air screaming random noises. We put them in their beds with their blankets. Troy's blanket was light blue while Jason's was dark red. I loved how attached they were to those blankets.

"Good-night" Ross and I walked out of the room, "Finally! I thought they would never go to bed."

"Ross..." I looked at him still smiling "They always go to bed. You just need to be patient."

To be continued...

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