Chapter Thirty-four: Getaway Pt.2

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Keegan's POV

Small. Sparkly. Silver.

It was beautiful and simple. Just like her.

"No fucking way! Is that what I think it is?" I instantly shut the box at Melanie's piercing voice. My body whipped around to see her gaping with her hands over her mouth.

"Shh!" I warned, calming her down as she came to sit next to me on the couch. "Relax. It's just a promise ring."

"Are you giving it to her today? Let me see it!" She whisper yelled so that no one could hear her from upstairs. I handed her the box and watched her fiddle with the ring in admiration. "Aw, Keegan. She's gonna love it. K.A nice touch." I got my initials faintly itched into the inner side of the ring.

I really hope she likes it.

I just hope that I can find the right moment to give it to her.

Everyday I find myself falling more and more in love with her, it just felt like the right time to give her something special and meaningful. Something to show her how serious I was about us, and how much she means to me.

"Thanks." I took the box back and dropped it into the pocket of my jacket. "I'm so nervous." All I was waiting for, was for her to wake up so I could put my plan into action.

"Hey, don't be. It'll be fine, trust me." She encouraged, making me feel better. "I think she's up. Go get her!" I took a deep breath and shook my body to get rid of the nerves, then ventured upstairs to the bedroom we have been staying in.

I knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Hey, you're awake." I greeted. Her gaze lifted from her phone to my eyes and the edges of her lips curled up into a wide smile. The way she looked at me like that made my knees weak.

"Hey. You're not sick, are you?" She asked curiously while turning her phone off. I shook my head with a small chuckle. I have no idea what we were all thinking last night. It's a miracle none of us are sick or suffering from a severe case of hypothermia right now.

"Nope." I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand. "So, I was thinking that we could go for a walk and get some breakfast by the beach?"

She nodded and smiled, approving of my idea. "Yeah, that sounds good." Suddenly, she began looking at me weirdly as if she was trying to figure something out. "You're being weird."

Fuck, it's the nerves. I need to snap out of this.

"Weird? What do you mean?" I chuckled to ease the weird vibe I was putting out.

She bit her lip and tilted her head, staring at me attentively. "I don't know... You seem distracted." A disadvantage of her knowing me inside and out, was that she could see right through me no matter what I did.

"Really? How?" I questioned, smiling.

"Now you're trying to hide it. Is it something bad?" She gasped with a worried expression. "Wait, are you going to break up with me?"

My eyes widened. Shit, now she thinks something's up. "No! No, babe! I love you. Don't worry, you're stuck with me forever." I smirked and could literally see her sigh in relief. "I'll leave you to get ready."

I stood up but her hand gripped my wrist before I could pull back. "You seriously are acting so weird. Since when do you ever pass up the opportunity to kiss me?" She asked flirtatiously. The thing was that she was 100% right. Since when am I able to keep my hands off her? This is really getting into my head.

I instantly climbed onto the bed as she giggled. I straddled her and put my arms on either side of her face, staring down into her gorgeous brown eyes that sparkled ever so gently. "You want kisses? Then I'll give you kisses."

The Bad Boy Caught the Girl | #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें