Chapter Thirty-two: Exams

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A/N: don't know if this is necessary but BEWARE SEXUAL REFERENCES ARE AHEAD. ENJOY!

Keegan's POV

It's the week that everyone dreads.

The week where everyone is instantly regretting their decision to go out partying every weekend and dedicating endless hours to marathoning a new TV series. We know who you are. The week where everyone is frantically trying to cram in any last minute revision to ensure that they don't fuck up.

Yep, you guessed it. It's exam week.

Although the weeks prior to it are a string of continuous stressful events, it also marks the beginning of our freedom. It's the feeling we all long for. The feeling of exhilaration once placing the pen down when the time is up, and knowing that it's for the very last time.

It's crazy to think that we've endured 12 years of school, and we'll finally be graduating in 2 weeks. Finally graduating out of this hell hole people call school, and venturing out into the real world. The world where people go to work for a living to support themselves and their family.

All of a sudden, it has become so real.

My mind couldn't help but wonder into the future. In 5 years time, I could be married to Melissa and we could be on the road to making our own beautiful family. And I honestly, I couldn't freaking wait for that day.

Speaking of Melissa, I never knew how much I could miss that little shit until these past few weeks. She would blow me off every time I wanted to hang out because she had to study and if I were there, I quote "would be too distracting."

It's crazy how much I miss her.

But I don't blame her. We decided to have a study session one night and I couldn't help but annoy her. Her reactions were unbearably adorable. Soon enough, me annoying her turned into play fighting, and play fighting turned into making out.

So for the sake of our future, she's been minimizing distractions, me being one. She promised that she'll make it up to me after our final exams which were today.

To say that I'm extremely excited to see her would be an understatement.

I approached the outside of the classroom where everyone was waiting to be seated, I spotted Joe and Harry who hollered at me as I got closer. "Hey man! You ready to finish this week off with a bang?" Joe and I exchanged a handshake.

"Dude, I'm so fucking ready." I put most of my time into preparing for my biology test as it's not one of my strengths, and at this point, I couldn't be more confident.

The doors swung open and everyone released a breath of anxiousness as mutters quietened down. "Alright class! Can we get everyone to make a line in roll order?" We've repeated this routine so many times that it's starting to feel like formality. I joined the front of the line and we began filing into the classroom, taking our assigned seats.

"Okay, you guys know the drill." Mr. Antonio began reciting the rules like every other teacher. "I have no doubt that you will all do well. This is the last exam you will ever take at this school. Do your best and make it count. Good luck guys!" I rubbed my hands together anxiously, ready to tackle this beast. "The exam ends at 11 o'clock. Your time starts now."

The sounds of paper slapping against the table filled my ears as everyone flipped their pages over in a hurry to complete their exam.

Wish me luck.


After what felt like the shortest amount of time on earth, time was finally up and I had managed to complete the whole exam with a few minutes to spare. Damn, I was proud of myself.

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