Chapter Thirty-one: Malcolm

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Melissa's POV


The doorbell rang and I immediately froze. I'm home alone, in my bedroom completing my homework and studying for the exams that were coming up in a few days. I put down my pencil carefully and went to grab the closest thing to defend myself with which was a pillow. Meh, good enough.

I opened my door and it was clear. I ran to a wall and it felt like I was in one of those action movies. I heard something in the kitchen and slowly descended from the stairs, making sure they didn't creak. I cautiously turned the corner and bumped into a tall figure.

I instantly swung into action and smacked the person with the pillow continuously whilst screaming. "Shit! What are you doing? It's me!" I stopped and realised that it was Malcolm.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry! I thought someone was breaking in." I explained embarrassed and he chuckled in response as I helped him off the floor. "Woah, your hands are so cold." I pointed out fascinated as he took off his jacket and scarf.

"Well, that's what happens when it's like minus 100 degrees out there, and it's okay. I came through the secret window." Only Malcolm, Marley and Melanie know about the 'secret window'. It's a window on the side of the house that is always unlocked in case of an emergency.

"You should've just texted me." I told him and he shrugged with a smirk on his face. "What is it?"

"You're actually talking to me." He took a step closer. "So, what are you doing?"

"Well before you came in and scared the shit out of me, I was doing homework." I answered and began walking up the stairs.

"Alone? Where's your boyfriend?" He questioned behind me.

"Keegan's out with his boys." I tossed the pillow back on my bed and leaned on my desk, giving Malcolm my undivided attention. He was smiling brightly at me, making me smile back. "So..."

"So..." He repeated as he slowly inched closer to me. "How are you? Tell me that you were sensible yesterday and aren't suffering from a hang over right now."

I laughed, it was good to know that our jokes and friendly banter was back but it did make me wonder how long he could be able to go without making it awkward. "Of course I was sensible." I shoved his shoulder as he stood right in front of me with his arms rested on my desk on either side of my body.

Okay, apparently not long. I hadn't realised how close he was until now. "W-what are you doing?" I put a hand on his chest to create more space between us where I felt more comfortable.

"Can I hug you?" He questioned, the overly happy expression on his face kinda creeped me out. I kept my hand on his chest whilst backing away from the desk to ensure that he couldn't trap me.

"Why?" I questioned suspiciously as he picked up his pace.

"Because I've missed you Lissa." Suddenly he lunged at me, I squealed in surprise and attempted to run off but I wasn't fast enough. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and tackled me onto my bed for a hug.

I giggled, looking up into his eyes and we paused for a moment. I watched as his eyes scanned my face softly and zeroed in on my lips. Oh no. "Would you believe me if I said that out of everything in the entire world, the only thing I want to do right now is kiss you?" Malcolm cupped my cheek and stared at me in admiration while stroking my hair.

"Malcolm, don't." I shook my head and untangled his fingers from out of my hair.

"Don't what? Am I not allowed to express how much I love you? Or tell you how beautiful you are?" Malcolm placed his hands on my hips with a smile.

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