Chapter Four: Party

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Keegan's POV

It was the end of the third quarter and we were going okay. Our tactic was to gain a headstart in points at the beginning but that didn't go to plan. Fuck, the Tigers give us a run for our money. They were always a challenge to beat but this time, we were focused on the prize.

The score was currently 15-16 us.

The team gathered around Coach T. "Guys you gotta get in there, target their weaknesses and go in for the kill. I know you can do this okay. Each and everyone of you have a role in the team. Give it all you got and have fun! Hands in!" Everyone nodded and we piled our hands together.

"1, 2, 3, Wallabies!" We all cheered. We were so pumped up, I had a good feeling about this.

I couldn't help but notice that Melissa hadn't shown up yet. Was she blowing me off? She's distracting you. Get her out of your head!

We stood in our positions ready for the next quarter. I eyed up the captain of the Tigers, Mark Willows and looked at him with a smirk. "You're going down." He just replied with an eye roll and a loud scoff.

I saw that Ethan was waving to someone rather happily and I was curious so I followed the trail of his eyes to see who it was.

To my surprise, it was Melissa.

She walked up the stadium and took a seat on the steps. Her eyes flickered to me and she gave me a wide smile. I'm so glad she came.

The referee blew the whistle and it was game on.

Having Melissa present at the game made me want to win even more and pushed me a little harder.

Halfway through the final quarter, we scored another goal 15-17. "WOO!" The crowd cheered. I love the exhilaration of playing soccer and hearing the crowd cheer us on. It made me feel like I could accomplish anything in the world that I fucking want.

We were so confident and sure that we were going to win that we didn't continue playing 100% and let the Tigers score two goals. The realisation of us lacking off, frustrated me at our carelessness and cockiness.

We were neck and neck at 17-17.

5 seconds left.



I could hear the crowd gasp as time ran out.


Somehow, Harry managed to score another goal just in time which made us the winners.



We went ballistic. "YEAH BOYS! WE FUCKING DID IT!" I screamed, I was so fucking happy right now. Everything we've been training for has finally payed off and made us a step closer to the finals.

"WOOHOO!" The team yelled and carried me and Harry on their shoulders, as well as Coach T. The crowd was going mental. I've never heard it so loud before and it was awesome!

"PARTY AT MINE! WOO!" Harry yelled in pure happiness. I was so proud of him. People were coming down from the seats to congratulate us. I was on the look out for a specific person.

She was small but caught my eye as she caught mine, I walked over to her. "Hey Sunshine, you're a bit late." I teased.

Melissa groaned. "Ugh, shut up. I didn't mean to."

I grinned. "Whatever, the most important thing is that you're here now. I'm so happy we bet them!" She smiled. "Well, looks like you're ready for the party."

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