Concussion ConnorxReader

Start from the beginning

The two men ran and jumped the door, making him fall to the ground as they both rammed into him harshly at the same time, the man fucking THREW the light haired man across the room, making him smack harshly against the wall which just so happened to have a couple wine bottles on it that where now shattered across the floor,

"Uh-Connor!" Said one who was literally being lifted into the air by the other guy.

'Connor' recovered as quickly as he could and charged at the guy, cut up here and there from where a bottle had fallen and broke on him.

He tacked the guy grabbed the closest thing he could, which just so happened to be a beer bottle, and smashed it HARD against the man's head, causing him to pass out, quickly, but of the men ran over to you.

You hadn't managed to make yourself get up, you where honestly not sure if you where hallucinating that the moment, you had hit your head really harshly on the floor, you head stung everywhere and your ears where ringing.

"r uo ay?" Is all you managed to hear before blacking out.

The darker haired man quickly picked you up and slumped you over his should, helping his what seemed to be brother limp along as well to the closest hospital which was about two blocks down.

When they got there, they took you all to get bandaged up, you where checked out for any bad injuries, you had gotten your head slammed fairly hard and had a small concussion, meaning you where gonna have to rest for a few days.

Once the boys where all fixed up they went in with you and sat down, waiting for you wake up, the doctor said you would probably in about an hour.

The boys talked from time to time, but mostly watched you.

Sure enough, after about an hour you started to wake up, you still had a headache but it wasn't as bad, when you opened your eyes you where looking up at a white, bright lighted ceiling, turning your head you see the two boys from the bar sitting close to you, one had a couple cuts on his face and a bandage on his hand and looked like he had taken a shower or something, but not with water.. The other had a red eye and a couple bandages here and there.

"Wha???" Was all you could say, and it was in a faint whisper.

"How ya feelin'?" The one asked that was drenched in something, god knows what though.

"Headache" You murmur, not really sure if this is still a dream, it felt vivid, but yet real...

"the doc said you got a mild concussion, but nothin' to worry too much 'bout, yer gonna have ta rest for a few days though." Said the other one.

"Who are you guys...?" You asked after a second.

"Oh right- well I'm Connor and that there is Murphy." Said the lighter haired guy.

"Oh-I'm uh---uh---" Trying to think right now hurt. '' I don't know right now..." You said, looking back at the ceiling and closing for eyes for a second.

"Thank you, both of you" You murmured quietly.

You had accidentally fallen back asleep, waking up again, subconsciously turning onto you side and opening your eyes, you found 'Murphy' asleep, his head resting on his brothers shoulder.

Thankfully you where more aware and you didn't have a headache really.

"Hey, feelin' better?" He asked once again, you looked more aware now, so he thought it would be worth a shot of asking again.

"Uh, yeah-I'm y/n by the way." You say, remembering that you never told them.

"Ur-what happened when I uh...well blacked out..?" You asked, not really sure if you wanted to know.

Connor/Murphy x Reader One Shots (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now