"Cam we didn't want to stress you out even more than you already are." I said trying to calm him down.

"Legacy, what's going on back home? Everyone has been real tight lipped and asking me how I'm doing, you wanna know the truth I'm going crazy because when I left everything was a fuckin mess and all I'm doing over here is coming up with fucked up scenarios of what could possibly be going on, so please...... please don't lie to me, what's going on?" I could hear the sorrow in his voice and I was torn, one one hand the more he knew the more stressed out he'd be, but on the other hand not know was possibly worse. Just when I decided to tell him Lorenzo took the phone from me.

"Cam listen here's the quick run down, everyone is doing fine Khalil and Marcus are still fucking like rabbits, Zyshaun is still annoying, Devin and Blaze are great, Liberty won't stop talking, all the kids are getting too damn big, too damn fast and everyone misses you like crazy especially your siblings." Lorenzo said quickly. "Because punk your job isn't to worry about us, your only job is to make sure you bring your bitch ass home." Lorenzo said handing me the phone and walking upstairs.

"Cam he went upstairs to check on the kids." I said shaking my head.

"Tell Enzo when I get home I'm beating his ass, I've been hitting the gym everyday and I'm not going to go easy on him just because he's getting old." Cam said laughing.

"So what exactly did Nico say when you called?" I asked wanting to know just how muc I had to relay to Devin and them.

"I didn't get a chance to talk to Nico, because Iman's bitch ass started talking shyt saying how he hopes I die in a bombing or some shyt, so I owe him an ass-whoopin and Nico too for having that nigga in his house. When the fuck did he get out anyways?" Cam asked, I gave him and quick rundown of Julius helping Iman get out and I could tell Cam was pissed.

"Look Devin wants to let it go Cam, he feels like if Nico is happy with Iman then maybe we should just let them do their own thing away from us." I said.

"Devin has gotten soft, I'm going to beat Iman's ass and that's that....... I'll leave Nico alone because he's Devin's best friend but other than that it's no holds barred." Cam said. "I'm going to have to call you later, I'm about to go eat this nasty ass food I swear when I get home I'm having every single one of y'all take me to a different restaurant and I'm not paying for shyt." Cam said.

"Aight bet, I love you bro..." I said quietly.

"I love you too, make sure you tell Enzo I'm coming for him." Cam said laughing before hanging up. I walked up stairs to find Lorenzo sitting by the window watching the rain fall.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Baby imagine being eight thousand miles from home, you find out one of your brothers has cancer, one of them just found out his best friend tried to have his fiancee killed, your wife is pregnant, you have another brother and the dude that's stalking your brother in law is still on the loose. How would you feel? Cam doesn't need that kind of stress, the less he knows the better." Lorenzo said.

"I get where you're coming from Lorenzo but when he gets home he's going to be pissed." I said imagining the temper tantrum Cam was going to throw when he got home, which almost made me smile. "Then there's the fact that his best friend is getting married without him." I said quietly.

"True but we'll deal with that when he comes home, now let's finish discussing  our talk from earlier. We gotta let everyone know because I've gotten in enough trouble with y'al for keeping secrets and we don't need anymore right?" Lorenzo said kissing me.

"Right." I said pulling my shirt off and letting him take me to a place of sexual bliss.............................


I sat in a room tied to a chair, how the fuck did they find me? Matter fact who the fuck were these dude, because I've never seen them before? I got hit in the face again by the smallest dude but honestly he hit the hardest, I felt my nose break a...

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I sat in a room tied to a chair, how the fuck did they find me? Matter fact who the fuck were these dude, because I've never seen them before? I got hit in the face again by the smallest dude but honestly he hit the hardest, I felt my nose break and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"Who....... who sent y'all........" I managed to get out before getting punched in my mouth and swallowing a few teeth. "Bitch......" I said spitting out blood.

"Todos os covardes morrem lento. (All cowards die slow.)" The smallest dude said in my ear. I didn't know what the hell he said but the touch of his hand on my skin was the touch of death and I knew right then who sent them and my fear betrayed me, I knew I was about to die.

"Marcus I love you......" Those were the last words I ever spoke. The pain I was feeling now was nothing compared to the emotional pain I was feeling knowing I'd never see Marcus again. I just wished he knew what kind of man he was marrying because if Khalil was crazy enough to send them, who knew what he was capable of..................................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now