Me and Khalil made our plates and walked out to the dining room, I noticed Tonya and Carmen sitting off to the side crying in each others arms.

"Let me go check on them, I'll be right back. Don't eat off my plate." Khalil said kissing me before walking over to Liberty and Carmen. I sat next to Torian who was feeding Odion, I looked down and smiled because he looked more like Khalil and Noah than he did Devin.

"He's getting so big." I said tickling Odion's stomach.

"True, I just wished he slept through the night like his brother....... Darion doesn't give us any problems but this one....... thinks two o'clock is shitting time, three o'clock is play time, four o'clock is crying time and five o'clock is wake up his brother time. But I love them both more than anything." Torian said as Will came over and took Odion and within minutes Odion was sleep. "So I wanna get your advice on something........ Devin told me I could get any three things for my birthday."

"Isn't he generous." I said laughing.

"Shut up....... nah but I know what the second thing is but it's the third thing that's giving me trouble. Liberty suggested a threesome but I'm not sure how to ask or if he'd even be willing to do it." Torian said.

"Liberty is special........... but she may be on to something, I mean I seen what a threesome did for her and Cam's relationship it lit a fire in both of them that made them fall in love all over again. It's up to you and what you're comfortable with and as long as y'all understand that it's a one time thing, the only advice I can give you is follow your heart and not your head. I'm about to go check on Marquise." I said walking to the nursery.

I checked on all the kids before walking over to Marquise and as badly wanted to pick him up I decided against it because I knew he'd wake up and it would take forever to put him back to sleep. As I walked out the room I almost ran into Khalil who was about to check on the kids as well.

"We need to talk right now....." He said pulling me down the hall and into an empty room. "Marcus I....." He didn't get to finish because my phone started ringing cutting him off, I looked down and it was an Atlanta area code. I put my finger to my lips and put the phone on speaker so Khalil could hear the entire conversation.

"Marcus....... I'm sorry for how things went down the last time I was in Texas. Hurting you was never my intention but I've always been in love with you and I never should've let you go." Julius said and from the sound of his voice he was crying.

"Julius, I'm over it and I'm over you, we haven't been together in over six years, now that I think about it we were never together. I'm happy now why can't you just accept that and let me live my life with my husband and sons?" I asked rubbing Khalil's dick through his pants, but was surprised because he wasn't getting hard like he normally did. "What's wrong?" I asked Khalil but Julius answered.

"It's Thanksgiving and I'm sitting at home alone....... wishing that you were here with me." Julius said and I rolled my eyes. "Look I wanna tell you everything just come to Atlanta and let me talk to you face to face and I promise everything will become clear."

"How about you come to Texas and we can talk without your boys pussy......" Khalil said taking the phone out my hand and hanging up. "Fuck that dude...... his days are numbered."

"Let's forget about him Khalil now what were you saying before he called?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"I was talking to Carmen and she was telling me about something she just found out a couple days ago apparently Kadeem........ Kadeem wasn't exactly faithful to her, which shouldn't really be a shock since he got with her by cheating on my mom, but that's beside the point. I guess she just found out about another child..... a boy he supposedly is to have had while they were together and she felt since I was the oldest she wanted me to go see if it's true or not." Khalil said quietly.

"How do you wanna handle it? You know I'll support any and everything you do Khalil." I said grabbing his hand.

"I wanna tell my brothers and sisters first...... they have a right to know. Then I want to wait until all this is over before approaching him, the last thing we need is him getting dragged into our mess. So once this Julius situation is taken care of me, Devin, Sa'vion and probably Cadence will go meet this dude and his mom and see if it's true or not." Khalil said.

"Tomorrow...... we'll worry about all this tomorrow right now we're focusing on family." I said kissing him and leading him out to the hallway, I could tell this was weighing on him heavily Khalil was extremely protective of all of his siblings and the fact that there MIGHT be another one was really starting to affect him. All I could do was ease so of his worry and hope that this all ended soon so we could get back to rebuilding our family........................................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now