Chapter 28

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Sean shoved past all the people in the hospital, Daniel going after him, apologizing to the people.

Sean accidentally shoved Enitza out his way, seeing as she stumbled over and began crying, making him immediately stop running looking back at her. The people around him had obviously figured out who he was and watched in horror as he slowly walked to her, feeling camera's on him.

"Why would you do that Jack!? I thought you were nice man!" She cried, trying to stand but fell onto her side, her cap flying off her head. Sean picked up her cap and looked at her, seeing her wipe her wet cheeks, her hands clasped together.

"I'm sorry Enitza" he placed it on her head, seeing her smile and hug him, earning a few confused glances from people as he pulled away from her, running out the doors.

Daniel ran after him, pushing the doors open, his eyes slightly wide when he saw the police cars already parked in the front. Sean didn't stop running though, actually pushing past the policemen that tried to grab him, running towards the woods.

"Sean!" Daniel called, the police stopped him, telling him he couldn't go any further. "Shit..." Daniel breathed as he watched Sean run through the trees, a few men chasing after him.


Mark could not be happier when he walked out that hospital, his arms stretched out and a small smile on his lips. He hadn't regained his full memory but he had gained enough.

He walked out, the doctors watching as he strolled down the stairs and to the pavement, deciding to walk to where his house was after asking the doctor's where he had lived.

He looked out to the woods, his pace slowed down as he stared, his heart beating at the thought of Sean. He felt horrible. After about a minute when Sean ran out the room, he realised Sean was the one he was so in love with, and he had just blown his cover like an asshole.

He didn't realize that he had stopped walking and stared out into the woods, crossing the road and staring in. From what he has heard, no one, not Sean or the police that went after him were seen again, the authorities still searching for them in the months that have passed.

Mark didn't know what had come over him as he walked in, the air fresh of pines and nature, the wind blowing his locks over his eyes, making him huff and grumbled something incoherent under his breath.

He walked for what felt like minutes, but when he looked at his watch, he realised he had been walking around in those woods for over two and a half hours.

"Shit..." he shivered as a chilling breeze blew over hun, turning on his heels and beginning to walk back, but the sound of footsteps caught his attention.

He jumped when he turned, seeing a man run towards him, his hands blood and his police clothing was torn, his eyes were wide and full of fear, tackling Mark.

"Y-You shouldn't have come! He's... He's mad! He'll kill you!!" He declared, climbing off Mark, running off, screaming from the top of his lungs. "Wait!" Mark called, standing quickly, suddenly forced back to the ground, his stomach collided with the ground roughly, making him huff out.

"You dare to face me?! Are you fucking out of it!!" A loud and daunting voice screamed, laughing maniacally, Mark feeling a sharp pain shoot from his shoulder, letting out a piercing scream, the man getting off and backing away.

"Holy shit, Mark!?" They screamed in shock, Mark just barely glancing over at them, the tears streaming down his cheeks. Sean stared back at him with wide eyes, his Berlin shirt was drenched with new and old blood, his arms covered in scars, some bleeding some dry.

"You're here!? Why the fuck are you here?! You want me to end your suffering?!" His eyes wide, sitting on Marks back, grabbing his hair and yanking back, pressing the blade to his neck as he pulled Mark's head back.

"No no no! Sean wait!!" Mark cried, his body shaking uncontrollably, small sobs leaving his lips. "But... But you're in pain!! It's mercy is it not! Like putting down a sick animal!!" His smile wide in insanity, Mark whimpering fearfully.

"Please, god, Sean don't!" Mark pleaded and Sean threw his head back and cackled, letting Mark go, rolling off him and laughing, holding his stomach as it ached from his laughter.

"You... You actually pretend to give a fuck! Are you here to mock me!!??" Sean screamed, his eyes raging as he grabbed the knife, piercing it into Mark's hand, the blade going right through his bone and sinking into the ground, Mark letting out a blood curdling scream.

"Stop screaming you fucking pussy!!" Sean demanded, kicking Mark in his side before he grinned and stopped smiling, his eyes going to concern, staring at the blade confusedly before they widened.

"Oh my god!!" Sean yelped, pulling it out, covering his mouth with his hands.

"Shit! How'd that happen Mark!? What did you do!?" Sean pulled out a bandage from the backpack Mark didn't notice he had, crying loudly as Sean wrapped it around his hands tightly, kissing the bandages, smiling to Mark before his gaze turned angered once again.

"Why are you here! Get the fuck out my woods!!" Sean stomped on Mark's newly bandaged hand, smiling in satisfaction as Mark screamed, trying to pull his hand away.

Sean stepped back, watching as Mark cowered away, letting out low sobs, his tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry Mark, I... I should just leave you" Sean said sadly, turning and beginning to walk away until he stopped, looking back at him with a glare.

"But then again, I should leave no witnesses!" He pulled out his knife.


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