Chapter 13

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"What are you smirking about?!" Mark glared as he paced in his room, Jess sitting in the bed, watching him smugly. "You" she shrugged and he glared, his fingers curling into fists as he grit his teeth.

"This is not funny!" He snapped and she rolled her eyes. "Oh please! What are you getting so worked up about?" She scoffed and he pulled at his hair, groaning loudly.

"I am with someone! I have cheated! They are going to kill me! They are... oh shit" he stopped, realising who he was talking about. Sean was going to lose it, Mark knew that for sure, which made him panic even more.

"Since when?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at him. "Why are you still here?! Get the fuck out! Don't make he kick your sorry ass out! Do not come back!" He demanded, pointing to the door, watching as she rolled her eyes, collecting her remaining items and left.

"Fuck!" Mark screamed, punching his wall again, his healing knuckles split again, more blood left his fists with every punch he threw at the wall, not stopping until the pain reached his head, making him groan loudly, pulling his hands away and covering his face, the blood marking onto his cheeks.

He looked up, seeing the time on his clock, his eyes widening. "Shit! I'm fucking late! Very fucking late!" He began rushing to collect his things.


"Mark?" Sean frowned, standing quickly, noticing the blood on his face, his eyes swirled in worry, rushing to the glass, looking out at him. "What happened!? Holy shit!" Sean gasped, his eyes going to his still bleeding fists, blood still dripping from his knuckles.

"What did you do?!" Sean asked, getting more and more worried as Mark barely even looked up at him, tossing his bag to the ground angrily, screaming in frustration.

"I'm such a fucking idiot!!" Mark screamed, walking to the kitchen setup, opening the tap and cleaning his fists, cringing at stinging pain in gave him, gritting his teeth.

"What are you on about?! Why are you an idiot?" Sean questioned, watching him worriedly, frowning in confusion and concern. "Nevermind Sean!" Mark rose his voice, bandaging his fists carefully.

Sean scoffed, staying silent and watching him, his mind swirling with questions. He was scared and worried about Mark, wondering what he was going off about.

Mark washed his face, sighing loudly before he looked up, his eyes meeting Sean's, the worried look on Sean's face quickly turned to suspicious, telling Mark that he obviously looked very guilty.

"Mark?" Sean said slowly and Mark bit his lip. "Yes?" He mumbled back, his hands playing with each other as he looked at the ground, guilt was the only emotion he could feel.

"What did you do?" Sean said eerily, pressing his hands against the glass, staring at Mark seriously. "What makes you think I've done anything?" Mark tried to defend but Sean narrowed his eyes at him.

"A, you've punched the wall, which you only do when something happened and, B, you look guilty" Sean pointed out and Mark scoffed, shifting on his feet slightly.

"How do you know I don't usually punch walls?" Mark said.

"Mark, you and I both know you're talking bullshit, and besides, the last time you did that was when you hit me" Sean shot back and Mark's heart caught in his throat at the memory of that day.

"I uh... fine, I did something... really bad" He sighed, looking up into Sean's eyes but quickly lowered his gaze, not handling those blue eyes.

"What did you do?" Sean pushed, becoming anxious and impatient, his heart beating against his ribs. "So, I got home the other day, when I arrived, Jess was there, it told her to leave but she said she wanted to fix things between us, so she took me out to get a drink, one drink turned into a lot more drinks" Mark said, not looking up at Sean.

Sean felt numb and sick, like he wanted to bash his head against the wall and pretend this was not happening. He didn't want to believe it, he hoped that Mark wasn't being serious, maybe he was thinking too much into it, maybe Mark didn't do what he thought he did?

"I slept with her" Mark said in one breath.

Or maybe he did.

"You... slept with her?" Sean repeated slowly, stepping away from the glass, his mind processing what Mark was saying. "She manipulated me Sean! I swear! I didn't mean to! I barely remembered what happened" Mark stated desperately.

"You... slept with your ex girlfriend, while you're with me?" Sean said slowly, rubbing his temples, trying to break it up in his mind. "Sean..." Mark said desperate, scared that Sean would begin freaking out like he usually did over small things. But this wasn't small.

This was big, very big.

"Huh" Sean huffed, turning and walking to his bed, sitting down slowly, staring at the ground, still not processing well. "Sean I-"

"Was it worth it? Going out with a woman you broke it off with? Was it worth it?" Sean smiled to him. "Sean..."

"No, tell me! I wanna know! Was it worth it!? Was it fucking worth it?!" Sean rose his voice, slowly looking up at Mark. "Did you seriously not think this bullshit through!? Huh?! Mark! Have you no fucking heart!? Have you no respect and care for me!? Who is, or preferably, was with you!?" Sean began screaming, Mark watching him, ashamed.

"Don't you give a fuck about how I fucking feel?!" Sean stood, stomping towards the glass, slamming his palm against the glass. "Because, fuck Sean's feelings! Who cares what he thinks!?" Sean smiled sarcastically, throwing his hands up.

"News flash asshole! I have fucking feelings! Believe it or not!" Sean screeched, his hands held fists, his knuckles white. "Fuck you Mark! Just, Fuck, you!!" Sean screamed, flipping his desk, screaming in anger.

"Sean!" Mark yelled, walking to the wall. "Sean it's not like that!" Mark proclaimed and Sean giggled madly. "Then what's is it Fischbach?!"

"I love you! I love you Sean! I love you and only you!" Mark exclaimed and Sean stared at him, his expression blank. "You know, I wish I could believe you did, I really do, but I don't" Sean said softly, turning away from Mark, leaving his in tears.


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