His mouth dried of words as he assumed she was wondering what she really looked like, and not the reasoning behind his initial statement. In his second of wordlessness, against his better judgement did his eyes scan her face.

If he hadn't realized it before, Trystan was extremely attractive. Her swarthy skin had the most appealing contrast to her dark eyes, that, with a quick glance, could be confused with black. Her long lashes added a teasing look that her full smirk often fulfilled.

The lack of response had Trystan thinking she said something wrong, and she immediately wished to change the subject but found she didn't have anything to say.

Luckily for her, Bella was there to save them both from further awkwardness. She ran toward them both as fast as her short legs could take her.

"Shit!" Peter lifted his leg before the piglet could slam face-first into his shin. Bella zigzagged and headed toward the front door which Trystan swiftly closed.

"I'm gonna make you live outside the next time you try to get out." Trystan pointed a stern finger at the piglet, who nuzzled against Trystan's ankle as if to apologize for her disobedience.

"What the hell is that?" Peter asked, bewildered at the unusual pet.

"You've never seen a pig before?" Trystan cocked a brow as the piglet wandered off.

"Why do you have one as a pet?"

"Same reason someone would have a dog or cat."

"But it's a pig."

"That's harmless and is no better or worse than having a puppy," Trystan rationalized mockingly before snickering.

"If you say so."

Peter took off his leather jacket and handed it to Trystan who went to put it in the hallway closet. When she returned, he was sitting down in the loveseat, his guitar propped up against his legs as he teased the tuning pegs.

Trystan sat across from him on the rug. Cross-legged, she was perked up, anticipating. When Peter just stared at her, she waved him on. "Go on; do your thing!"

"You don't mind sitting on the floor?"

"I'm fine. Just start."

He gave her another strange look before shaking his head. This girl definitely has a mind of her own, he reasoned before beginning his lesson.

Peter assumed Trystan would have grown bored as he went through the naming all the parts of the instrument as he had with his father when he taught him as a teenager, but Trystan only sat quietly and listened, nodding when she understood and asking questions if she didn't. Not once did she interrupt or appear uninterested.

"Now, this is a G chord." Peter pressed three fingers against the neck of the guitar, showing her the proper placement of the appendages. He'd already gone through all the notes on the gizmo and was sure Trystan's head was spinning as she was surprised at how many there were.

"Are you gonna play it?" Trystan inquired with a tilt of her head. Peter had done so with every other note and was curious to hear what the chords sounded like.

"No. You can, though." Peter simpered as he gestured toward the guitar.

"Me?" Trystan jabbed a thumb at her chest. "I don't think so."

"How are you gonna learn to play if you don't actually . . . play?" His mocking tone did a good job in annoying Trystan, who gave him a look before propping herself up onto her knees.

"Just brush your fingers along the strings; like this." He demonstrated once and waited for her to follow the instruction. She tentatively reached out and strummed them. A medium tone spilled from the instrument and a smile lit up her face.

At No Time || Bruno MarsWhere stories live. Discover now