Chapter 48

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Stefan POV
"It's our last day!" I was woke up by Gracie jumping up and down on our bed. "Now get up!" She shouted again.
I roll over and looks at my phone. "Grace do you know what time it is?" I ask.
"No not really I just couldn't sleep so I got up." She stopped jumping.
"It's 5:30." I fell back on my pillow. "It is our last day here isn't it?"
She fell down next to me. "Yep, back to the crazy house tomorrow."
I looked over at her. "I forgot what it was like to have a quiet house."
"What do you mean quiet? I'm still here and let's face it I'm never quiet!" She laughed that ridiculously cute laugh she has.
"So true." What a week it had been. We had an amazing time, but now it was time to go face reality, in the house that never sleeps. Which its true now that more people live in that house some one is up at almost every hour of the night. But don't get me wrong I would rather have a full house of people I love then an empty one.
"I'm going to take a shower." She smirks. "Want to join?"
"As great as that sounds I'm going to go ahead and pack up."
"You loss." She laughs and rolls off the bed and runs off to the bathroom. I roll over and grab my journal. I continue writing from the other day.
I have a bad feeling about the spell thing. What if Rachel lied to Abby to get to Grace? My mind just keeps going in circles. I don't know what to do. I don't want Gracie to be hurt. I want her to be happy. I also don't want her to feel like she made the wrong choice by continuing her relationship with a vampire. Which there for she can't have a family. If it presses farther on then, Grace won't be able to stay at the house because the anger of not being able to have a family will be fueled by the happiness for Dean and Abby. I just hope all goes well.
I get up and carry my journal to my bag sitting on the dresser. I start piling things into my bag. Then I start on Gracie's bag.
I hear the bathroom door open I turn and face her. I take a pair of underwear and a bra out of her bag and toss it to her.
"Thanks babes." She smiles. I then give her a pair of track shorts and one of my t-shirts. "Thanks for packing for me."
"No problem." I walk over to her and kiss her forehead. "Are you ready to go home?"
"Super ready but not ready all at the same time." She laughs.
"Well then let's load up and go." I grab our bags and listen to her squeal all the way to the car. We throw our things in and drive back home.
Gracie and I grab our bags from the car and walk up to the front door. Home again. I listen with my vamp hearing listen to the sound of the twin's feet hitting the hard wood floor as they run towards the front door. Abby opens the door and they come running out. Charlie surprisingly ran over to me. She stretched her arms up wanting me to pick her up. I sat down my bag and picked her up. She gave me a hug. Then she placed her hands on each side of my face and we locked eyes.

Charlie's vision.
I taste the same iron taste. But this on seemed oddly familiar. It was all black but it lit up. Branson pulled his finger away. Then it happened again but it seemed a little different this time. Then it flashed forward and I was holding this little tiny baby in my arms. It's little hand was wrapped around my index finger.
End of Charlie's vision.
  I tried to shake myself out of what seemed like the trance she had on me, but nothing seemed to work. Until she let go of my face.
  "You good?" Gracie ask rubbing my shoulder.  "You uhh look a little ruff."
  "I think Charlie just gave me a vision."
  "Weird isn't it." She slightly smiled.
  "Really weird." I smiled back at her.
  We sat the kids down and grabbed our things and walked inside. Some girl I had never seen before was sitting on the couch, but before I could say anything Gracie spoke up. "Um not to sound rude or anything but who are you?"
  "Oh I'm Carter. Abby is letting me stay here until I get my own place I just moved her." She smiled at Gracie. "And you are?"
  "Gracie and this is my boy- I mean husband Stefan. I'm Dean's sister."
  "Oh how cool." She giggled. "Sorry this is kinda weird."
  " I agree." Gracie laughed along.
  Me and Grace carry our things up to our room and put them away.
  "I'm going back down you coming?" Gracie ask from the door.
  "No I'm going to write for a few minutes." I said sitting at my desk.
  "Okay." She blows me a kiss. I pretend like she shot me in the heart and make fake pain sounds. She laughs. "You dork." She continues to laugh on her back down the steps. I open my journal and continue to write.
Charlie. Charlie gave me a vision and kinda cleared things up for me. I knew something was up when she ran to me and not Grace. It was strange how real it felt. He vision let me know that the future would be okay. That me and Gracie would be happy. But she gave me a heads up that there would be a struggle, but me and Grace could get through it. She let me know that I could make Gracie happy. That I could her the future she wanted and still wants. -Stefan Salvatore.
  I close my journal and lay down my pen. I sit back and think about what I had just wrote. Afterwards I get up and walk down stairs to spend time with big happy family.

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