Chapter 25

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The whole house felt empty since Abby and Dean left. But since they are back it finally felt normal again. But it wasn't like they stayed long. They talked with Rachel and drove off into the sunset again. But hey they are happy together. Who could blame them.
I walked downstairs into the living room and grabbed my keys. Right as went to reach for the door Stefan and Damon walked in. "Woah." I said dodging the door that was coming towards me.
"Oh sorry." Stefan said and kissed my cheek. Damon walk on in and went to find Chubs. Stefan saw I had my keys. "Where are you going?" He asked.
"To meet a friend." I said trying to get around him.
"What friend?" He asked restricting me from getting out.
"No one you know." I tried to get around him but he moved in front of me again.
"Grace." He paused. "Who?"
I knew I couldn't lie to him. "Tyler."
"What the hell? I literally just went and kicked his ass because of you!"He said yelling.
"Stefan you don't have to yell!" I said yelling too.
"I don't have to yell Gracie?!" He chuckled. "We never fight."
"Well it looks like we are having our first one." I finally got around. I stood in the door way. He turned around to face me. "Stefan I love how you think that you can tell me what I can and can't do. That's real great. I lived for 16 years without anyone telling me what to do and look I'm still doing good."
"Obviously not too good if you are you putting yourself in a situation where you get killed. But I guess if it's Tyler its a normal thing for you two. He try's to kill you and then you forgive him. Then he kills you then all is good."
"That's not at all what is happening here!" I said still yelling.
"Really because that's exactly what it looks like!"
"I'm not arguing with you about it Stefan." I said lowering my voice.
  "Good. I honestly don't either." He turns and walks off. I close the door and walked out to my car. I get in and wipe my eyes from the tears I could feel forming in them.
  I pull into a parking spot at the town square across from the grill. Tyler was sitting on a bench. I lock the jeep and walk over to him.
  "Hey." He says. "Thanks for meeting me."
  "No problem." I sat down on the other end of the bench. "What do want to talk about?"
  "I apologize for my ridiculous behavior."
  "Yeah you were a real dick Ty." I sighed. "You killed me."
  "I know and I'm sure you will never trust me ever again." He pauses. "The truth is Grace I think you are really great. More then great more like fantastic. I did everything to get you. I even started hanging out with Gilbert to get to Sam to get to you. I tried everything and it pissed me off that you had nothing to do to me. So that's when the werewolf rage came out and I killed you."
  "Well I can't say that I forgive you. But Tyler we could have been friends."
  "But I didn't want to be friends. I want you to be mine." He interrupted me.
  "Tyler..." I drifted off as I tried to think of the right thing to say. "I can't say I will never trust you but hopefully one day we can be friends. But not today. I'm glad we had this talk."
  "Well thanks for letting me explain my self. I like the idea of maybe one day becoming friends and I completely understand that you may not be able to trust me right now. But maybe later."
  "Right I'll see you around Tyler." I stood back up and walked back to the jeep. I got one problem off my chest and now I was going back home to one. I'm sure Stefan was still pissed about the shoe fight thing and in all honesty I am too. I got in the jeep and started it. I back out of the parking spot and drove back towards the house.
  I pulled in and turned off the car. I walked up to the front door. I took a deep breath before I twisted the doorknob to open the door. I walked in and it was quite. I threw my keys down on the table and hung up my bag. I walked upstairs to Stefan's room. I peaked through the cracked door. He was laying on his back with his feet still on the floor.
  "Hey." I said pushing the door open. He didn't say anything I walked on into the room. I stood about a foot away from him now. "Are you ever going to talk to me again?" I asked.
  "Maybe." He said. I knew he was still touchy about the topic.
  "Look I shouldn't have flipped out about it." He still didn't say anything. "What else do you want me to say Stefan? I said I was sorry."
  "I want you to get as far away from here as you can." He said now sitting up.
  "No." I sighed. "Stefan why would you say that?" I asked.
  "I screwed it up." He looked over at me. "Imagine what would happen if we stayed together for any longer. It would just be screwed up."
  "You didn't screw up anything Stefan." I walked over and sat next to him on the bed. I grabbed his hand. "Look I still love you. All couples fight. Because the best thing about fights is when you make up." I laughed. He too laughed. "I love you." I lean my head over on his upper arm.
  "I love you too." I could almost feel him get rid of the worry that he had before. We sat there it seemed like forever.
  "Grace I need to tell you something."
  "What?" I lifted my head off his arm and turn towards him.
  "Rachel, she um found a spell for us."
  "What do you mean?" I asked.
  "She knows a spell that can let us have a future. We can have a family."
  At first I thought he was lying. But the. I could tell he wasn't. It was almost like butterflies in my stomach but more more like frog instead of butterflies. I wrapped my arms around him. He fell backwards. I laid on top of him and pulled him into a kiss.
  "But Stefan something is missing."
  "What?" He ask sounding curious.
  "Well it's a four letter word and it belongs on a certain finger." I giggle.
  "Don't worry about that. That's my department." He kissed me again.
  Today had been a long day. I had a fight with Stefan. I went and talked to Tyler and I didn't kill him or he didn't kill me. Dean and Abby are home. Stefan told me about this spell. So honestly it was just a normal day in Mystic Falls.

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