Chapter 17

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Flash forward
  "Stefan? Have you seen my boots?" I walked around the room looking under all the couches and tables.
  "Which ones? You only have a hundred pairs." He snickers.
  I was getting ready for the wedding shower Mrs Lockwood was throwing for Abby. It was an all girls party and every girl in Mystic Falls was sure to be there.
  "Never mind I found them." I sat down on the couch and slid them on. I was already running late thanks to Stefan. I grabbed my jacket I laid out earlier on the bed and put it on. I looked in the mirror one last time. I grabbed my bag and kiss Stefan on the cheek.
  "The cheek? That's it!" He teased. I stopped in the door way. I rolled my eyes. I turned back around gave him a kiss...on the lips this time. "Love you." He smiled.
  "Love you too!" I yelled as I ran down the steps.
  Chubs was standing at the front door waiting for me. "We are late! Let's go!" She sounded half way irritated.
  "I know! I know! I'm sorry." She grabbed the keys off the table and we walked out to the car.
  We pulled in at the Lockwoods it felt like on two wheels. Bunches of girls were standing outside. Slowly walking in. I saw Abby standing at the front door with Caroline and Mrs Lockwood. I jump out of the car and scramble my way up to the door. I pushed I know at least ten girls out of my way.
  "Abby please don't kill me. I'm so sorry!"
  "It's fine." She laughed. "Today has been a go with the flow kinda day. So you get away with it today."
  "Thanks you!" I gave her a hug. "Happy wedding-eve." I whispered. We both giggled.
  I walked in and sat my bag down. Already I would say ruffly thirty girls were there. A table of gifts sat in the room I was in. Petty girls who didn't even know Abby and Dean stood drinking drinks and laughing outside in the back yard. This was going to be a long day.
  I walked back outside with the rest of the girls. I stood next to Chubs. "All these people don't even know her."
  "I know. It's just that when Mrs Lockwood throws a party everyone and their cousin comes."
  I look out into the sea of people. Maybe the tenth person in line catches my eye. It was Rachel. "Lovely." I say.
  "What is it?" Chubs asked.
  "You see that girl in the horrible yellow dress?" She shakes her head. "Well that's Rachel she's a witch that went to college with Sam and let's just says she's not a fan of G." We both laugh.
  "But who couldn't love you?" She added.
  "I know right." I laugh.
  Finally all the girls are in the back yard. The only reason I'm here is for Abby. This is so not my style. I walk over to the table with the drinks on it. I pour me a cup of punch. I turn around and bump into someone and spill my punch all over her. I then realize who it was, Rachel.
  "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Rachel!" I grab some napkins.
  "No you aren't you just wanted to be a bitch sense I was the last time I  saw you."
  "No,no I really didn't know you were behind me." Rachel was being all dramatic and now everyone's attention was focused on us. "Look I said I was sorry..." I handed her the napkins.
  She started to dab her dress trying not to stain the dress even more then it already was. "Thanks." She balled up the napkin and threw it at me and hit me in the face with it.
  The anger boiled inside of me. I walked in the house. I locked myself in the bathroom. I turned on the sink and ran my hands under the water. I wiped my face. I was still angry. But the anger turned into hunger. I had to control it like Stefan had taught me. I took a deep breath. I heard a knock on the door.
  "Hey G it's me." It was Abby. I unlocked the door and opened it and she pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry."
  "It's fine. I had to step away or else I would have killed her." She pulls away.
  "Are you sure? Do I need to call Stefan?"
  "No let's go enjoy your party."
  We walked back outside. I couldn't help but laugh. All these people probably think I'm crazy. But I didn't care my best friend is getting married to my brother. How is awesome was that?
  We walk over and join Mrs Lockwood. "Abby I think you should go thank everyone for coming." She suggested.
  Abby walks up to the top of the steps on the back porch. All of her bridesmaids join her. "I would like thank you all for coming and for the awesome gifts which I will open later with Dean. He's big on opening gifts." We all snicker. "I would really like to thank Mrs Lockwood for throwing this party and I probably won't get to say it tomorrow so I'm going to say it now. I thank god everyday that Caroline Forbes planned this wedding or else it still wouldn't be planned and the wedding is tomorrow." Once again we all laugh. "Chubs I thank you for being my oldest and closest friend. Being with me through thick and thin." She pauses. "And Grace I would like to thank you for being my bestest friend and helping me through the stress of it all." She starts to laugh but I could tell she was trying to hold back the happy tears. "And thanks for letting me marry your brother."
  I smile. "You can have him. He's been annoying me for sixteen years now." Everyone laughs.
  "Just thanks again guys." Abby's says one last time.
  All us bridesmaids pull her into a group hug. She lets the happy tears go. Before I knew it we were all crying happy tears. Tomorrow it will be Mrs Dean Winchester. It won't be Abby Salvatore anymore.We all pull away. All of us wiping our own eyes.
  Everyone had left now. I was trying to find Abby to see if she needed a lift home. I walked out side and saw her sitting on the steps. She had a glass of bourbon.
  "Hey sis." I sit down beside her. "You ready?"
  "Yeah I actually am." She smiles. "I've been alive for over a hundred years and now I'm getting married."
  "Sounds like every other fairytale." I laugh. "The princess has fangs instead of a crown and the prince has a 67 Chevy Impala instead of a white horse." We laugh.
  She lays her head on my shoulder. I lean my head over on top of hers. "I meant what I said today. About you being the bestest friend a girl could have." She hands me her glass offering me a drink. I take a sip.
  "You know you aren't my best friend." I hand her the glass back. She sits back up and looks at me worried. "You aren't my best friend, you're my sister." She smiles and pulls me into a hug.

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