Chapter 37

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"Well I think your free to go home." The nurse says.
"Thank you!" I answer back. Dean and I begin to gather out stuff. Gracie and Stefan had left us car seats for the babies. I look down to Charlie, who was in my arms. I watch Dean carefully put Branson into his carrier. Then I hand him Charlie.
I slide out of bed and turn around to grab my phone and charger. Then I turn and Dean's right there. Smiling at me.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm so proud of us." He says grabbing my hands. He leans in a kisses me on the forehead.
"Let's go home dad." I say.
"Okay." He says smiling.
"Let me change and we'll leave." I say. I walk into the bathroom and see my clothes. I silently say a thank you to Gracie for thinking to bring me clothes to come home in. She left me sweatpants,a t shirt, basketball socks, and one pair of my Chacos.
After I'm done changing Dean and I walk out of the hospital with our new babies.

"Are you sure???" I ask praying they'll take the kids.
"Yeah! You and Dean need your rest." Gracie answers.
"Okay thank you!" I answer. Dean takes my hand and vamp speeds to our bedroom. We both plop down on the bed.
We lay on our bellies with our heads turned so we could see each other. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment. Then I open my eyes. I need a shower. Bad.
"Hey baby. I'm going to get in the shower." I say rubbing Dean's hair.
"Okay. I'm going to take a nap." He answers groggily. I kiss him on the head and walk into the bathroom.
I slide my clothes off and turn the shower on hot. I slide in and get my hair wet. I begin to think about what my future is going to hold. With the new little bitty blessings.
Dean and I could take them to the park or to get ice cream. I can't wait to see Dean's proud face when he sees his children happy. I can't wait to see Dean's love for our children.
I shut off the water when I'm done. I slide my clothes on and brush my hair. I don't even bother to blow dry it. I walk out and Dean is fast asleep. I slide into bed with him and cuddle up to him.
After hours of sleep I wake up to my phone buzzing. I didn't really feel like checking my phone. I look over to see Dean still sound asleep. I don't want to wake him so I walk outside to the hall where I run into my brother. Stefan smiles as soon as he sees me. He walks over and hugs me tight.
"I love you sis." Stefan says in my ear.
"I love you too Uncle Steffy." I laugh a little.
After letting me loose Stefan and I walk downstairs. I see Gracie and Caroline playing with my babies.
"Stefan!" I say getting an idea. "I have a cool idea. You wanna make dinner with me? We haven't done it in a while."
"Sure!" He says excitedly.
"Alright let's go." I say as he follows me into the kitchen.
"Spaghetti?" He suggests.
"Yesss! My favorite!" I say.
We both say in unison,"And Gracie's." We laugh.
As we prepare the meal for the family we just talk. So I bring up kids to Stefan.
"So, when are you and Gracie gonna have kids?" I ask.
"Soon. Very soon." He smiles.
"You deserve it. After all the heartache you've suffered, you deserve to have some happiness." I say while fixing the garlic bread.
"Grace is that happiness for sure." He says.
"I could tell as soon as y'all met." I add.
"Oh really?" Stefan smiles probably recalling the first time they met.
"Uh huh!" I answer. We continue to talk about both our futures. Then when the food was ready we called everyone into the kitchen. We all sat around the babies laughing and talking. Just having a great night even though we were all exhausted.

I decide to slip off and get some time alone. Gracie had taken possession of Charlie and Sam was holding Branson. Dean was talking to Damon so I figured it would be a good time to. So I stand up and walk out of the kitchen to the stairs. I walk up the stairs and take a left down the hall to the French doors that lead to a balcony.
I swing them open and I walk over to the couch. I sit down and look up at the stars and how beautifully they shined. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
My thoughts were interrupted by an all to familiar voice,"Your children are beautiful."
I turn as soon as I heard him. Klaus stands there in front of the doors. He begins to stride over to me.
"Thank you." I answer back. He decides to sit on the opposite side of the couch.
"Welcome love." He replies. "Well I've dearly missed you."
I sit in silence not knowing what to say. So he continues,"Well I will leave you alone from now on. That's what I came here to say to you."
"But?" I assume he has more to say.
"But, I also thought to say this... If you ever need anything at all don't hesitate to call me. I can get you anything." He says with a genuine caring tone. Klaus hands me a piece of paper. I look up to him and he nods as if to say,"Go ahead."
So I reach out and take it. I begin to unfold it and I look up. Klaus is gone.

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