Chapter 1

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Stefan POV
I walked around this house looking for what seemed like hours. By now the party had cleared out. Everybody was out looking for Gracie. No luck. Damon was out side looking and everyone else was looking inside. John had left before the party and headed back to the hotel. But everyone else was still here. Damon came walking down the steps.
"Hey did you find anything?"
"Umm..." He had a worrisome look one his face. "I need you to come with me"
"Why? What's wrong?" Thoughts of Grace being hurt or harmed crossed my mind. I couldn't bear the thought.
"Just come with me." I followed Damon up to my room he motioned towards my bed where I saw a lifeless body laying there. I avoid the thought of it being Grace but the closer I got I knew it was her. "I found her laying in the drive way."
"Who did this?"
"I have no idea." I could feel tears bubbling up in my eyes.
"What are we going to tell them?"
"We tell them the truth. We tell them we found her murdered in the driveway."
"Okay let's get this over with.." I wiped off the rolling tear from my face. I stood up and joined my brother. "Why Grace? She hadn't done anything. She's not a monster like us shes harmless."
"Not completely harmless Stefan. She's a hunter. I mean what if a vampire did this to her? Or some other supernatural being?"
"A vampire would have fed not snapped her neck and left her lifeless." I paused. I could feel the anger boiling in my blood. Who ever hurt her had to pay.
"Come one let's go tell them. We are going to have to tell them some time." As we turn to walk out the door I heard someone take a gasp of air. Me and Damon both turned to face Gracie. She was looking around trying to catch her breath.
"Hey." I ran over to her and pulled her in tight. "Shhhhh. It's okay. You are fine." I could hear her heart beat and it was out of control.
"My drink." She said still breathing hard.
Gracie's POV
"What are you talking about Grace?" He asked as he held me in a tight embrace.
"My drink. It had this awful taste. Almost an iron taste."
"Your drink was spiked with blood. Vampire blood."
"Oh my god! I'm a vampire." Fear began to take over. Normally I wouldn't be as afraid but now I feel like the fear was in control. I began to cry. Stefan let me go.
"You are going to be just fine. It's going to be hard but everything will be okay. I promise you." He cupped my face with his hands.
  "Now what do we tell them?" Damon asked.
  "Well we tell them we found her. Not dead. We tell them that she went out for some air and took a walk." Stefan said looking up at Damon who was standing at the end of the bed.
  "Okay I'll tell them go get her some blood."
  "You think it's safe for me to take her to get blood. I can't control my self let alone another vampire. You take her."
  "Fine come on blondie." He turned and and ran off the balcony. I looked over at Stefan he gave me I nod of approval. Before I left with Damon I took off my dress and put on some jeans and a baggy sweater. I kissed Stefan and walked out on the balcony. Damon was standing on the ground. Which looks like a long way down. "Just jump. You're like a cat now. You'll land on your feet." I climb up over the railing and dangle my feet over the edge. I push off. Sure enough I landed safely on my feet. "Come on we will take the car."
  We pulled in at the cemetery. "What are we doing here?"
  "The druggies hang out here. Easy bait." I open up the door and get out. I see the light of there lanterns off in the distance. "Go get one. I'll be right here if you need me." He jumped up in a tree above the car. I walk towards the light. The closer I get I keep thinking about the downsides of being a vampire. Like killing someone or being the "bad" vampire.
  Finally I reach the group. They were all laying around listening to some horrible music. All looking like they didn't know what world they were in. I saw my target. He was laying all by himself. I walked closer into the group to where they could see me. "Umm my car broke down can someone help me?"       
  The guy I saw stood up and said "Yeah sure I'll try to help." He walked over to me and was stumbling around. We walked back to Damon's car. "So what is wrong?" He began to pop the hood. I look up at Damon in the tree he mouthed to me to compel him. I turned the man around and placed my hand on his shoulder.
  "Don't move." I commanded.
  "I won't move." It worked.
  "You aren't going to scream or say anything." He stood there. Not moving or saying anything. I tilted my head to the side and moved to his neck. I could feel my fangs coming out of my gums. It hurt but so did the hunger. I bit into his neck. The iron taste of blood before tasted like garbage now it's taste like lobster and steak. I knew I had to stop. I pulled away. Damon jumped down from the tree.
  "Now heal him." I raised my wrist to my mouth and bit down. I placed my bleeding wrist up the guys mouth. He drank my blood. His neck begin to close back up. "Now tell him to forget about it all." I did what Damon told me. The man ran back off to the group not remembering what had just happened. We got in the car and went back to the Salvatore house.
  "Hey." I said as I I made my way back up to Stefan's room. He was pacing back-and-forth in front of his bed.
  "Did you feed?"
  "Yes. It all good now except for the fact that I'm a vampire." I said with a laugh.
  "I'm sorry it happened this way."
  "It's fine." I smiled. I loved that Stefan was always so caring. He put others before himself.
  A burning feeling came from my finger with my ring on it. "Ouch!" Stefan look to my hand where it was burning.
  "Vervain." I grabbed my ring and put it on his desk. "I completely forgot or else I would have told you."
  "It's okay." But thing was it wasn't okay or fine. I was a vampire now and I'm not used to not being able to not touch this or don't drink to much of that or you can't be in the sun or don't get a splinter or you will die. "Let's just go to bed." I flopped down in the middle of the bed. I hear Stefan chuckle. "What?"
  "You are just...perfect."
  "Stop!" I laugh.
  "But it true. You are everything about you is perfect." He walked over to me and flopped down beside me. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a blue ring. "Here to replace your old one." He smiled. "I got it made while you were gone."
  "How Bonnie is as at you because of the Elena thing."
  "Let's just says she owed me a favor." He kisses my cheek. "Now let's hit the hay."

   Middle of the night
I tossed and turned for what seemed like hour but had only been a few minutes. The thoughts of blood crossed my mind over and over again. I hated this. I mean great I'm a vampire it's just I'm struggling so much right now. Finally I sit up. I run my hand through my hair. The hunger was eating me alive. I look over at Stefan who is sound asleep. I throw back the covers and tip toe towards the door. "Grace." I hear Stefan say from behind me.
  "I can't. I need blood or food or just something." He sits up  and flips on the lamp.
  "Come here." He holds out his arms. I walk over to him. I fall in his arms and lay there like a baby. "I know it's hard. I've been there. Actually more then you think. You just have to try to think about something else."
  "Like what?" I smile.
  "Well I think about you." He pauses and shoots me a smirk. "And how you make me laugh and just you."
  I clear my head. Another thought besides blood and hunger crossed my mind. Stefan. Before it was just him holding me now it like his skin against mine is fireworks. "Why does it feel different?"
  "Why does what feel different?" He looked at me confused.
  "You touching me. I noticed it a little before when I kissed you. But I didn't put much thought in but now that's what I'm thinking about."
  "You five senses are heightened along with your emotions. It completely normal." He snickers. "Well as normal as vampire can get."
  "It's insane! So you felt this before with me? Like all the time?"
  "Yep. Every kiss, hug, hand hold it all felt like what you feel right now." I could finally feel my self letting go from the urges. The blood lust wasn't there. I felt semi normal as vampire gets. As Stefan continued to hold me close I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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