Chapter 3

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  I wake up on Stefan's side of the bed. I roll over to look for him. I didn't see him anywhere. I look at the clock it said 7:30. I jump up and scrambled for some clothes. Suddenly I hear the shower turn on. I don't pay it much attention until I had an idea. Instead of scrambling for clothes I forget about them. I walk in the bathroom. I slide open the glass door and step in. "Morning." He says with a smirk. "It's a little early for you isn't it?"
  "Something was missing from my bed." I laugh. He pulls me into a kiss.
  "Did you hear Damon come in last night?"
  "No what did he want?" I ask as I soaped up my hands to wash my hair.
  "Evidently, from what I got Abby tried to kill Dean." I stopped in my tracks. Anger boiled inside of me. But I knew Abby she wouldn't do anything to hurt Dean.
  "Is he okay? I asked.
  "Well she almost got him. But he's a little cut up from the fight." The entire time I was in shock. "He wanted me to help get Dean calmed down he was quite shaken up. Then I helped cleaned up the mess she made."
  "Where is she at?"
  "Damon vervained her and took her down stairs to the cell."
  "What do you think happened to her?" I say stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me. Stefan followed.
  "Well last night she said something about Klaus being here."
  "What can Klaus do her to make her go crazy. I mean yes he is the original hybrid." I say outing air quotes on original hybrid. "But I mean what can he do we cant?"
  "He's part of the original family."
  "Yes I got that Stefan." I say rolling my eyes.
  "Well they are strong then us. They can compel other vampires too."
  "Do you think Klaus compelled her to do this?"
  "What else would make her go crazy?"
  "True." I start to brush out all the tats and tangles in my hair. Stefan goes out and gets dressed. I soon follow.

   You could smell the wonderful aroma of pancakes and bacon from the kitchen as we walked down the steps. I walked through the kitchen door to see Damon behind the stove and Dean sitting a crossed form him. Dean turned to look at me. "Bubba!" I run to him. "Are you okay."
  "I'm fine Grace." He says pulling away from my "motherly" love I was giving him.
  "Are you sure? Because you don't look it."
  "Yes I'm sure!" He laughed.
  "Okay great." I walk over next to Damon. "Oooo bacon!" I take a piece of the crunchy bacon and take a bite. But it tasted like trash. I used to love bacon...before I was a vampire. I slowly chewed the bacon just trying to get it down.
  "Taste great doesn't it." Damon whispered.
  "Mmmm" I said nodding my head. I finally got it down. I look over at Dean who was looking at me a little weird. But it didn't stop him any. He dug in on the stack of pancakes he had on his plate.  I knew then he was okay. I mean yes he was hurt he loves Abby and you could tell it was killing him. It was like he knew she would get through it.
  "What made her do it?" Dean finally spoke up. "You don't just come into your room and try to kill your fiancé. That's not how it works. There has to be a reason."
  "Dean, things just happened." Stefan said trying to get his mind off of it.
  "Stefan I don't believe you." I could tell Dean was getting upset. Not like crying upset more like punch something upset.
  "Dean!" He looked over at me. "Eat your bacon and drop it." Dean eased up and continued to eat. I looked over at Stefan. He shook his head no as though he knew what I was thinking.
  After breakfast I needed food. Not human food but blood. We started walking towards the down stair door until we both heard the screaming coming from down there. It was coming fromAbby. Stefan was worried. He opened the door but before he could get it opened all the way Damon slammed it. "Damon. She's hurting. She's in pain."
  "She's fine. She's going through a blood lust. She will be fine. You know what it's like. Your veins rubbing together like sandpaper. Every bone aches and your skin crawls." Damon said. I shiver at the thought. It sounded  awful. But sadly one day it will happen to me. Some how some way. "Just ignore her." Stefan nodded his head and we walk on down to the basement.
  Stefan opened up the deep freezer. He grabbed a big of blood. I could feel the veins rise to the surface of my skin. My fangs busted through my gums. I reach for the bag but Stefan jerks it away and holds it out of my reach above his head.
  "Control it!" He commands. I take a deep breath. The fangs retract back in and the veins fade away. "Good." He handed me the bag. He shot me a smile as I sipped the blood from the bag.
  "What?" I asked as I giggled.
  "Nothi..." He trailed off as he heard Dean's voice. I lay the blood bag down and we run to the cell. Abby had Dean by his neck. I use my vamp speed for the first time. I push Dean back out of her reach. He continues to gasp for air as he tries to catch his breath. I turn to look at Abby. Once again my fangs flash and my vein pressed against the skin under my eyes. The anger of her hurting him made me do it. She lets out a scream of anger and frustration. Suddenly she gets ahold of herself.
"Gracie?" Abby covers my mouth.
       Dean stands up and says,"Grace?" He begins to cry. "Gracie? You're... You're a... vampire?"
         I turn to both of them. I know it's time I have to tell them what happened to me. "When I was gone I was dead. Tyler Lockwood put blood in my drink and then snapped my neck."
        "Grace... I'm so sorry." Dean says pulling me into a hug. We both pull away. Dean looks back over at the cell. Abby still in shock from it all. "Abby I still love you." He gives her one last look before he climbs the steps back up. My brother was hurting. He was hurting bad. I look over at Stefan who also was still trying to process it all and to be honest I was too. I joined Stefan. We climbed the steps both knowing something had to be done.

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