Chapter 14

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"Babe you ready?" I hear Dean from the other room.
"One second." I answer. I slide on my engagement ring and my daylight ring. A silver bracelet and black wrap bracelet. I look into the mirror and smile. I grab my phone and spin on my heels to walk out. I turn the corner and I see Dean in his usual attire. He gives me a smirk as he turns to see me.
"You look quite hot." He says as he stands and strides toward me.
"Thanks. You look hot too. As usual." I answer back. His hands slide around my waist. "Dean we don't have-"
I get cut off by a kiss. Butterflies hit my stomach. I kinda smile through the kiss. He smiles back and pulls away.
"Oh come on, we totally had time for that." He says with a wink. I roll my eyes as his hands interlock with mine. I walk out of my room and down the stairs to see Care and Sam in the living room.
"Hey guys." I say. Both of their heads jerk around to the sound of my voice.
"Oh hey Abbs." Caroline says with a smile. She stands up and she looks so pretty. As always. But I'm so jealous.
"So you ready to go guys?" Dean asks.
Sam stands up and says,"Yep."
"Alright then let's go have some fun." I say.
We all walk out together and hop into baby. Dean and I hop in the front. Sam and Care take the back. As Dean pulls out of the driveway I think about how much I hope this night goes well.

10 minutes later

"Oh come on. Someone pick a dang place to eat." Dean is clearly annoyed. "I'm freaking wasting gas."
"Dean. Just go to Olive Garden." Caroline says.
Dean looks around the car to see everyone's head nodding in agreement.
"Alright fine." Dean says. He turns right changing his course from a McDonald's to Olive Garden.
We pull into Olive Garden and hop out of baby. We all make it inside and enjoy a great dinner together. Laughing and having lots of fun.
But an unfamiliar voice says,"Sam? Is... Is that you?"
We all turn to see a girl who was my height. African American with dark hair and a really cute outfit.
Sam turns and his mouth drops open. "Rachel?" He says standing up.
"Oh my gosh hi!" She says moving in for a hug.
"How are you?" Sam asks pulling away quickly.
"I'm great! How have you been?" She asks.
"Great. Um this is my girlfriend Caroline. Then this is my brother Dean and his finance Abby." Sam says pointing to each of us.
"Oh cool! Congrats." She says to Dean and me.
Sam continues talking to us,"This is Rachel she's a friend from college. She's a... Witch."
"Well that's cool." Caroline says slightly snarky. I bet she's getting a little jelly.
"Well, I better go. I just thought I'd come by and say hey." She says. "It was nice meeting you all and Sam it was good to see you."
Everyone all kinda said something along the lines of you too and bye. Sam sits back down in the booth beside Caroline. We continue dinner laughing and having a great time together.

"And then," I laugh in the middle of the sentence. But I try to continue on,"and then- then he fell right on his face! In front of the whole crowd!" I say getting laughs from everyone.
"So you were there. In 1925?" Sam asked.
"Yep. It was a good decade." I say laughing. "Plenty of things happened."
"That's so cool." Caroline adds.
"Thanks." I smile at my friends, and well. Dean. I continue,"I've been to plenty of amazing concerts with Damon over the years."
"Now that's cool." Dean adds.
I laugh a little and say,"Yeah."
We had made it back from the double date and decided to watch some movies. But before we even got one picked we started talking some more. We just decided to have a sort of slumber party double date thing.
"Well anyone want some snacks?" I ask.
Dean perks up,"Snacks would be great."
"Okay. Sam wanna give me a hand?" I ask standing up.
"Uh yeah sure." He stands up with me. I suddenly feel super short. We both walk into the kitchen together.
I go to the pantry and start grabbing stuff for everyone. "What do you think about some Goldfish?" I ask Sam pulling it off a shelf and showing it to him.
"Uh yeah. Sure. Abby listen now that we're alone can we talk?" He asks.
"Yeah sure. What's wrong Sam?" I ask putting the goldfish down and taking a seat beside him at the table.
"Well, I really want to apologize... for being really judge mental of you at first. Just because you were a vampire I automatically assumed you were bad. And I'm sorry for it. I know you don't harm anyone for blood. I know you probably didn't really like me in the first place because of the way I acted but I feel really bad."
"Oh Sam." I pause. "It's okay. That's normal for you to feel that way. I mean it's how you were raised. And to be honest here, how could I not like you? You're a really great guy. I was hurt by the way you were before but it's in the past now." I smile at Sam. He smiles back.
"Thanks Abbs." He looks at me for a second. "Wait, can I call you Abbs?"
"Well only my friends can call me Abbs." I playfully wink at him. "I'm kidding. As long as I can call you Sammy or Moose." I say laughing.
"Alright deal." He says laughing.
Then we both turn our heads to Dean's voice coming over the sound of the movie they just put in,"Sammy! Abby! Hurry up the movie is starting!"
I turn back to Sam,"Well I guess we better get going."
"Yeah I guess so." Sam says as we both begin to gather up the snacks I picked out.
Sam and I sit the snacks and drinks down on the coffee table and then sat down with our date. I grabbed skittles and then Dean pipes up and says,"Who brought the pie?!?"
I smile,"That would be yours truly."
He picks it up and leans back and says,"This is why that ring is on your finger." I laugh.
He grabs a fork and digs in. We both snuggle up as we watch a Bourne movie.

The next morning

"Rise and shine Abbs." Dean says into my ear.
My eyes slowly open and I automatically begin to stretch out. "What- what time is it?"
"Well, it's before sunrise." He says. "Now come on." Dean grabs my hand and pulls me with him.
I groan out of sleepiness. But then I notice Dean is taking me up toward the stairs. I follow him like a lost puppy. I give a slight smile.
"Dean what are we doing?" I ask.
"Just wait a minute." He says. We make it up the stairs and Dean follows the hallway down to the balcony. I realize it's the place where Klaus had compelled me to kill Dean.
He opens up the doors and let's me walk through. Dean follows shortly behind me. I smile because I realize why he's brought me here. I sit down in the love seat and wait for Dean. When he sits down with me he puts his arm around me and smiles.
"I'm sure you've found out why I brought you here." He smiles.
I smile back,"Yeah to watch the sunrise." I wipe the sleep off my eyes.
"Yeah. I thought you'd like it." Dean says.
"I love it." I answer back. I snuggle up to Dean and lay my head on his chest. His arms slide around my back.
When the sun came all the way up we went back in. We walk in and I see Gracie coming out the door of Stefan's bedroom.
"Hey Grace." I say.
She turns and says,"Oh hey you two."
"Grace, can you come with me? I have something for you." I ask with a smile.
"Yeah sure!" She says excited.
All of us make it to the bedroom and Dean says,"Well I'll leave y'all to do your girl stuff. I'm gonna grab some breakfast."
"Okay! See you in a while." Grace says. Then Grace and I make our way into the bedroom. Then, Gracie sits on the bed. "Alright what's up?"
"Well, you know how I have the bridesmaids bracelets?" I ask.
"Yeah. Thanks for those! They were so pretty." She says.
"Well, since your the maid of honor I got you something extra." I turn around and walk to the desk in the corner of my room. I grab the teal present bag and take it to Gracie.
She pulls out silver tissue paper from the bag. And then she finds the smaller present first.
"What's this?" Gracie says. Her eyes glow with excitement. She flips the lid off and her eyes light up. G pulls out the ring I got her. It has an infinity sign and friends forever engraved on the inside.
"Awwww Abbs." She says to me.
"It's not over yet." I answer. She traces back in and pulls out the necklace I bought. It's black and silver infinity sign.
"Awwwww Abby. Thank you so so so much!" She says reaching for a hug.
"Now I expect you to wear those in the wedding!" I say.
"You know I will!" She says pulling away. She puts all the jewelry on and we walk downstairs for breakfast.

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