Chapter 19

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  I joined arms again with Sam and we walk back up the isle. Caroline and Stefan joined along with Chubs and Matt. The ceremony part was over. It was perfect. Now I could officially say Abby was a Winchester.
We walk up to one of the round tables that were placed at random in the yard. Abby and Dean went inside to have there first moments as a married couple. Caroline came up to me. "Can you believe this?" She asked.
"Not at all." We hugged.
"I need a drink." She walked off to go find a drink at the bar that was also set up in the yard.
All the guest finally started to join the party. I saw many similar faces in the sea of people. Music started to play from the speakers hanging in the trees. We all stood around talking for hours.
The photographer came around and grabbed the groomsmen and us bridesmaids. We all took pictures out by the pond with the sun setting in the background. All the Salvatores took a family photo and then us Winchesters. The the whole wedding party took a picture.
"We have to take a selfie." Caroline squealed. She walked over to Sam and grabbed her phone out of his jacket pocket. She walked back over to us and we all lean in so all us girls were on the screen of the phone. "Smile!" Caroline said all peachy and bubbly as usual.
"We should take a funny one!" Abby said. We all lean back in. Abby was crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue. Chubs was had her finger on her nose to make it look like a pig nose. Caroline made a kissy face. I put bunny ears on Chubs and Abby and I laughed so my face was me mid laugh.
"Awwwww it so cute!" Caroline said.
Finally we finished with the pictures and walked back up the house. It was dark now and the string lights were lit up adding the perfect amount of light on the yard. The DJ that Abby had to have, spoke into the microphone. "Let's have the new married couple up on the dance floor for their first dance."
Dean and Abby went hand in hand up on the dance floor. They both had the biggest smile on their faces. Dean picked Abby up and spun her around. The both laughed and he kissed her. Then the slow music stopped and started to play the party music. Everyone went out on the dance floor. Abby looked like she was having the time of her life.
I went out and joined her. "Heyy!" I said starting to dance.
"Oh my gosh hey!" She said still jumping around dancing. "I feel like I haven't got to talk to you all day."
"Same here I don't even think I've said one word to someone other then Caroline or Sam." We both chuckled.
We danced around for like ten songs. Having the time of our lives. It made me go back to the night of my birthday. Me, Caroline and Abby danced for what seemed like forever that night. Now we all had the same happy faces we did that night that we have right now.
"Now let's play another slow song for the love birds. Everyone is welcome to join in on this one." The DJ said.
Dean came out and said, "Mind if I still her girls?"
"Well I guess." I teased.
"Thanks trouble." He laughed.
I looked out into the crowd of people looking for Stefan. I spotted him talking to that witch chick, Rachel. I walk over to them.
"Hey." I kiss him on the cheek.
"Hey." He gives me a smile.
"Let's go dance." I suggested. He grabbed my hand and led me out on the dance floor. He spun me around and pulled me in quick. I loved it when he would do that.
"Why are you and witch bitch over there all buddy buddy?" I asked.
"Why is someone jealous?" He teased. "I was just wanted to know a few witchy woo things and she was helping me out. Actually me Dean and Sam all had a few things to ask her about."
"I'm not jealous Stefan." I smirk. "I was just wondering."
"You look great tonight by the way." He smiled
"Oh please and you don't? You are all suit and tie." I laugh. "It's true though. You look good too."
"Marry me?" He smirked. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
"No." I teased. "Maybe tomorrow." We both laughed. The thought of marrying Stefan was a fairytale ever since the day I met him. Now it really could happen.
I look over and see how happy my brother was. A smile crossed my face.
"What?" Stefan asked. Me and Stefan were now loading up on the candy that was at the candy table.
"Dean." I pause. "I've never really seen him look so happy. Even when he's eating pie and watching porn." We both laughed.
"I know I haven't really been there for Abby. I even thought she was dead but, since I seen her last back in the 1800's yeah it's probably the happiest I've seen her since mom died."
Me and Stefan went and found Sam it was time we had to the best man and maid of honor speech. It was going to be hard. It would be hard to list all the ways I love Abby and Dean into one speech. But some how it all came to me.
Everyone was sitting down now after the DJ announced for everyone to grab a seat. Me and Sam stood up on the third step and Sam went first.
"Dean, where do I begin?" He pauses and acted like he was thinking. "How about the time you and me argued over that stupid toy car. You really wouldn't think that's a big deal, but it was. Back then we were little and there wasn't a care in the world. But dad brought us back from his trip a little hot wheels cars. Dean and me argued over which one was his and which was mine." He laughed. "Then we got older and then we argued which girl was yours and which was mine." Every one in the crowd laughed. "Then one day we stopped arguing. Then you met Abby. I thought why her. Her and I had problems at first then we got over it. I realized why it was her, she was Dean's match. Perfect match actually. I love you both so very much and wish you the best future." Every one claps. I look out and see Dean and Abby sitting at their table both smiling ear to ear.
I step up to the mic. "Well. I believe was four at the time and dad was gone on a trip. I couldn't sleep so I made you tell me a bedtime story. You had no idea what to tell a four year old girl. So you went with. You told me about this princess and she had these goofy older brothers. But one day the princess would leave the kingdom with her prince and the brothers would be really sad. But your bedtime story had a piece or two missing. The oldest brother met his princess and they got married. But the princess he married was best friends with his sister. So the brother couldn't leave the kingdom, he couldn't break those two a part. But here in like 15 minutes the brother and his princess will get in his car and drive away. But they will return back to the kingdom and settle down in the castle. They will live happily ever after." I step back from the mic. Everyone claps again.
We all like the side walk with bubble bottles. The front doors of the house fly open and Dean and Abby come running out. We blow the bubbles as they walk out to the car. Dean opens the door for Abby and she gets in they both were yelling bye when they got in the car. Dean starts up baby and turns up the traditional wide open. I stand with Stefan as the two drive off to their honey moon.

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