Chapter 18

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I wake up to noise of my alarm clock going off. I roll over and grab my phone and silence the alarm. There's a text from Gracie that says,"Hey soon to be Mrs.Winchester! Don't forget to meet up with all the bridesmaids at 12 to get our hair done in an extra room at the Lockwood's. Love ya bunches."
"Will do sis! Love you too." I answer back. I put my phone down on the pillow then I roll over onto my back. I stare at the ceiling and just think. IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY. A wave of excitement rushes over me. So I hop out of bed and grab my speaker and hop in the shower.
When I'm in the shower I begin to think about Dean. I give a slight smile when I think about how I made Dean sleep at Matt's place cause it's bad luck to see your bride on your wedding day.
As I rinse my hair I think back to all the things Dean and I had done together. I think of the time I saw him at the bar in the grill. I think about the party where I went with Dean. I think back to the falls and how magical that was. I think about all the amazing things we've done. Then the thought of when I was wishing I could have a second life where Dean and I could be happy. With no vampires or werewolves or hybrids. With kids... Or even grandkids. I could be at home watching the kids while he goes off to work. Take the kids to the park and watch them play without having to worry about Klaus coming after us. But it's okay now. We'll be together forever. It's another life I thought I'd never have.


"Does everything get heightened?" Dean asks.
"Yes. Feelings. Emotions. Strength. Speed. Everything. But Dean, you have to control all of it." I answer back.
Dean has been a vampire for about two and a half days. He's had plenty of questions. But I decided for us to go out and for him to test his abilities. So we ended up in the woods.
"Yeah. I'll try. I promise." He pauses and then adds,"It feels so different. Like when I think of you my heart races. Or if I get angry with someone it feels like I literally may boil over."
I answer back,"Dean that's typical when you first become a vampire. It's just natural. Well... As natural as being a supernatural being can be." I pause and continue,"You'll get used to it. Now, try your vamp speed."
I turn and vamp speed about 30 feet away. I yell,"Okay. Come to me. You've got this."
"Alright!" He yells back. I watch him stride forward. Dean's a pretty quick learner so he makes it to me in no time.
Dean stops inches from my face,"You know, this feels even better too. I didn't even know it was possible." He leans in for a kiss. Our lips crash into each other making it hard to breathe.


I finish my shower and I dry off. Only after singing and dancing to T-Shirt by Thomas Rhett in the mirror. After rocking out I go into my room and sat my speaker down on my nightstand. I walk to my closet and grab a flannel and jean cut offs. After putting my clothes on I go back to the bathroom and blow dry my hair. I throw it up in a messy bun and on the way out I grab my white converse. Then I make my way to the Lockwood estate.

15 minutes later

"Heyyyyyy girls!!!!" I say busting into the room.
All my bridesmaids turn to see me and smiles immediately light up their faces.
"Abby!!!" They all basically said. Then ran to me and gave me a group hug.
After everyone pulls away Care says,"So the hair dressers and make up people will be here any minute!"
"Okay! Awesome!" I answer.
After everyone got their hair and makeup done we all put on our dresses. I must say we all look beautiful. Even though we did have to force Gracie to put on more makeup than normal.
Before I knew it the photographer was there to take the bridesmaids photos. We all went out on past the wedding stuff and went to a little pond. All of us took the cutest pictures.
After pictures were over with we went inside and just hung out listening to music.
When 5 rolled around the nerves kicked in. My hands started to shake. What if I fall going down the stairs? I totally would do that.
As the minutes ticked by the more nervous I got. But when it was time all the girls got with the guy they walked with. And I was last. To walk by myself. All the people were settled in. Then Ihear the music kick in. Then i watch Gracie and Sam go first out the door. As everyone filled out I got more and more nervous.
Finally it was my turn. I could hear my mother's voice in the back of my head saying,"You've got this. It's your big day." I take a deep breath then I look to the guys ready to pull the doors open. I give them a nod and the door rushes open. I walk out across the patio and I see the stairs. I pause and look down to see Damon waiting to give me away. He was the only "father" I had since ours passed. He was always there for me. So I thought it would be fitting for him to give me away to Dean.
The music changes when the DJ sees me. Everyone stands to their feet. They all turn and look at me. I look back. I see familiar faces and some aren't. But I look down and take a deep breath. I take the first step down and after that I don't remember much of what I did to until I grabbed Damon's arm.
"Hey sis." He mumbles.
"Hey brother." I answer back.
He leans over closer to my ear and says,"You look wonderful. Dean is one lucky guy."
"Aw Damon. I love you."
He smiles at me and says,"I love you too little sis."
Then we walk down and I look up to see Dean Winchester. My really soon to be husband. He's smiling from ear to ear. Naturally so do I after that. Damon and I reach the front row and I kiss him on the cheek.
He whispers,"Go get him sis." I nod at him then i turn to see Dean. He holds his hand out for me to grab. I notice my hands a little shaky. But I take a deep breath and it makes it better.
Then the preacher begins the ceremony. I honestly zone out for most of it. Knowing that everyone was staring at me made me nervous and I really couldn't focus. But I look back up from our hands and I look at Dean.
He winks at me and mouths,"You look beautiful."
I smile and mouth back,"Thanks. You too." I add a wink on the end.
But after saying our vows and repeating all that stuff. I finally get to say what I've wanted since I met Dean Winchester...
"I do."

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